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Outline Chapter 9 The Atom

9-1. Photoelectric Effect

9-2. Photons
9-3. What Is Light?
9-4. X-rays
9-5. De Broglie Waves
9-6. Waves of What?
9-7. Uncertainty Principle
9-8. Atomic Spectra
9-9. The Bohr Model
9-10. Electron Waves/Orbits
9-11. The Laser
9-12. Quantum Mechanics
9-13. Quantum Numbers
9-14. Exclusion Principle
9-2. Photons

Max Planck (1858-1947)

Max Planck in 1900 stated that

the light emitted by a hot object
(black body radiation) is given
off. in discrete units or quanta.
The higher the frequency of the
light the greater the energy per
9-2. Photons

The system shown

here detects people
with fevers on the
basis of their infrared
emissions, with red
indicating skin
temperatures above
normal. In this way
people with illnesses
that may be infectious
can be easily identified
in public places.
9-2. Photons

All the quanta associated with a particular

frequency of light have the same energy. The
equation is E = hf where E = energy, h = Planck's
constant (6.63 x 10-34 J s), and f = frequency.

Electrons can
have only certain
discrete energies,
not energies in
9-1. The Photoelectron Effect
The photoelectric effect is the emission of electrons
from a metal surface when light shines on it. The
discovery of the photoelectric effect could not be
explained by the electromagnetic theory of light. Albert
Einstein developed the quantum theory of light in
9-2. Photons
Albert Einstein
Einstein expanded Planck's
hypothesis by proposing that
light could travel through space
as quanta of energy called
photons. Einstein's equation for
the photoelectric effect is hf =
KE + w. Although photons have
no mass and travel with the
speed of light, they have most of
the other properties of particles.
The higher the frequency (or
shorter the wavelength) the
higher the energy.
9-3. What is light?

Light exhibits either wave characteristics or particle

(photon) characteristics, but never both at the same
time. The wave theory of light and the quantum theory
of light are both needed to explain the nature of light
and therefore complement each other.
9-4. X-rays

Wilhelm Roentgen accidentally discovered x-rays in

1895. In 1912, Max von Laue showed that x-rays are
extremely high frequency EM waves. X-rays are
produced by high energy electrons that are stopped
suddenly; the electron KE is transformed into photon

Wilhelm Roentgen
9-5. De Broglie Waves
1924 Nobel Prize in 1929 Louis de

In 1924, the French physicist Louis de Broglie

proposed that moving objects behave like waves;
these are called matter waves. The de Broglie
wavelength of a particle of mass m and speed v is
= h/mv.
An 18-wheeler moving down Hwy 99 at 60mph has a
wavelength smaller than an atom.
However, an electron (very light) moves much faster and
its wavelength is much larger than its size.
9-5. De Broglie Waves
An electron Microscope and a micrograph of
bacteriophage viruses approximately 1 m across.
9-6. Waves of What?

The quantity that varies in a matter wave is called

the wave function (). The square of the wave
function (2) is called the probability density.
For a given object, the greater the probability
density at a certain time and place, the greater
the likelihood of finding the object there at that
time. The de Broglie waves of a moving object
are in the form of a group, or packet, of waves
that travel with the same speed as the object.
9-7. The Uncertainty Principle

The uncertainty principle Werner

states that it is impossible to (1901-1976)

know both the exact position

and momentum of a particle at
the same time. The discoverer
of the uncertainty principle
was Werner Heisenberg. The
position and motion of any
object at a given time can only
be expressed as probabilities.
9-8. Atomic Spectra

A spectroscope is an instrument that disperses the

light emitted by an excited gas into the different
frequencies the light contains.


Light with
multiple w
9-8. Atomic Spectra

An emission spectrum consists of

the various frequencies of light given
off by an excited substance. Below
is the part of the emission spectra of
Emission Line Spectra of Some Common
9-8. Atomic Spectra

An absorption spectrum
consists of the various
frequencies absorbed by
a substance when white
light is passed through it.
The frequencies in the
spectrum of an element
fall into sets called
spectral series. Seen
here is the spectral series
of hydrogen.
9-9. The Bohr Model

The Niels Bohr model of the atom,

proposed in 1913, suggested that
an electron in an atom possesses
a specific energy level that is
dependent on the orbit it is in. An
electron in the innermost orbit has
the least energy. He predicted that
the distance from the proton to the
Niels Bohr
electron in a hydrogen atom was
about 0.89.
9-9. The Bohr Model

Electron orbits are

identified by a quantum
number n, and each orbit
corresponds to a specific
energy level of the atom.
An atom having the
lowest possible energy is
in its ground state; an
atom that has absorbed
energy is in an excited
9-10. Electron Waves and Orbits
When an electron
"jumps" from one
orbit (energy
level) to another,
the difference in
energy between
the two orbits is
hf, where h is
Plancks constant
and f is the
frequency of the
emitted or
absorbed light.
Origin of Absorption Spectra
9-10. Electron Waves and Orbits

An electron can
circle a nucleus only
in orbits that contain
a whole number of
de Broglie
Wavelengths. The
quantum number n
of an orbit is the
number of electron
waves that fit into
the orbit.
9-10. Electron Waves and Orbits

Electrons seemed
to be locked into
these wave patterns
around the nucleus.
9-11. The Laser

The word laser

comes from
amplification by
emission of
9-11. The Laser

Excitation Methods include electrical charge, light

(below), and chemical reaction.
9-11. The Laser

Lasers are used in

light shows and eye
9-11. The Laser
Holograms are made from laser light without
using an image forming device. The image
formed becomes 3D.

3D pictures made by Lasers using the interference pattern

between reflected laser light from the surface of an object and
the undisturbed laser light reflected from a mirror. The
Interference pattern is recorded on film. The developed film can
then be used by a laser to recreate the image in 3D.

Holograms are made from laser light without

using an image forming device. Tupac
holographic concert and a holographic
fashion display.

9-11. The Laser
Holograms are made from laser light without
using an image forming device. The image
formed becomes 3D. Meet Mika..(Artoolkit)
9-12. Quantum Mechanics
Erwin Schrdinger
The theory of quantum mechanics was developed
by Erwin Schrdinger, Werner. According to quantum
mechanics, the position and momentum of a particle
cannot both be accurately known at the same time.
Only its most probable position or momentum can be
The most probable distance
between the proton and
electron for a hydrogen
atom turns out to be about
0.89, the same as Niels
9-13. Quantum Numbers
1. The principal quantum number n governs the
electron's energy and average distance from the
2. The orbital quantum number l determines the
magnitude of an atomic electron's angular
3. The magnetic quantum number ml specifies the
direction of an atomic electron's angular momentum.
4. The spin magnetic quantum number ms of an
atomic electron has two possible values, +1/2 or -1/2,
depending on whether the electron aligns itself along
a magnetic field (+1/2) or opposite to the field (-1/2).
9-13. Quantum Numbers

principal quantum number n 1,2,3,..

orbital quantum number l 0,1,2,.n-1
magnetic quantum number m -l to +l
for n=2 -2,-1,0,1,2
spin magnetic quantum number + or spin
Its like your address. To find where you are you
need to know 4 things: state, city, street, house #.
To know where or what state the electron is in you
need to know the four quantum numbers.
Quantum #s are like an Address.
What do you need to know to find out where you live?

State City Street House

Principle Angular Magnetic Spin Quantum #
Quantum # (n) Quantum # (l) Quantum # (ml) (ms)
9-13. Quantum Numbers



1s 2s 3s
2px 3px

9-13. Quantum Numbers

The outside of the2s

orbital can be seen below.
The 2p orbital is in the
middle. A combination of
the 3 2p orbitals is shown
in the movie on the right.

Scanning Tunneling Microscope
Scanning Tunneling Microscope
Electron Clouds

Image Movie
9-14. The Exclusion Principle

The exclusion principle, first proposed

by Wolfgang Pauli in 1925, states that only
one electron in an atom can exist in a
given quantum state. Each atomic
electron must have a different set of
quantum numbers n, l, ml, and ms.
Fig. 9.37

resonance imaging
(MRI) is a method
of mapping tissue
density based on
proton spin that
shows the nature of
soft tissue better
than x-rays.

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