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Dawn of the Philippine Civilization

Presented by: Group 2

Kento B. Minorikawa
Carlos B. Reyes
Bryan Christopher F. Rodillo
Alfonso Jose N. Concepcion
Allen Jonas A. Arellano
Creation VS Evolution
Origin of the Philippines
It is believed that before the end of the Ice Age, about
70,000,000 years ago, our country was connected to the
mainland of Asia by long strips of land. These strips of land
served as land bridges. It was said that people in the
mainland could travel by land to the Philippines without
crossing the sea.
After the Ice Age, high tide occurred. Large blocks of ice
melted. It was during this high tide that the land bridges
submerged in water. The Philippines was then separated
from Asia.
The similarity of the natural plants and animals in the
mainland of Asia and that of the Philippines may prove that
the Philippines were once a part of the mainland of Asia.
Origin of the Philippines
There are several theories given by scientists
as to the origin of the Filipinos. One of these
theories explains that the Philippines was once
inhabited by the Tabon men who resembled
the Java men and who lived about 250,000
years ago. These people lived in caves and
used stones as tools for gathering food.
A famous American archaeologist, three waves
of people came to the Philippines from the
Asian peninsula. These were the Aetas,
Indonesians and Malays.
Origin of the Philippines
The Aetas or Negritoes were the first group of people who
came to the Philippines through the land bridges. They were
small, about four feet tall. They had dark skin, flat noses, thick
lips and black kinky hair. They used bows and arrows as
weapons. They used &yes and barks of trees for their clothing.
The Aetas were a wandering people. They had no permanent
home. Most of them lived in caves at the mountainsides.
Sometimes, they made temporary shelter made of twigs and
leaves of trees. They moved from one place to another to get
food. They gathered fruits, root crops and edible plants around.
The descendants of the Aetas can still be found in the
mountains of Luzon, Mindanao, Panay, Mindoro and Palawan.
They are sometimes calledIta, Baluga, AgtaorAti.
Migration theory
The first migrants were what Beyer caked the
Dawnmen (or cavemen because they lived in
caves.). The Dawnmen resembledJava Man,
Peking Man, and other Asian Home sapiens who
existed about 250,000 years ago. They did not
have any knowledge of agriculture, and lived by
hunting and fishing. It was precisely in search of
food that they came to the Philippines by way of
the land bridges that connected the Philippines
and Indonesia. Owing perhaps to their migratory
nature, they eventually left the Philippines for
destinations unknown.
Migration theory
The second group of migrants was composed of dark-
skinned pygmies called Aetas or Negritoes.About
30,000 years ago, they crossed the land bridged from
Malaya, Borneo, and Australia until they reached Palawan,
Mindoro and Mindanao. They were pygmies who went
around practically naked and were good at hunting, fishing
and food gathering. They used spears and smallflintstones

The Aetas were already in thePhilippineswhen the land
bridges disappeared due to the thinning of the
iceglaciersand the subsequent increase in seawater level.
This naturaleventsforced them to remain in the country
and become its first permanent inhabitants.
Migration theory
Because of the disappearance of the land bridges, the third
wave of migrants was necessarily skilled in seafaring.
These were the Indonesians, who came to the islands in
boats. They were more advanced than the Aetas in that:
they had tools made out of stone and steel, which enabled
them to build sturdier houses: they engaged in farming and
mining, and used materials made of brass; they wore
clothing and otherbodyornaments.
Last to migrate to the Philippines, according to Beyer, were
Malays. They were believed to have come from Java,
Sumatra, Borneo, and the Malay Peninsula more than 2,000
years ago. Like the Indonesians, they also traveled in
Migration theory
TheMalayswere brown-skinned and
of medium height, with straight
blackhairand flat noses. Their
technology was said to be more
advanced than that of their
predecessors. They engaged in
pottery, weaving, jewelry making
and metal smelting, and introduced
the irrigation system in rice planting.
Hoaxes and Myths in Philippine

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