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r r Gurv-aaka PG-1
by rla Vivantha Cakravart hkura
"One who, with great care and attention, loudly recites this beautiful prayer
to the spiritual master during the brhma-muhrta obtains direct service to
Ka, the Lord of Vndvana, at the time of his death."
sasra-dvnala-lha-loka- trya kruya-
prptasya kalya-guravasya vande guro r-
The spiritual master is receiving benediction from the ocean of
mercy.Just as a cloud pours water on a forest fire to extinguish
it, so the spiritual master delivers the materially afflicted world
by extinguishing the blazing fire of material existence. I offer
my respectful obeisances lotus feet of such a spiritual master,
who is an ocean of auspicious qualities.
mahprabho krtana-ntya-gta- ditra-mdyan-
manaso rasena
romca-kampru-taraga-bhjo vande guro r-
r r Gurv-aaka PG-2
r-vigrahrdhana-nitya-nn- gra-tan-
yuktasya bhakt ca niyujato 'pi vande guro r-
The spiritual master is always engaged in the temple worship of
r r Rdh and Ka. He also engages his disciples in such
worship. They dress the Deities in beautiful clothes and
ornaments, clean Their temple, and perform other similar worship
of the Lord. I offer ..........
catur-vidha-r-bhagavat-prasda- svdv-anna-tptn
ktvaiva tpti bhajata sadaiva vande guro r-
The spiritual master is always offering Ka four kinds of
delicious food [analyzed as that which is licked, chewed, drunk,
and sucked]. When the spiritual master sees that the devotees are
satisfied by eating bhagavat-prasda, he is satisfied. I offer ......
r-rdhik-mdhavayor apra- mdhurya-ll
gua-rpa-nmnm 3
r r Gurv-aaka PG-2
nikuja-yno rati-keli-siddhyai y ylibhir yuktir
tatrti-dkyd ati-vallabhasya vande guro r-
The spiritual master is very dear, because he is expert in assisting
the gops, who at different times make different tasteful
arrangements for the perfection of Rdh and Ka's conjugal
loving affairs within the groves of Vndvana. I offer ........
skd-dharitvena samasta-strair uktas tath
bhvyata eva sadbhi
kintu prabhor ya priya eva tasya vande guro r-
The spiritual master is to be honored as much as the Supreme
Lord, because he is the most confidential servitor of the Lord. This
is acknowledged in all evealed scriptures and followed by all
authorities. Therefore I offer respectful obeisances unto
the lotus feet of such a spiritual master, who is a bona fide
representative of r Hari [Ka].
yasya prasdd bhagavat-prasdo yasyprasdn 4
r Tulas-krtana page 1
namo nama tulas ka-preyasi namo nama
rdh-ka-sev pbo ei abil
O Tulas, beloved of Ka, I bow before you again and
again. My desire
is to obtain the service of r r Rdh and Ka.
ye tomra araa loy, tara vch pra hoy
kp kori' koro tre vndvana-vsi
Whoever takes shelter of you has his wishes fulfilled.
Bestowing your
mercy on him, you make him a resident of Vndvana.
mora ei abhila, vilsa kuje dio vsa
nayana heribo sad yugala-rpa-ri
My desire is that you will also give me a residence in the
pleasure groves
of r Vndvana-dhma. Thus within my vision I will always
behold the
beautiful pastimes of Rdh and Ka. 5
ei nivedana dhara, sakhra anugata koro
r Tulas-krtana page 2
dna ka-dse koy, ei yena mora hoy
r-rdh-govinda-preme sad yena bhsi
This very fallen and lowly servant of Ka prays, "May I
always swim in the love of r r Rdh and Govinda."
vndyai tulas-devyai priyyai
keavasya ca
ka-bhakti-prade dev satya vatyai
namo nama
I offer my repeated obeisances unto Vnd, rmat
Tulas Dev, who is
very dear to Lord Keava. O goddess, you bestow
devotional service to
Ka and you possess the highest truth.
yni kni ca ppni brahma-hatydikni
tni tni praayanti pradakia pade
r Nsiha Prama
namas te narasihya prahldhlda-dyine
hirayakaipor vaka- il-aka-nakhlaye
I offer my obeisances to Lord Narasiha who gives joy to
Prahlda Mahrja and whose nails are like chisels on the
stonelike chest of the demon Hirayakaipu.
ito nsiha parato nsiho yato yato ymi tato
bahir nsiho hdaye nsiho nsiham di araa
Lord Nsiha is here and also there. Wherever I go Lord
Nsiha is there. He is in the heart and is outside as well. I
surrender to Lord Nsiha, the origin of all things and the
supreme refuge.
tava kara-kamala-vare nakham adbhuta-ga
keava dhta-narahari-rpa jaya jagada hare
O Keava! O Lord of the universe! O Lord Hari, who have
assumed the form of half-man, half-lion! All glories to You! Just
as one can easily crush a wasp between one's fingernails, so 7 in
r r ikaka PG 1
ceto-darpaa-mrjana bhava-mah-dvgni-nirvpaa
reya-kairava-candrik-vitaraa vidy-vadh-jvanam
nandmbudhi-vardhana prati-pada
sarvtma-snapana para vijayate r-ka-
Glory to the r-ka-sakrtana, which cleanses the heart of all
the dust accumulated for years and extinguishes the fire of
conditional life, of repeated birth and death. This sakrtana
movement is the prime benediction for humanity at large
because it spreads the rays of the benediction moon. It is the life
of all transcendental knowledge. It increases the ocean of
transcendental bliss, and it enables us to fully taste the nectar for
which we are always anxious.
nmnm akri bahudh nija-sarva-aktis
tatrrpit niyamita smarae na kla
etd tava kp bhagavan mampi
durdaivam dam ihjani nnurga
O my Lord, Your holy name alone can render all benediction to 8
living beings, and thus You have hundreds and millions of names,
r r ikaka PG 2
td api suncena
taror api sahiun
amnin mnadena
krtanya sad hari
One should chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state
of mind, thinking oneself lower than the straw in the street; one
should be more tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense of false
prestige, and should be ready to offer all respect to others. In
such a state of mind one can chant the holy name of the Lord
na dhana na jana na sundar
kavit v jagad-a kmaye
mama janmani janmanvare
bhavatd bhaktir ahaituk tvayi
O almighty Lord, I have no desire to accumulate wealth, nor do
I desire beautiful women, nor do I want any number of
followers. I only want Your causeless devotional service, birth
after birth.
r r ikaka PG 3
ayi nanda-tanuja kikara
patita m viame bhavmbudhau
kpay tava pda-pakaja-
sthita-dhl-sada vicintaya
O son of Mahrja Nanda [Ka], I am Your eternal servitor,
somehow or other I have fallen into the ocean of birth and
death. Please pick me up from this ocean of death and place
me as one of the atoms at Your lotus feet.
nayana galad-aru-dhray
vadana gadgada-ruddhay gir
pulakair nicita vapu kad
tava-nma-grahae bhaviyati
O my Lord, when will my eyes be decorated with tears of love
flowing constantly when I chant Your holy name? When will my
voice choke up, and when will the hairs of my body stand on
end at the recitation of Your name?

r r ikaka PG 4
yugyita nimeea
caku prvyitam
nyyita jagat sarva
govinda-virahea me
O Govinda! Feeling Your separation, I am considering a
moment to be like twelve years or more. Tears are flowing
from my eyes like torrents of rain, and I am feeling all
vacant in the world in Your absence.
liya v pda-rat pinau mm
adarann marma-hat karotu v
yath tath v vidadhtu lampao
mat-pra-nthas tu sa eva npara
I know no one but Ka as my Lord, and He shall remain
so even if He handles me roughly by His embrace or
makes me brokenhearted by not being present before me.
He is completely free to do anything and everything, for
He is always my worshipful Lord, unconditionally. 11
The Ten Offenses in Chanting the Holy Names
1. To blaspheme the devotees who have dedicated their lives to the
propagation of the holy names of the lord.
2. To consider the names of the demigods like lord Shiva or lord Bramha
to be equal to or independent of, the name of Lord Krishna.
3. To disobey the orders of the spiritual master.
4. To blasphame the Vedic literature or literature in pursuance of the
Vedic version.
5. To cosnider the glories of chanting Hare Krishna as imagination.
6. To give mundane interpretation of the holy name of the Lord.
7. To commit sinful activities on the strength of chanting the holy names
of the Lord.
8. To consider the chanting of Hare Krishna as one of the auspicious,
ritualistic activities which are offered in the Vedas as fruitive activities
9. To instruct a faithless person about the glories of the holy name.
10.To not have complete faith in the chanting of the holy names and to
maintain material attachments even after understanding so many
instructions on this matter. It is also offensive to be inattentive while
11.Anyone who claims to be a Vaishnava must carefully guard against
these ten offenses in order to quickly achieve the desired success,12
The Ten Offenses in Chanting the Holy Names
1. To blaspheme the devotees who have dedicated their
lives to the propagation of the holy names of the lord.

1. To consider the names of the demigods like lord Shiva

or lord Bramha to be equal to or independent of, the name
of Lord Krishna.

3. To disobey the orders of the spiritual master.

2. To blasphame the Vedic literature or literature in pursuance

of the Vedic version.

The Ten Offenses in Chanting the Holy Names
5. To cosnider the glories of chanting Hare Krishna as imagination.

6. To give mundane interpretation of the holy name of the Lord.

7. To commit sinful activities on the strength of chanting the holy names

of the Lord.

8. To consider the chanting of Hare Krishna as one of the auspicious,

ritualistic activities which are offered in the Vedas as fruitive activities

9. To instruct a faithless person about the glories of the holy name.

10. To not have complete faith in the chanting of the holy names and to
maintain material attachments even after understanding so many
instructions on this matter. It is also offensive to be inattentive while

11. Anyone who claims to be a Vaishnava must carefully guard against these
ten offenses in order to quickly achieve the desired success, Krishna

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