History of Architecture Terminologies

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AMALAKA. (Indian)- Meaning a fruit; a flattened, fluted round

form used as a crowning member of the superstructure of
northern-style Hindu temples, as a repeating decorative motif on
such superstructures, and as the form of a capital.


ANDA. (Indian)- Meaning an egg. The approximately hemispherical

dome of a stupa, especially an early Bhuddist stupa in India. It
represents the sky enclosing the world mountain, as well as the fertile
container, or egg, for the seed contained within it, usually represented by
a relic.

ANTARALA. (Indian) -An intermediate space in a temple; an
antechamber or vestibule between the main shrine and the


ARDHAMANDAPA. (Indian) - A closed hall or mandapa, which

may be joined to the main shrine of a temple by an antarala, or may
abut it directly.
JAGATI. (Indian). In architecture, a terrace, a
plinth, or a platform; the basement of a temple.
KALASA. (Indian). A pitcher; water pot; or ewer.
Sometimes held as an attribute by a deity. In
architecture, it may be the crowning emblem of a
Hindu temple.
KALYANA MANDAPA. (Indian). Marriage hall. In
late south Indian architecture, a building or pavilion
in the temple complex for the celebration of divine
wedding festivals.
MATHA. (Indian). An Indian monastery or cloister.
ASTADIKPALAS. (Indian). The eight
protective, directional deities; the regents of
the regions of the sky.
BHOGAMANDAPA. (Indian). The hall of
offerings, signifying enjoyment, wealth and
possessions, in an Orissan temple.
CAITYA. (Indian). A sacred spot, sometimes associated
with a relic, funeral pyre, or burial. It may be marked by a
tree or mound, and surrounded by a sacred railing or
vedika. A stupa is a type of caitya.


DAGABA. (Indian). A relic chamber.

MANDAPA. Outdoor hall orpavilion

for public rituals.

DEVAKOSTHA. (Indian). A niche on the exterior of the
wall of a southern-style Hindu temple containing an image
of a deity or, sometimes, other figures.

DHVAJA. (Indian). A standard, banner, flag, or pole. A
form and symbol used universally in Indic religions.

DRAVIDA. (Indian). One of the three major styles of Hindu
architecture, also known as the Southern style.

MAHADVARA. (Indian). Great door; a monumental entrance.

KUTTAMBALAM. (Indian). A theatrical pavilion in a Kerala


NRTTA SABHA. (Indian). A dance-pavilion; a mandapa for dance
performances and ceremonies; or a natamandir, a hall of dance .

SILPIN. (Indian). An architect or a crafter.

BRHAD. (Indian). Meaning great, large or gigantic.
GOPURAM. (Indian). The large gate-tower of a south Indian
temple enclosure.
JAGAMOHAN. (Indian). Orissan architectural term for a
mandapa; an assembly hall; or an enclosed porch.
JAGAMOHAN. (Indian). Orissan architectural term for a
mandapa; an assembly hall; or an enclosed porch.

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