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Considered most potent
Transforms organization through
vision, communication & build
They are energetic, enthusiastic,
passionate, inspiring in shepherding
vision of organization.
They help each member to succeed.
Northhouse(2001)-is process that changes and
transforms individuals
Ability to get people to want to change, improve
and be led
Involves assessing associates motives, satisfying
their needs and valuing them
Such leaders inspire followers to achieve extra-
ordinary outcomes
They help followers to grow and ultimately turn
them into leaders
Components of Transformational
Leadership (Bernard Bass-four pillars)
1. Intellectual stimulation
. inspire innovation and creativity among
. Encourage members to explore other
new ways of doing things
2. Individualized consideration
. Have faith in members
Offers support to members and encourage members
Creates an environment where there is open
communication and fosters sharing of constructive
3. Inspirational motivation
Aspire to change organizations, create a vision that
is inspiring and appealing to members
To achieve vision, leader motivates members to
commit themselves to vision
Encourage team spirit, sense of purpose and
4. Idealized influence
They serve as models to members
They are an embodiment of values
such as trust,respect,integrity which
members can emulate
Strategies of Transformational Leadership
According to Mcshane &Von Glinow (2000)
Creating a strategic vision
a vision is a mental picture of desired future
Transformational leaders create and shape a
strategic vision for the organization
The vision helps to bond and motivate
members towards the achievement of the set
Communicating the vision
Effective articulation of the vision of
the organization
Helps to create an interest,
acceptance and commitment in
Leader can use metaphors, stories,
symbols, case studies, analogies to
articulate and communicate vision
Modeling the vision
Showing commitment by
shepherding the vision
Demonstrating through action-
walking the talk.
They exhibit
reliability,trust,persistence in their
Building commitment to the vision
Ensures members commitment to the
vision by building ownership of the vision.
This entails involving members/employees
in shaping the vision, developing mission
and goals to attain the vision
It also entails keeping employees focused
and talking about the vision.
Leadership is key enabler of success of
In team context, effectiveness of leader is judged by
how he/she has impacted members
Impact is demonstrated through change- improved
Leadership that enhances team performance entails:
ability to define and communicate vision, adapting to
different contexts and situations, listening, being
responsive, delegating where necessary.
A team is group in which members work together
intensively to achieve a common goal (Lewis-Mc Clear
&Taylor 1998)
Team capitalizes on skills, personalities of members
to achieve synergy
A team leader is there a individual who offers
instruction,guidance,direction,and leadership to the
group in order o realize the key result.
Team performance refers to the extent to which a
team meets its established objectives
Importance of a team leader
Team leader plays important role in team
Biech (2010) says that development and
cohesion of team only possible when there is
feeling of shared leadership among members
Leader motivates members towards goal-this
requires skill
Inspire and motivate people to change e.g.
through-understanding of group culture, focus on
performance, encourage innovation
Characteristics that make a team
Commitment-to the team, members
put the team first
Appreciation-focus on and
appreciate the strengths of each
Time together-having time to enjoy
together to bond
Communication-sharing feelings
Sharing responsibility-to help
each other, sense of belonging
Common interests-members who
have a lot in common do better
Seeking help-members admitting to
problems and seeking help to solve
the problems
Some Habits of Highly Effective Team Leaders
focus on team more than the self
Create space or trust among members
Focus on strength not weaknesses of members
Push for higher standards
Source of positive energy-inspire members
Level-headed-not rattled every time there is a problem
Role models to members
Offer guidance to all members
Ensure team morale remains high & members
No matter the skills,attitudes,knowledge we
may posses, ability to manage time affects
how successful one will be
Time is an important resource that people
This resource cannot be stored, hired or
Thus effective time management can enrich
personal and organizational lives
Time Management
Is the process of improving an individuals or groups
ability and productivity through more efficient use of
It is the ability to accomplished given tasks and goals
within a certain time frame
To manage time properly you have to do the following
three things
Identify things that waste time but are not productive
Make list of tasks and their priority
Draw up daily tasks-make sure all are completed in
Some Common Time Wasters
These are those things that are not
essential to core tasks
isorganisation,not being able to say
no,transport,phone call, social media,
television/radio, burn out, not getting
started, meetings, crises etc.
Some Time Management Techniques
Better planning
Controlling ones environment
Understanding oneself/organization-
identifying habits, routines and attitudes
that may require change
*use time management tools- diary, etc.
Stephen Goveys Guidelines on how
to Prioritize
Important Urgent( Do now)
Emergencies ,complaints, critical issues
Demands from superiors or customers
Planned tasks or project work now due
Meetings and appointments
Reports and other submissions
Staff issues or needs
Problem resolution, fire fighting, fixes
Important but not urgent(plan to do)
Planning, preparation, scheduling
Networking, relationship building
Systems and process development
Anticipation and prevention
Developing change,direction,strategy
Reject and explain
Trivial requests from other
Apparent emergencies
Ad-hoc interruptions and distractions
Misunderstandings appearing as
Pointless routines or activities
Accumulated unresolved trivia
Bosss whims or tantrums
Resist and cease
comfort activities, computer games, net
surfing, excessive cigarette breaks
Chat,gossip,social communications
Daydreaming,doodling,overload breaks
Reading nonsense or irrelevant materials
Unnecessary adjusting equipment etc.
Embellishment and overproduction
Benefits of Effective Time Management
Help in making key decisions on time thus meeting
Job satisfaction-major breakthroughs made on time-
motivates people to work harder
Improves performance-leading to increased productivity
Reduces anxiety and unnecessary tension that could lead
to stress
Helps in avoiding fire-fighting
Improves interpersonal relationships-official time does not
eat into social and family time
Reduces on wasting valuable personal and organizational
Good problem-solving skills is fundamentally
important for success in life and career
But problems are something we dislike-they cause
anxiety, interrupt our shedules,time-consuming
Hence when faced with problems we want to
eliminate them quickly
In so doing we are tempted to choose the easiest
or most obvious solution
Hence we miss the better solution or end up fixing
symptoms-then the problem gets worse
What Is a Problem
A problem is a condition that is unacceptable
Newstron (2007) says that a problems usually arise
when there is a difference between expected
outcome and current performance.
All problems have two features in common: goals
and barriers
If there were no barriers there would be no problems
Problem solving involves overcoming the barriers or
obstacles that prevent the immediate achievement
of goals
What is a solution?
Newstrom(2007) defines a solution as an
answer to a problem
Not all solutions turn out to be good or effective
Solving a problem is not necessarily eliminating
it, some problems can never be eliminated
But we can create solutions that make the
problems less detrimental
Problem-solving is thus an important skill for
business, life that entails decision-making
At work and in team situations,
problem often emerge as part of the
day to day functioning of members
The leader finds himself/herself either
solving problems or supporting those
who are solving problems
Being a confident and skilled problem-
solver is therefore important to your
success as a leader.
Basic Steps In Problem
Toohey (1999) sets forth four steps
Defining the Problem
Problem clearly stated is half solved
Recognize that a problem exists and diagnose
For example if performance in your team is
substandard -the problem may be the people
doing the task, insufficient training, heavy
workload, poor communication etc.
Look at the issue from a variety of perspectives
Generate alternative solutions
Being creative and developing
possible solutions
think,ask questions, discuss
Look for ideas and solutions
Evaluate and select an
Assess the different options.
Consider the extent to which:
An alternative will solve a problem
without causing other problems
All the individuals involved would
accept the alternative
Implementation of the alternative is
Implement and follow up on the
Once best solution is picked put it
into practice
This may be done on a limited scale
at first to verify that it is the best
As leader you need to sell the
solution to other enhance
implementation and minimize
Get Feedback
Requires continued monitoring to
ensure that the best solution
performs as expected and to find
ways to adjust if need arises
NOTE-Problem solving is not
necessarily linear; it is a
recursive process
Skills of Problem Solving
Problem solving requires two important
mental skills
Analytical skills- ordering, comparing,
selecting, breaking down into component
parts etc
Helps to select best alternative from those
available and to narrow down range of
Creative thinking-uses imagination to a
large range of ideas for solutions
Why People Fail to Solve
problems Effectively
Problem solving is a complex process, and reasons
for failure include:
Not being methodical
Lack of commitment to solving the problem
Misinterpreting the problem
Lack of knowledge of techniques and processes
involved in problem solving
Insufficient or inaccurate information
Inability to combine analytical and creative
thinking skills
Failure to ensure effective implementation
Problem Solving Hints and
Taking time to examine and explore that
problem-to understand the problem
Breaking the problem into smaller parts
You can always do something when a
problem presents itself
A problem is not a punishment, it may be an
opportunity to show how powerful you are
The formulation of a problem determines the
range of choices
Taking care to understand the problem
and the range of options before looking
for a solution
Having a wide range of choices-allows
you to choose the best from many
Solve the problem that really exists, not
mere symptoms
Do not procrastinate
Denying a problem perpetuates it
Decision making and problem solving are inextricably
Decision making is about the how, what, why, when
of the course of action and of how to overcome
obstacles and to solve problems
Trewatha and Newport (1982) define decision making
as the process of selecting a course of action from
among two or more possible alternatives in order to
arrive at a solution to for a give problem
Thomas (2004) add that a decision is what turns
thought into an action
Steps of Decision Making
Step 1:Identification of the purpose of the
Involves identifying the problem for which there
is need to make a decision
Recognizing that you have an important decision
to make
Step 2:Information gathering
Decision making requires identifying relevant
May involve seeking opinions of people you trust
or experts
Step 3:Principles of judging the
Baseline criteria for judging
alternatives that will be generated is
For example-profit is one of the main
concerns in every decision making
process, so companies usually do not
make decisions that reduce profit
Step 4:Anaysing the different
Need to state out the alternatives
(list of potential solutions)
Brainstorming to list down all the
ideas is useful
It is important to understand the
causes of the problem and to
prioritize the causes
Step 5: Evaluate the alternatives
Assess the outlined alternatives point out the
advantages and disadvantages of each option
Use judgement principles and decision making
criteria to evaluate each alternative.
Ask questions such as:
What is the feasibility, acceptability and
desirability of the option
Which alternative will best achieve your
Step 6:Select the best alternative
When selecting the preferred alternative:
Explore the provisional preferred alternative for future
possible adverse consequences
Consider what problems it might create
Ponder over the risks of making this decision
Step 7:Execute the decision
You have to carry out the decision made to achieve the
results you want
Convert your decision into a plan or sequence of
Involve team members in execution of your plan
Step 8:Evaluate the results
It is crucial to monitor your decisions
regularly to ensure that they work
Ask the following questions:
1. Have enough resources been allocated
to implement the decision
2. Is the decision accepted and supported
by colleagues
3. Was the wrong alternative selected?
4. Was the correct alternative selected
but implemented improperly?
5.Was the original problem identified
incorrectly? If so the decision problem
needs to begin again
6.Has the implemented alternative been
given enough time to be successful? If
not the leader gives it more time and
re-evaluates it at a later date
Cultural diversity affects the way leaders go about
defining their roles as leaders and applying themselves
to the responsibilities of leadership
It is important for a leader to understand the
underlying values and assumptions of a society and the
specific behaviors that derive from those values
Culture influence what people do,say,feel,even think
Thus by knowing peoples values and beliefs we can
expect and predict their behavior
A leader must therefore understand the cultural context
of people for meaningful and productive interactions
What is Culture
attitudes,meanings,and material objects and
possessions acquired by a group of people in
the course of time through individual and group
It is the total way of life for a particular group of
It is an integrated system of learned behviour
patterns that are characteristic of the members
of any given society
In sum culture may be understood in
terms of:
Learned beliefs,values,rules,symbols
and traditions that are common to a
group of people
Shared qualities of a group that make
them unique
The way of life, customs, material
objects of a group of people
Link between Values and Behaviour
culture consists of values, concepts, assumptions
about life that guide behaviour and are widely shared
by people, transmitted through generations rarely
with explicit instructions
The values prescribed by a given culture therefore
determine the behaviour of the people in that society
But culture is only one source of human behaviour,
hence must be seen in relation to the other.
The others are universal and personal sources
Embracing Cultural Diversity
Cultural diversity brings together the resources and talents
of many people for the shared benefit of all
Sadly, throughout history, the differences among us have
tended to lead to prejudices, stereotypes, hence violence,
discrimination and other related social and economic ills
It brings us to learn to recognize the similarities and
appreciate the difference
Embracing cultural diversity taking on a new state of mind-
a whole change of mind, behaviour and perspective
This total change broadens our minds and perspectives
and can help us to overcome prejudice, intolerance and
work towards a more peaceful and productive world
The total change of mind and perspective can come about when
we reject a number of thing:
Propaganda-deliberate distortion or manipulation to achieve a
certain predetermined end
Prejudice-a mental bias, premature judgement a group of a
member of a group made without sufficient knowledge or
Stereotype-a composite picture/image of traits expectations
pertaining to some group( police officers, women)-an image that
is persistent in the social mind though it may not be accurate
Typically a stereotype is an overgeneralization of characteristics
that may or may not have been observed in fact
Stereotypes often form the basis of prejudice
Embracing cultural diversity starts with
ones willingness to change their
thoughts and behaviour towards others
who are different from him/her
Remembering history may also help one
to be more open to accepting diversity
Critical thinking is another way of
becoming open-minded-enhances our
ability to question
Questions for reflection
What is the problem with
How do they undermine embracing
cultural diversity?
How do we overcome them?
Cultural pride, identity and heritage is good
but does not mean that yours is better than
someone elses
As leader being sensitive to generational
and cultural differences involves empathy
Respect for each others cultural and belief
systems and even opinion is important part
of leadership in the context of cultural
Ethics is at the heart of relationships,
including relationship between leader
and followers
leaders have power and influence
more than followers hence more
responsibility for the use of that
power and influence
Thus the conduct of a leader has
impact on the organizations integrity
Basic Concepts
They are constructs representing generalized
behaviours or state of affairs that are
considered by the individual or groups as
They are the core beliefs or desires that guide
and motivate human attitudes and action
Customs and personal beliefs of individuals
about what is right or wrong
Standards of conduct that indicate how one should behave
on principles of right and wrong, good or bad
It is being true to acceptable values and moral code
whatever the source
It requires being consistent in the application of standards
It requires holding oneself to the highest standards and to
practice what one advocates
It requires being truthful and honest; a role model, to be
honorable and to behave in a manner that brings honor to
your person and the office
Ethics and Values in
Ethics are rules and principle that define right and wrong
They are principles of right conduct or a system of moral and
The mere possession of power, of any kind, leads inevitably
to ethical question about how that power should and should
not be used
Leaders possess power and they can use that power for good
or ill
Thus a leaders personal values may therefore be one of the
most important determinants of how power is exercised or
The challenge of leadership becomes complex when you have
forge close interaction with individuals from different
backgrounds, cultures nationalities holding different values
Leadership and Doing the
Right Things
Leaders face (moral) dilemmas that require
choosing between competing sets of values and
priorities (i.e. satisfying multiple stakeholders)
Leaders therefore ought to internalize a strong set
of ethics, principles of right and wrong or system of
moral values
Leaders therefore set a moral example to others
that becomes the model for the entire group or
organization, for good or bad
Good leader tend to align the values of their
followers with those of the organization or
How Values Impact
Values influence leaders perception of
individual and organizational successes as
well as the manner in which those
successes are achieved
They also help the leader to choose right
from wrong and between ethical and
unethical behaviour
It has been noted that leader tend to like
followers with similar values and dislike
those with dissimilar values
It is important therefore for leaders
to surround themselves followers
who possess divergent values
Leaders are motivated to act in ways
that are consistent with their
values ,and they typically spend
most of their time engaged in
activities that are consistent with
their values.
Leadership and Organizational
It is important that people know what
you stand for .It is equally important
that they know what you wont stand
for Mary Waldrop
Organizational values represent the core
principles by which employees are to get work
done and treat other employees, customers
The top leaderships collective values play a
significant role in determining organizational
values and culture
Research shows that employees with values
similar to those of the organization are more
satisfied and likely to stay and vice versa
It is important for a leader to set personal
example of value-based leadership to ensure
that clear values guide everyone s behaviour
in the organization
If there is indifference or hypocrisy towards
values at the highest level, it is unlikely that
principled behaviour will be considered
important by other throughout the organization
Values and the Ethical
Dimension of Leadership
People with strong value systems
tend to behave more ethically-unless
situations are highly competitive and
unsupervised or there is no formal
ethics policy governing behaviour
Leaders with a strong sense of values
and moral reasoning will be more
Leadership practitioners should expect to
face a variety of challenges to their own
system of ethics,values,or attitudes during
their careers
Interacting with individuals and groups
holding divergent and conflicting values is
Therefore leaders have a responsibility not
to let their own personal value interfere with
professional leader-subordinate relationship
Providing young people an opportunity to exercise
leadership is beneficial to the individuals, their peers and
For youth to be prepared to participate in development,
they need to develop and/or hone their leadership skills
Youth leadership is part of the development process of the
It enables the youth help and direct others in the course of
their actions, influence opinion and behaviour of others
and be role models, in turn promote national development
The Situation of the Youth in Kenya
According to a survey done 2009,the youth
constitute 35.4% of the national population of
The vision 2030 envisions creating a platform to
making the youth better people in promoting
both internal as well as international
One way of doing this is to give them an
opportunity to participate in decision making
and in leadership in general
To realize this, on the one hand the leadership
needs to give the youth an opportunity to
participate in leadership in their respective
On the other hand, the youth should
demonstrate their willingness and capacity to
participate in issues of national importance
from their respective perspectives
However the youth in Kenya face some
challenges in regard to leadership and
Challenges in Youth, Leadership
and Development
Democracy and Governance
In this youth feel acutely disempowered by existing
governance structures and procedures
They often have only token representation e.g. they
have no adequate representation in places where
power is exercised- parliament, local councils,
business and voluntary organizations
Policies are not implemented as stated due to high
level of corruption
Youth lack appropriate information about policies,
programs, and opportunities as well as a good deal of
All these happen despite the constitution making
appropriate provisions for the representation of the
youth in various governance levels through direct
nomination e.g. in Senate, Parliament, County
Further, Article 55 states the specific obligations
towards the youth accessing relevant education
and training, opportunities to associate,
representation in political, social, economic and
other spheres of life, access to employment; and
are protected from harmful cultural practices and
Lack of Trust
Organizations and adults often do not think
that the young people are capable of
demonstrating leadership
The youth believe that there are certain
things they can change, if given the
But the old generation tends to be skeptical
about the ability of the youth to bring
about that change
Lack of Resources
One major issue that disadvantages youth and
denies them an opportunity even to seek leadership
is unemployment
According to 2009 census report only 39% of the
11million youth are employed the remaining 61% are
jobless-living below poverty line
Youth potential in many areas has not been
developed and many are frustrated
Hence engage in many anti social behaviour, further
entrenching the view that they have no capacity for
Youth Awareness of Government
Policies and Programmes
Most youth are unaware of youth
related government policies and
Hence they can not adequately
access services and participate
Empowering the Youth to take
up their Place in Leadership
and National Development

Employment creation
About 500,000 youth graduate from various tertiary
institutions every year
However due to slow economic growth, corruption,
tribalism, nepotism, demand for experience by
employers,75% remain unemployed
There is need to develop policies that will address
youth unemployment and create an environment
where the youth can exploit their potential through
value adding initiatives
Empowerment and Participation
Empower the youth to be passionate about
causing transformation in Kenya
Young people need a platform where they can
speak freely, powerfully and take appropriate
action, inspire belief that will have a catalytic
impact through youth led development
When empowered the youth can contribute
immensely towards good governance and
democracy and leadership in general

National youth policy visualizes a society

where the youth have equal opportunity
to realize their full potential, and
productively participate in
economic,social,political,cultural and
religious life without fear or favour
In this regard there is need to provide the
youth with opportunities to participate in
leadership opportunities as well as
national development



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