Location A2

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I am choosing a abandoned farm to add to the horror convention of isolation. Furthermore the
sense of abandonment will help create a emphasis on tension when my trailer becomes more fast
pace. Furthermore because this site is abandoned and local it is more accessible than a
abandoned building in a city center. With the wrecked rusty tractors and unstable shacks, it shows
the lack of human presence in that area. Moreover it is a large farm, so I will not be limited on the
different areas where I can film in this particular location. I can also shoot in different areas of the
farm to show the progression of the story. The abandoned farm gives a sinister feeling of isolation,
mainly due to the lack of human presence and being away from the city life makes a hollow
atmosphere which will create tension in the trailer, moreover the vast size of it connotes the
feeling on no escape, a asylum of fields and shacks. This convention is used in many chainsaw/
slasher movies, where the protagonist is being chased, however I will be replacing that aspect with
a supernatural figure, thereby challenging that convention, having a haunted farm. Due to the
factors of accessibility, range of areas in the location and the shared convention of abandonment,
this rural location is the best place to perceive my trailer and bring it to life, furthermore it will
boost the realism and the panic of the situation with tension, which my characters will be facing.

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