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Visiting a waterfall, especially on a hot sultry day, can be a
favorite way to spend a day.

I follow the trail to where it stops at the creek's edge,

approaching quietly so as not to disturb any of the wild
creatures that has come to enjoy the cool fresh water. I
gently cross over the creek using the stones, which show
the wear of several previous crossing, so that I can have full
view of the creek and the beauty it possesses. I can hear
the rush of the water long before I see the falls.

As I sit down on the big gray slate rock that has been
warmed by the early morning sun. I start my usual ritual of
examining the banks of the creek by gazing down the right
side of it first. I notice that the beautiful flowers are in full
bloom and that the trees have regained all their leaves.
They stand tall and majestic as if they are soldiers standing.
The sky is blue with white pillowy clouds.I close my eyes
and listen to the sound of the waterfall and let it lure me
into a land that makes me feel as if Im totally alone, the
alone survivor on this planet.

Slowly other sounds begin to filter through. I hear the

birds singing, the squirrels still chattering .It seems as if
only seconds have passed but I know that it must be
hours because I can no longer feel the warmth of the
sun. I take one last long look and I begin to wonder, will
it be here when I come back again? Will the wild animals
allow me to share the waterfall with them? I certainly
hope so because I can think of no other place I would
love to visit so frequently than the waterfall that gives
me insurmountable amounts of pleasure.

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