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Intracellular Compartments and


Alberts, Chapter 15
The basic set of organelles found in most animal cells
How is the unique protein composition
of organelles established?
organelles import
proteins by one of
three mechanisms
Sort and transport proteins into each organelle

sorting must be highly selective

energy dependent



Signal sequences are both necessary and sufficient
to direct proteins to the correct organelle
The outer nuclear
membrane is
continuous with the
The nuclear pore complex forms a gate through which
molecules enter or exit the nucleus
Proteins bound for the nucleus are actively transported
through nuclear pores
The energy supplied by GTP hydrolysis
drives nuclear transport
Mitochondria are surrounded by inner and outer
Proteins Unfold to Enter Mitochondria and Chloroplasts
The endoplasmic reticulum is the most extensive
membrane network in eucaryotic cells
A commom pool of ribosomes is used to synthesize both the proteins that
stay in the cytosol and those that are transported into membrane-enclosed
organelles, including the ER.
An ER signal sequence and an SRP direct a ribosome to
the ER membrane
A soluble protein crosses the ER membrane
and enters the lumen
A transmembrane protein is integrated into the
ER membrane
A double pass transmembrane protein uses an internal
start-transfer sequence to integrate into the ER membrane
Many proteins are glycosylated in the ER
Vesicular Transport

Vesicles bud from one membrane and fuse with another,

carrying membrane components and soluble proteins
between cellular compartments.
Vesicles bud from one membrane and fuse with
another, carrying membrane components and soluble
proteins between cell compartments
Vesicle Budding is Driven by the Assembly of a protein Coat

Clathrin-coated vesicles transport selected cargo molecules

Clathrin molecules form basketlike
cages that help shape membranes
into vesicles

Figure 15-19a Essential Cell Biology ( Garland Science 2014)

Rabs and SNAREs help direct transport
vesicles to their target membranes
Pairing of v-SNAREs and t-SNAREs forces two lipid bilayers
into close apposition

SNARE proteins play a central role in membrane fusion

Secretory Pathways

Exocytosis: the process that newly made proteins, lipids, and

carbohydrates are delivered from the ER, via the Golgi
apparatus, to the cell surface by transport vesicles that fuse
with the plasma membrane
Proteins Are further Modified and
Sorted in the Golgi Apparatus
Exit from ER is Controlled to Ensure Protein Quality
Endocytic Pathways

Phagocytosis: involves the ingestion of large particles,

such as microorganisms and cell debris, via large
vesicles called phagosome (generally >250nm in

Pinocytosis: involves the ingestion of fluid and

molecules via small vesicles (<150nm in diameter),

Receptor-mediated endocytosis: involves the ingestion

of fluid and molecules via small vesicles (<150nm in
diameter), regulated.
A white blood cell ingests a bacteria

A macrophage scavenges a pair of red blood cells

LDL enters cells via receptor-mediated
ReceptorMediated Endocytosis Provides a
Specific Route into Animal Cells
Lysosomes Are the Principle Sites of Intracellular Digestion
Chapter 15 Intracellular Compartments and Transport

1) Understand the basic structures of, and spatial relationships between membrane-bound compartments in the cell.

2) Know the protein targeting signals and how they function to direct proteins to:
Mitochondria and Chloroplasts
Endomembrane System
ER retention
External secretion

3) Know how proteins are glycosylated in the ER.

4) Know how membrane bound proteins become associated with membranes.

5) Know how vesicles recognize the right target membrane. Vsnare, Tsnare

6) Understand the process of endocytosis and how this is related to the process of secretion.

Problems: 15-2, 15-3, 15-4, 15-5, 15-8, 15-9, 15-12, 15-13, 15-14, 15-15, 15-16.
Lecture Outline

Import into nucleus

Nuclear localization signal, Nuclear pores

Import into mitochondria

Signal sequence, translocator, chaperones

Import into ER
Co-translational import
Signal sequence, SRP, SRP receptor, translocons,
Soluble proteins
Transmembrane proteins--stop transfer sequences
Multipass membrane proteinsmultiple stop and start transfer sequences.

Glycosylation in ER

ER Protein foldingquality control.

Transport from ER to Golgi to PM

Formation: coats (clathrins, COPs), adaptins
Cargo receptors, adaptins
Targeting: snares
Docking and membrane fusion: v-snares and t-snares


Endocytosis: plasma membrane to endosomes to lysosomes

Constitutive = Pinocytosis, Phagocytosis
Receptor mediated endocytosis

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