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Copyright 2013 By Ndzavi Derrick Hlungwani

Every business is standing on the foundation that the founder has set and once the foundation is in
place what remains is the wall and the roof, it is in the roof where slates come in but due to exposure
to the sun and the weather slates tend to shift and needs repair now and then. Contained in this book
are various advices called slates which are meant to do a renovation to your business for it to stand the
harsh business weather. It contains the basics on day to day running of the business. It is
recommended for starters and seasoned entrepreneurs who will need a quick reference and guide
relating to challenges they may face in their enterprises. Most of these slates are taken from New
Discovery Website Instead of missing some slates, take ownership of this
book as you will be able to make reference always without going online .

Ndzavi Derrick Hlungwani

Accredited Business Adviser/Mentor (IBASA)
New Discovery Business Solutions CEO
Twitter: @ndzavid

Slate 1

Dump new year resolutions, stick to daily routine

Slate 2

Quit your job at own risk

Slate 3

Balancing Business And Friends

Slate 4

Stand on the roof of your business for better view

Slate 5

How to save your money on web connections


Slate 6

The partnership worth walking away from


Slate 7

Dangers of first hand opinion in business


Slate 8

Dont waste your time in marketing gimmicks


Slate 9

Be Surrounded by relevant people to be relevant


Slate 10

Establish your business embassies


Slate 11

Harness your Ideas


Slate 12

Advertising, Selling The Best Way


Slate 13

Things to avoid in order to keep highway open to your clients


Slate 14

To Grow your business, it all starts with everyday work


Slate 15

Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar


Dump new year resolutions, stick to daily routine

Beginning of the year is the time where diaries and notebooks are prepared to have their first inscription in bold
NEW YEAR RESOLUTION. Come year end few or none of these resolutions are accomplished yet there will be no
note at the bottom saying ABORTED RESOLUTIONS or CARRY OVER TO NEW YEAR, instead people take all
the pains to sit down and think of what the New Year resolution will be. Most businesses suffer due to lack of vision
and leadership from the founders, often founders are delighted in seeing money coming in and give little or no
attention to the processes and streams that bring the money in. They only wake up from the disillusionment the
moment the cash stops flowingORDER THE BOOK NOW FOR MORE ON THIS!!!

Quit your job at own risk

Starting and running business while employed is not an easy thing to do, however that could be a best way to get
started as you will still have seed funding for your business. This kind of arrangement can be made if the kind of
business you are starting can not meet your monthly financial obligations. Before quitting the job to focus on
business full time the following should be taken in to consideration: ORDER THE BOOK NOW FOR MORE

Balancing business and friends

Society has come to accept that being in business is about making money and nothing else.

Whenever someone is
introduced as a business person, it does not matter how big or small your business is, automatically society places
you in the class of money hunters. This lead to some wanting to get too close to you for personal gains of course
whereas there are those who distance themselves from you as an indication that they are not in your life for what you
have. It is up to you as a business person to bring the balance between your business and your friends ORDER

Stand on the roof of your business for better view

Having an office in a skyscraper building facing the sea can bring tranquil and peace to the business owner with
feet on the table holding phone. But after such a tranquil moment do you understand what has just happened
around you, on the floor, on the ceiling corner and the walls of the building? Do you wait for the employees to give
you daily report of what happened or you step out of that office and find out yourself? Would you mop the floor if
the cleaner did not show up? Do you have a spare work suit that you can put on just in case when extra hands are

How to save your money on web connections

We are living in a New Age era where technology has become part of our being that life has become so easy and
information is in our fingertips. Gone are those days where we would walk around with huge files and dictionaries
in university corridors, with tablets we have all the resources we need. One has to login to read the latest news
without waiting for the printed pages delivered at door steps with bottle of milk. There is a cost involved though
that should be taken into account when accessing this information and someone is smiling making money from the
new age jibe. One download can wipe the airtime or the data bundles and leaves one wondering where the credit has
disappeared to. Here are ways to save money from web connection... ORDER THE BOOK NOW FOR MORE


The partnership worth walking away from

The word Partnership sounds very professional and exciting but to those who have been given raw deal the word
runs directly to their spine and leave their mouth bitter. There are things that happen in a Partnership that can
signal that it is not going to work, such things can be behavior of the partner or the attitude towards the entire deal.
Good as it may, any partnership has challenges which if well managed can sustain it longer, however there come a
time when one feels Enough is Enough. With the following signs one can already know that the partnership will


Dangers of first hand opinion in business

Before venturing to the new territory in business the following should be taken into consideration:



Dont waste your time in marketing gimmicks

Have you ever received a call saying that you have been selected for a prize and all you have to do is attending a
presentation to collect the prize and when you get there you are treated as if no one called you as you have to go
through a registration process? Well if that has not happened to you yet as long you have contact number just
expect that call. There is nothing wrong with marketing but the way it is done can make you a Slaughter of the
Innocent if you are wise. How do you tell that is all gimmicks:ORDER THE BOOK NOW FOR MORE ON


Be Surrounded by relevant people to be relevant

Izandla ziya gezana,

Ellos se ayudan, Ku pfuxiwa leyi tipfuxaka, nous aidons les uns les autresthe list may go on
and on of words in different languages that may define a need for another person to fulfill ones vision and goal.
Whatever business idea or plan you have someone has already put it to test or tried and failed in it. And there are
those who gave it a try and made millions out of that idea. Instead of reinventing the wheel and go through trial
and error in trying to achieve your goal and implement the strategy, find the relevant people who will be relevant to
the idea you have and associate with them. You can look out for them through the following:ORDER THE



Establish your business embassies

Every country has an embassy outside its own territory, however those embassies are in the countries that are in
good relationship with such a country. And often a country deploys either a former minister or government
employee to run the international office. There could be reason for that as since this person is retired might take up
a job for the pride of the country than career ambitions. Your business also needs Embassies in different spheres of
operations and customer bases for you to draw more sales. And there are no better people to deploy than your
clients who have received best service from you. Get the best out of your clients by getting them to talk about your
business without paying them by following these principles:ORDER THE BOOK NOW FOR MORE ON



Harness your ideas

It is very exciting to wake up in the morning and have this business idea lingering in your mind.

You grab a pen

and start writing as you feel that by the time you open the laptop or tablet the idea will have evaporated. Your
mind runs faster than your hand and you feel like calling your friends and share the idea. All that your mind
processes are the positive prospects that will make the idea a success and you even have a clear picture of the
results the idea will bring and part of that is a mansion. But hang on, there is a long way to go before you move in
to that mansion, the following should be part of that long walk to the beautiful mansion:ORDER THE BOOK



Advertising, selling the best way

Advertising has been there for ages, what changes throughout the ages is the methodology that is used to advertise
and in its evolution it tends to follow where the masses are. Before everybody could afford a car most advertising
were based in market areas. And there came and era where most people are on the road and billboards came to
place. No one would have imagined back then that one day an American could advertise a business to an African
while miles away and there could be transaction taking place without having met or spoken to each other. Only a
shrewd entrepreneur will look at innovative and creative ways that will help bring sales to the business. In order to
sell the best way,ORDER THE BOOK NOW FOR MORE ON THIS!!!



Things to avoid in order to keep highway open to your clients

Running own business take a lot of discipline and efforts.

Every business is like a child that waits on mommy to

breastfeed, the moment mommy fails to continuously breastfeed the child that child will be exposed to different
kind of diseases. The health of that child is depended upon the mother and more often mommy does not require
thermostat to measure the childs temperature level, by just looking at the child she can tell instantly that the child
is sick. How often do we apply forethought in our daily operation of our businesses? Our consistence and
inconsistency thereof will determine how far our business will grow and how many clients we will attract to our
businesses. For highway to be always open avoid:ORDER THE BOOK NOW FOR MORE ON THIS!!!



To grow your business, it all starts with everyday work

Facebook was founded by Zuckerberg, in 2004, in his Harvard dormitory room. Zuckerberg says on his Facebook
wall: I am committed to working every day to make Facebook better for you, and hopefully together one day we will
be able to connect the rest of the world too. How many entrepreneurs can say the same once they see millions in
their bank account? Many spend more time playing golf and partying leaving the running of the company in the
hands of so called trusted employees. One must understand that as entrepreneur you are the source of ideas for the
business to move forward and you have to stay focused to steer the ship and take the company to new heights.
Working everyday means:ORDER THE BOOK NOW FOR MORE ON THIS!!!



Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar

Lerato stole the cookie from the cookie jar. Who? Me? Yes you. Couldnt be. Then who stole the cookie from the
cookie jar? Nkateko stole the cookie from the cookie jar. Who? Me? Yes you. Couldnt be. Then who stole the cookie
from the cookie jar? Derrick stole the cookie from the cookie jar. Who? Me? Yes you. Couldnt be. It does not
matter how long the game can be played what remains is that someone stole the cookie from the cookie jar and as
long no one take responsibility it can be played the whole day. While playing this game in the car with Lerato and
Nkateko it just reminded me how easy it can be to pass the bug. Everyone is looking for someone to blame and no
one takes responsibility. This is what is happening today in business, even the business owner runs away from
accountability. For things to go well in a business everybody must be willing to:ORDER THE BOOK NOW


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