Question 3: What Have You Learned From Your Audience Feedback?

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1. Do you think there is a story behind the music video?

2. Do you think the artist himself needs to be in the music video?

3. Is there any technical, visual effect that was the most effective?

4. In your opinion, is there anything you would change about the music


5. Do you think there are any links between the visuals and the lyrics?

6. Where would you access this music video and would you like and share?

7. What kind of genre do you think this music video is?

8. Is there any effects within the video that you think are too much?
Question 3:
We conducted a vox pop
style feedback task after
the screening of our music
video to an audience

Focus group including the following 3

A: 13-14 year old media
Having used such a diverse (mass) audience I was
students of varied
able to obtain a more diverse response and reading
ethnicities and genders.
of my music video involving points of view that
B: 17-18 year old sixth form
are outside of niche target audience. However,
students, including media
category B (17-18 year old students) are my primary
students, varied ethnicities
target audience therefore the information obtained
and genders.
from their response will be placed as priority.
C: 30+ year old adults
After carefully considering all responses I
(middle class, varied
discovered that both category C and mainly A where
increasingly unsure of the concept behind the music
I conducted the analysis of
video as the video is focused on a niche audience
questions in reference to
with knowledge of abstraction within visuals.
An issue regarding the vox pops is the environment
preferred, negotiated or
the participants are placed into whereupon the
opposition readings.
situation is unnatural therefore the respondents
may say things they do not mean, this is a
reflection of the Hawthorn effect.
respondant genders categories of respondents

7% 11%


female male prefer not to say category A category B category C

Solo vox pop responses:
Q1 : Do you think there is a story behind the Q2 : Do you think the artist
music video? Respondent CATEGORY (A) himself needs to be in the music
It was quite mysterious, I didnt really Respondent CATEGORY (A)
understand what it was about, but I know it was
like you had to think about it to understand it. I think that its more effective
From the camera language it was like someone was if you dont use the artist I
spying on him at times, watching what he was feel like then your feelings can
doing maybe hes a victim or criminal. be more portrayed on the actual
- The respondent was an ethnic minority female person rather than the artist
who offered a preferred reading of the music himself.
video despite not being my target audience as - The respondent was a white
she was of in the category (A). Her response female: offering an oppositional
was insightful as she picked up on some of the reading as we involved the artist
subtle symbolic codes that we used throughout within the video, despite the
the music video such as the encoded 3rd person artist not entirely conforming to
narration like someone was spying on him Dyers star theory. We portrayed
which was signified through the visual effects emotions and feelings through the
and camera work. performance pieces showing the
mental state of the artist.
Solo vox pop responses:
Q3 : Is there any technical, visual effect Q4 : In your opinion, is there
that was the most effective? something that you think should be
Respondent CATEGORY (A) changed about the music video?
Respondent CATEGORY (A)
I like the part where the audio got
distorted. I like the fact that they used I think the start of the video,
the Ghost effect to sort of blend the because you couldnt see the full
dancers movements and another part where name of the title because you
the audio was like that again the person couldnt see the forest part
(subject) of the video had an ocean thats pretty much all Id change
overlay; I think it was very effective. because overall it was very good.
- The respondent was a 13 year old, black - The respondent was a white male
female of the social economic grade of D/E. 13 year old student. This response
The response was observant as she mentioned was very helpful as it allowed an
some effects that I used on final cut pro outsiders point of view to
even the subtle effects such as ghost surface. It made us realise the
effect in reference to the trail effect mistakes within the music video
that I used throughout the dance scenes to such as the opening titles.
reinforce and exaggerate the movements.
Solo vox pop responses:
Q5 Do you see any links between the visuals Q6: where would you access the
and the lyrics? music video and would you like and
Respondent CATEGORY (B) share?
Respondent CATEGORY (B)
I think because obviously its called
forest chant, and you did quite a lot of I would like and share on
shots of nature at the start so thats a Facebook, twitter and other social
link as well as most of the shots were cut medias and then obviously it would
in time of the beat so I think thats where be accessed on YouTube.
the links were.
- This is another example of a
- The respondent was a white female within respondent within our niche target
the B category which is our target audience audience. The response was the
due to the age of the respondent (18 years preferred answer as it was
old) who was also a media student therefore positive and shows that our target
allowing further insight into the technical audience would like and share the
and symbolic codes that we used within the video therefore allowing more
music video. Due to her knowledge of media views on the music video - and
and production she noted the synchronicity reaching more people of a similar
of the video. age and social demographic.
Q7: What do you think the Q8: Is there any
genre of the music video is? effects within the
Respondent CATEGORY (A) video that you think
are too much?
indie. Respondent CATEGORY
- after a long pause the (A)
respondent determined that
the video was most Maybe just the shots
representative of the indie with someone taking a
genre. The pause itself picture a picture of
indicated the him I didnt really
acknowledgement of the video see the link between
not complying to any set what I got from the
genres, therefore being a video- of someone
hybridised genre. If I were watching him.
to reconduct the vox pop I
would have asked more
individuals and then created
a chart displaying the
different answers (genres)
that were stated.
Solo vox pop responses:

Q9: Do you see a link between the ancillary texts and the music video?
Respondent CATEGORY (C)

At first glance I dont think there is, it looks its hard to see the link
however when you look more closely, you start to notice that the artistic
themes in the video are relatable to the digipak and also the colours and
patterns within the video are used to inspire the poster/advert so as of where
from first inspection it wouldnt look completely synergistically linked,
however when you look at them in more depth then you can see similarities in
patterns and themes.
- This response was beneficial despite the respondent being outside of our
niche target audience as he was a white middle class male of the social
economic demographic of C1. The response shows the depth within my product,
and the variation of mediums that I used when creating the ancillary texts,
which was noted within the response relatable to the digipak and also the
colours and patterns referencing the abstract painting style I chose for the

Conducting the screening and the vox pops allowed me to gather information
regarding both the video and the ancillary texts allowing indication of the
areas of both success and error.
I was able to recognise the importance of conducting a focus group and
involving a variation of people not focusing only on the target audience
alone. I learnt that the music video is entirely up to interpretation in
terms of themes and narrative, whereupon even individuals from other
categories aside from my niche target audience category are able to fathom
some of the symbolic and indexical codes within my media products. Most of
the responses could be applied to Halls preferred reading theory. The fact
I used a varied multi-ethical and gendered audience reflects the varied
hybridised style of music video that I created.

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