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vis-a -vis

Dr.Neelima G
Assistant Professor
Dept. Of Home Sceince


individual has his own

characteristic way of behaving,
responding to emotions, perceiving
things and looking at the world. No two
individuals are similar.
What an individual sees in his childhood
days and most importantly his/her
growing days form his personality.
Personality is nothing but the
aggregate conglomeration of memories
and incidents in an individuals entire
life span

How we behave in our day to day

lives reflects our personality

also influences
what we think,
our beliefs,
values and

Personality is defined as the

personal qualities and
characteristics of an individual.
Personality is how we react with
Personality is the sum of
characteristics of an individual
which makes him different from
the others.

Determinants of Personality


Personality Development

Personality Development
helps an individual to gain
confidence and high self

Importance of Personality
Personality development grooms an individual

and helps him make a mark of his/her own.

goes a long way in reducing stress and conflicts.
helps you develop a positive attitude in life
helps an individual to inculcate positive qualities
like punctuality, flexible attitude, willingness to
learn, friendly nature, eagerness to help others
and so on

Personality Development Tips


a lot
Think positive
Dress Sensibly
Be soft-spoken
Leave your ego behind
Avoid Backbiting
Help others
A Patient listener

Dressing and Personality Development

It is rightly said that a man is

known by his dress and address.

An individuals dressing sense

speaks volumes of her
character and personality.

What Your Clothes

Might Be Saying
About You??

We make snap judgments

about people from the
clothes they wear. On
what basis?

What is the Relationship Between

Clothes and Personality?
Have you ever wondered why
and how clothes and personality
are linked? Whats the
connection between the two?

Clothes conveys meaning

Clothing is a language..........

The language of clothing is


Clothing has emotional


Clothing is a visual reminder of

our memories


everyone is an expert on
style, certainly. We all know what
we like, and our personalities will
permeate our individual choices.


are just a few examples of

some styles of dress that are
popular today and the kinds of
information they can convey
about those who wear them.

Clothes and personality interpretation


Conventional Dresser :dresses for

her or his environment rather than from
a sense of personal style.
wears a simple, traditionally styled suit
/dress, conservative tie and sensible
tend to be conventional people drab
and sometimes boring, and lacking in
confidence, they tend to be introverts
who like to blend in with the crowd.

The Sloppy Dresser :


look as if they slept in

the clothes they are wearing.
Their wrinkled, soiled, mismatched
outfits, are usually topped off by
unwashed, uncombed hair,
unshaven faces and on women
heavy, sloppily applied makeup.
tend to view themselves as freethinkers who reject conventional
the look also screams of a poor
self-image, immaturity, lack of
motivation, and an I dont give a
damn attitude.

The Casual Chic Dresser


first easily confused for a

conventional sort
Casual chic personality is someone
who tends to dress appropriately for
every occasion and always looks
stylish and well-put together.
a chic dresser adds small but
important personal touches to his or
her wardrobe an elegant piece of
jewelry, a silk scarf or designer tie
that speak volumes about his desire
to fit in without disappearing into the
The Casual Chic person is confident,
successful, and perceived as
attractive by others.

The Designer Dresser


from his
undergarments to his overcoat
must sport an easily
recognized label from a wellknown clothing designer.
her hair is done only by the
most expensive, high-end salon
While this style usually gives
one an air of affluence and
success, it is all too often also a
sign of a person who is
insecure, uncertain about his
personal identity, shallow and
overly materialistic.

The Goth Dresser


mostly by teens and

twenty-somethings, the look
is characterized by black
clothing, dark makeup and
jewelry that looks more
threatening than fun or inviting.
often have a number of body
piercings and tattoos which
they display by wearing as little
clothing as possible.
their personalities tend to be
angry, immature, thrill-seeking,
hostile towards authority and

The Athletic Dresser


people who dress in athletic

attire like running suits, sweats
and so-called work-out wear in
public are not athletes, but simply
people who want to be perceived
as such.
wear them in order to identify
themselves with a sub-culture that
they find appealing but which they
cannot join due to physical
constraints or a simple lack of
time or motivation.
These people tend to be
sedentary, insecure and envious of
those with the ambition and drive
to achieve athleticism in the real


descriptions of clothes and

personality are stereotypical
representations of many different
types of dressers.
most of us wear a mixture of one
or more of these style types on a
regular basis and our
personalities are a mix of those
described as well.

How to Use Clothing to Your Advantage


key to using clothing to your

advantage is to dress so you feel
ready to take on the world.
In fact, experts have found that
dressing in this way has a real
impact on your mood and your

So what can you do to dress in a way that's beneficial for you, your outlook and your attitude
toward the world? Check out these 10 simple tips.


clothing that's flattering for your figure.

Remember that clothing doesn't need to be expensive to look
Dress suitably for the occasion (business attire for work is a
Don't be afraid to show your personality by using color,
unique clothing cuts or accessories.
Do step outside of your fashion comfort zone sometimes.
Have fun with your clothing. Don't take it too seriously.
Only wear clothing that makes you feel good.
Get rid of clothes that you associate negative things with .
Do get "dressed" daily.
Try putting on something special even when it's not a
"special" day, and take notice of the change in your attitude.

Thank you

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