Editors Journal: Maheen Hashmi Half Moon Productions

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Editors Journal

Maheen Hashmi
Half Moon Productions

As a director and editor I was able to have a
clear idea of how each shot should be taken
and edited. As Arrani was the
cinematographer we would schedule a day to
film and next day I would have edited the clip
we filmed. This way we had good
communication skill through out the making of
the documentary and had completed the
documentary in time. While I edit I will ask for
feedback and make any improvements if

When I first filmed and started editing I wasnt
able to present the narrative clearly through
the limited clips from the GoPro for cutaways.
Due to this I had changed the way I was
representing the narrative, by using clips that I
had used for cutaways of Mr. Islam training
and his two children. This helped to take the
audiences focus of him to build more interest.

The software that I had used to edit was Final Cut
pro. I didnt have enough experience using this
software therefore, I watched You Tube tutorials as
a source of research to understand what functions
that were available. I used trial and error to see
what suited the production best to narrate the
documentary. For transition I used jump cuts which
is usually used on documentaries to take away the
attention for the interviewer and build more
interest. I had also used dissolve transitions on the
lower thirds titles and text boxes for example.
Sound Levels

For each sound we had used there were different
sound levels for example, the voice over through
(zoom), music and the cameras microphone. I
adjusted the sound levels between 12 to 18 with
the background music being increased when the
zoom does not play, then decreased when Mr.
Islam is speaking through the zoom. The GoPro
contained a more noise such as the wind and the
cars in the background, for this reason I had to
decrease the sound of the GoPro to have all the
sound levels in level.
Need More Shots?

We had only filmed one interview of Mr.Islam,
used GroPro footage and shots of him
fighting. As the director and editor I wanted
more cutaways that had matched to the
dialogue of the interview. I had also done one
interview to take away the attention for the
interviewer and show the viewers more of
what he does in his daily life as we have
young target audience that would like to see
more cutaway shots to build more interest in
the documentary.

The graphics that I had used for the product
was used for the title s and lower thirds text
boxes that are used to introduce the
interviewer. I had used the tools from Final Cut
Pro to find the suitable graphics for the title.
By using this tool I was able to cop and paste
these titles to other areas where I want to
introduce Mr. Islam again.
Time Management

I worked well according to the time
management as I was able to communicate
well with the crew members. We were able to
change any ideas to make our narrative come
across better to the target audience. All the
different roles held in the group were able to
complete all task that were held within there
job role and complete them on time.

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