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What is Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion


BLEVE is a vapour explosion which may result from

catastrophic failure of a tank structure, which was
containing cargo liquid above the boiling point at nominal
atmospheric pressure.
The cargo in the tanks of gas carrier is partially liquid and
partially vapour in normal condition. However, when the
tank structure collapses, the vapour tries to escape or leak
through the opening, resulting in decrease in the pressure
inside the tank. These drastic lowering of pressure inside
the cargo tank results in rapid boiling of liquid and increase
in vapour formation.
The pressure of the escaping vapour becomes very high and
leads to a shock wave or explosion in presence of a fire
source, completely destroying the tanks structure and
surrounding areas.
Common Causes of BLEVE:
The most common reason which leads to BLEVE is fire
near tanks containing gas cargo such as propane.
Because of the high temperature of the surrounding, the
tank temperature starts to increase and the inside of the
tanks gets over pressurised. The high pressure inside the
tank will be generally released by the relief valve.
However, if the pressure builds up rapidly because of high
temperature and high rate of heating in the surrounding,
the tank will collapse at the weaker point, exposing
pressurised and flammable vapour to the naked flame and
leading to Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion.

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