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Rima miranda

16. Arrange the following sentences to form a meaningful paragraph.
(1) heres what he said.
(2) press Back to return to the main menu.
(3) if the box is ticked, click on it empty.
(4) open your messenger account and view the setting.
(5) after that, find Show What Others are Listening to menu.
(6) i was anoyed and I asked my uncle how to remove the lists.
(7) you are no longer disturbed the lists of songs that where listened to by your friends.
(8) the first time I used a messenger application, I was disturbed by my friends habits.
(9) then, click the settings and several menus apper, such as show my country and time
(10) they showed lists of songs that they were listening to. I did not know it happened automatically
the correck arrangement of the above sentences is...
a. 3-6-1-4-10-2-7-9-8-5
b. 1-10-7-9-8-5-2-4-6-3
c. 8-10-6-1-4-9-5-3-2-7
d. 5-8-2-7-10-1-6-9-4-3
e. 10-6-4-9-7-3-5-8-2-1
17. Arrange the following sentences to form a meaningful paragaph.
(1) since then,the prince become a good And caring young man.
(2) without fear, the farmer approached the sound and found a wounded deer.
(3) he invited the farmen and his family to go with him, to stay at the palace.
(4) the curse would end if there is a person who could take care of it sincerely.
(5) help me sir. A hunter hit my hind leg with his arrow. Save me,sir, the deer said.
(6) the young man told the farmer that he was the prince and he would return to the palace.
(7) he treated the wound, gave it food and let it lie on his bed , looked after it loving ly.
(8) there was a farmer who went to the rice field and returned home always passing through a forest.
(9) one afternoon when he was on his way home, he heard groaning, is anybody there?please help me
(10) The farmer was suprised to find that the deer could talk. Without wasting time, he carried the deer home.
(11) suddenly it transformed into a hansome young man who turned out to have been condemned because of
his michief.
the correct arrangement of the above sentences is...
a. 9-2-5-7-10-4-8-11-3-1-6
b. 8-9-2-5-10-7-11-4-6-3-1
c. 10-8-9-5-2-3-7-6-4-1-11
d. 2-9-5-8-11-6-3-10-7-4-1
e. 4-6-3-1-10-9-5-11-2-8-7
This text is for question 18 and 19
Jl. Batubara IV no. 10
18th March 2016

Vienna Shoe Store

Jl. Merapi no. 21

Dear Madam,
I am writing to ask for a explanation. I bought a pair of black leather shoes from your store last Sunday
morning. They were comfortable. However, three days after non-stop usage, I encountered a problem when I
was trying to wear them. I found the left heel cap almost falling apart and there was small there on the heel.
This is really disappointing since I thought you only sell excellent products. I hope this will never happen to
other customers.
I hope you look into this matter and Idont expect replacement or refund.
yours faithfully

Mawar Merona
16. Susunlah kalimat berikut membentuk sebuah paragraf yang benar!
(1) inilah yang katanya
(2) tekan Back untuk kembali ke menu utama
(3) jika kotak dicentang,klik untuk mengosongkan
(4) membuka akun messenger dan lihat pengaturan
(5) setelah itu, cari acara apa orang lain mendengarkan menu
(6) saya kesal dan saya bertanya kepada paman cara untuk menghapus daftar
(7) kamu tidak akan terganggu lagi dengan daftar lagu yang didengar oleh teman mu
(8) pertama kali saya menggunakan aplikasi messenger,saya terganggu oleh kebiasaan teman-teman saya
(9) kemudian, klik setting dan ada beberapa menu
(10) mereka menunjukan daftar lagu yang didengarnya , saya tidak tahu itu terjadi secara otomatis
susunan yang benar dari kalimat diatas adalah...
a. 3-6-1-4-10-2-7-9-8-5 d. 5-8-2-7-10-1-6-9-4-3
b. 1-10-7-9-8-5-2-4-6-3 e. 10-6-4-9-7-3-5-8-2-1
c. 8-10-6-1-4-9-5-3-2-7

17. Susunlah kalimat berikut membentuk sebuah pargraf yang benar!

(1) semenjak itu pangeran mudan itu menjadi baik dan peduli
(2) tanpa rasa takut, petani mendekati suara dan menemukan rusa yang terluka
(3) ia mengundang petani dan keluarganya untuk pergi dengannya dan tinggal diistana
(4) kutukan akan berakhir jika ada orang yang bisa mengurusnya
(5) tolong saya, pak. Seorang pemburu memukul kaki belakang saya denga panahnya. Selamatkan saya
pak, kata rusa
(6) pemuda mengatakan kepada petani bahwa ia adalah pangeran dan ia akan kembali keistana
(7) ia membersihakan luka, dan memberikan makanan dan membiarkannya berbaring ditempat tidurnya.dia
merawatnya dengan penuh kasih
(8) seorang petani yang pergi kesawah dan pulang kerumah selalu melewati hutan
(9) suatu sore ketika ia sedang dalam perjalanan pulang, ia mendengar erangan siapapun di sana?
Tolong bantu saya
(10) petani terkejut menumukan rusa yang bisa bicara. Tanpa membuang-buang waktu ia membawa rusa
itu pulang
(11) tiba-tiba berubah menjadi seorang pemuda tampan yang ternyata telah dikutuk karena kenakalannya
susunan yang benar dari kalimat diatas adalah...
a. 9-2-5-7-10-4-8-11-3-1-6
b. 8-9-2-5-10-7-11-4-6-3-1
c. 10-8-9-5-2-3-7-6-4-1-11
d. 2-9-5-8-11-6-3-10-7-4-1
e. 4-6-3-1-10-9-5-11-2-8-7

Teks untuk pertanyaan 18 dan 19

Jl. Batubaru IV no. 10
Tgl 18 Maret 2016

Toko Sepatu Wina

Jl. Merapi no. 21

Yang Terhormat Nyonya

Saya menulis surat ini untuk meminta penjelasan. Saya membeli sepasang sepatu kulit hitam dari
toko anada minggu terakhir
18. Who is the letter addressed to?
a. A shop assistant.
b. Acustumer
c. Acobbler
d. A shoemaker
e. Ashoe store owner
19. Mawar Merona is disappointed because ...
a. The material is excellent
b. She doesnt receive a reply
c. The shoes quality is poor
d. The shoe store is small and narrow
e. The package is poor
This textis for questions 20 to 22.
Do you like football,basketball,vollyball,or other team sport? There are many advantages of playing a
team sport .
first of all, it is fun and makes us healthy. Running here and there while playing, for example, is a
kind of exercise which is useful for our health. This will make our muscles flexible and keep our hearts
second, we can develop our. Cooperation with other people. We mustnt play alone or be
individualistic in a team sport. We should work together with our team members to become winners.
Third, we can develop our sportsmanlike attitude. We have to accept vitory or defeat.
Last, it delevops our skills. When we practise a lot, there is an opportunity the sports we play could
be our professions one day.
20. What is the adventage op playing a team sport?
a. Being a member of a team sport is an adventage
b. It devolops our dependency to other people.
c. It needs friends to do a team sport
d. It improves our social interaction.
e. It needs much time to do it.
21. What should we do if we are involved in team sports?
a. Weshould support our teammates to score.
b. We must score ourselves
c. We have to be ready to win or lose.
d. We need to practise regulary.
e. We need to run here and there during the game.
22. we have to accept victory or defeat.
which word has similar meaning to the underlined word?
a. Courage
b. Support
c. Success
d. Progress.
e. determination.
Question 23 to 25, complite the following text with the word provided.
This incident happened last Sunday afternoon. My friends and I watched an interstudent basketball
championship in the stadium. It was break time when nature called. I told febri that I was going to the toilet.
I was down the tribune and (23)... The back of the stadium. I found a line of empty toilets. I intered and
locked the door. When I had finished, i tried to unlock the door. It wouldnt (24)... Although I tried many
times. I panicked. I tried to bump on the door hoping that a person would hear and help me get out of the
Twenty minutes later, i heard my friends call me and I shoeted in reply. Finally, I was released and could enjoy the
game. Fortunately, my scool team won and I was pleased. What a (25)... Experience!

23. a. Left for

b. Headed to
c. Gave in
d. Promised to
e. Looked forward to

24. a. Block
b. Eliminate
c. Generate
d. Lodge
e. Open

25. a. Terrible
b. Trouble
c. Dribble
d. Drizzle
e. Wrinkle

This text is for question 26 to 28

An aurora is a natural light display in the sky, predominantly seen during the high latitude (Arctic and Antarctic)
regions. Auroras are produced when the magnetosphere is sufficiently disturbed by the solar wind that the
trajectories of carged particles in both solar wind and magnetospheric plasma, mainly in the form of electrons and
protons, precipitate them into the upper atmosphere, where their energy is lost. The resulting ionization and
excitation of atmospheric constituent emits ligh of verying colour and complexity. The from of the aurora,occuring
within bands around both polar regions, is also dependent on the amount
Of acceleration imparted to the preticipitating particles. Precipitating protons generally produce optical
emissions as incident hydrogen atoms after gaining electrons from the atmosphere. proton auroras are usually
observedat lower llatitudes.
Most auroras occur in aband known as the ouroral zone, which is typically 3 to 6 wide in latitude
and between 10 and 20 from the geomagnetic poles at all local times (or longitudes ), most clearly seen at
night againts a dark sky. A region that currently display an auroral oval, aband displaced towards the
nightsude of the earth. Day-to day position of the auroral oval are posted on the internet. A geomagnetic
storm causes the auroral ovals (north and south) to expand and bring the aurora to lower latitudes. Early
evidence for a geomagnetic connection comes from the statistic s of auroral observations. Elias loomis
(1860),and later Hermann fritz (1881) and S. Tromholt (1882) in more detail, established that the aurora
appeared maonly in the Auroral zone, aring-shaped region with a radius of approximately 2,500 km around
the earths magnetic pole.

26.The purpose of the text is...

a. To discuss an aurora
b. To dicribe an aurora in general
c. To discribe how an aurora occurs
d. To persuade people to perpeatuate a rare phenomenon
e. To relate peoples experience when seeing an aurora
27. Which of the following has the same purpose as the above text ?
a. The discovery of waret in mars
b. The description of crop circles
c. The story of a natural disasters victim
d. The explanation on how acin rain happends.
e. The persuasion about the importance of natural conservation
28. the resulting ionization and excitation of atmospheric constituents emits light of varying ccolour and
complexity . ( paregraph 1)
The word emits can be best replaced by...
a. Transmits
b. Depletes
c. Radiates
d. Rebounds
This text is for question 29 to 31
i had a wanderful childhood. Before moving to Surabaya, i leaved with uncle and Fajar in a peaceful
village. In Banyuwangi. I had to leave with them because my parents had to work in Surabaya in didnt
have enough time to take care of me. Beisdes, uncle and Aunt Fajar took care of me very well. They loved
me very muvh.
i really enjoyed my time in the village. I always heard bird chirping merrily in the mango tree. I used
to wake up eraly morning and help my uncle and aunt sweep the yard, fed the chicken and watered the
flower. Then, i went to shool with my schoolmates by bicyle, since our school about two kilometres far.
I had many friend. They were very friendly, kind and generous. We used to spen our spare time
together, like playing marbles, flying kites or playing football at the filed not far from our village.
Occasionally, i accompanied them graze their cows or buffaloes.
I was very sad that i had to leave them because i would miss them a lot. However, we remain close
to each other since we have a group in socially media. Many of us will graduate from senior hight school
this years. I hope we pass the exam and meet again at university.
29. Why did yhe writer have to spend hischildhood with his uncle and aunt?
a. He Loved his uncle and aunt very much
b. His parents didnt have money to pay his school fees.
c. His parent house was not big anought for them all.
d. He didnt like to stay in a big city like Surabaya
e. His parent were busy working
30. Occasionaly, i acompanied graze their cows or buffaloes
the underline word can be replaced by...
a. At times c. During e. once
b. Often d. Always
31.From the text we can conclude that...
a. The writer and his friends lost contact
b. The writer used to give his friends a lift to scool
c. The write and his friend and study at semilar university
d. Uncle and aunt fajar took the writer from his parents
e. The writer missed his childhood
This text is for question 32 to 34
Novak Djokovic Beats Roger Federer
to Win ATP World Tour Title
By piers newbery
BBC Sport at 02 arena, London
22nd november 2015
Novak djokovic capped aremakkable season with victory over roger federer to claim a record fourth straight
ATP world tour finals title.
The world number one from serbia broke serve three times to win 6-3, 6-4 in 80 minutes at londons 02 arena.
Djokovic also made amends for defeat by six-time champion federer in the group stage on Tuesday.
I am enjoying every moment on the court, i cherish every moment after dreaming of it as a kid,
He said.
he ended the year with 11 titles including three Grand Slams, taking his total to 10 majors.
The 28-year-old has now won the season finale five times and supasses Ivan Lendls 1987 achievement when
he wonhis third straight Tour final title in New York.
Federer said, it is never fun on the losing side, but it is better than not playing at all like last year. This week
was great ,there were a few crazy points tonight, but like plenty of times this year novak deserved it.
Djokovic a clss apart
The defeat by federer on Tuesday had been his first indoors since 2012,but djokovic responded in simply
irresistible style as he despatched first rafael Nadal and then,in the final,federer.
It ended with a double fault the as evem the 17-time Grand Slam champion withed
under the pressure of such reletless accuracy from his opponent.
Aside from the trophy,another 1,300 ranking point and the cheque for 1.4m, djokovic also draws
Level with federer at 22-22 in career meetings.
The pair have shared 11 of the last 13 seasonending titles between them, but it is the Serb who now
32. Who is novak Djokovic?
a.A famous footballer.
b.A well known basketball player.
c.A leading football captain.
d.The worlds best badminton player.
e.A world class tenis player.
33. How did federer feel after losing the game?
f. He conceded defeat as a gentleman.
g. He will be ready to beat Djokovic next time.
h. He was depressed and angry
i. Federer wil always be friends with Djokovic.
j. He was happy as he could trouble Djokovic.
34. The defeat by Federer ... As he despatched first Rafael Nadal .... (paragraph 8)
The undelined word has similar meaning with ...
k. Went away d. Did away
l. Got away e. Threw away
m. Stayed away
This text is for question 35 to 37
A long time ago, there was a farmer and his wife who lived humbly and kindly. They loved helping people
who needed their help.
One night, when they were resting ,the farmer saw a white centipede emerge from his wifes head. His wife
was sleeping soundly. He was so shocked, but he didnt kill it. He even followed it. It disapeared into a small
pond not far from their hours.
In the morning, the wife told her husband that she had a scary dream the night before. She saw a giant
hedgehog which stared at her in a lake. She ran away immediately. After hearing the story,the farmen went to
the pond where the centipede disappeared. He saw an shining object and took it. It was very beautiful golden
hedgehog statue. The eyes were made of diamonds. The farmer took it home.
At night , the farmer dreamed that a giant hedgehog met him. It asked him to let it stay in the house . In
return ,it would give the farmer everyting he wanted. It asked the farmer that there were two kinds of words,
one was to start the wish and the second was to stop it.
The farmer told his wife about hids dream. Then,he took the hedgehog statue and caressed it. He asked
for rice. Suddenly, rice came out from the mouth of the statue. The rice kept on flowing until the farmer told it to
stop. The farmer and his wife also asked for other gifht

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