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Servis - Shoes for Everyone


Syed Munawar Abbas - Introduction

Rai Bilawal Mehmood - Characteristic
Arslan Rehman - Analysis about Campaign
Syed Ali Imam -Persuasion Techniques
and Conclude
What Is Advertisement..?
Brand Name, Tittle , Slogan,

Servis - Shoes for Everyo

Marketing Managers Planning
1.Target Audience Selection
2.Communication Objectives
4.Creative Strategy
5.Media Strategy
6.Campaign Tracking &
1. Target Audience Selection
2. Communication Objectives
3. Positioning
In Pakistan, the Servis group competitors are not only the local small
brands such as Aerosoft, Stylo, Bata etc the imported multi-national
brands such as Clarks, puma, urban sole, kork-ease, Frye etc.
Characteristics and Features
Highly Comfortable

Funky and fascinating look

Top Quality Leather

Brands for Sportspersons

Creative Strategy
Media Strategy
Persuasion Techniques
Video Campaign
Success or Failure of the Campaign
Newspaper, Billboards, MagaZine,
Pamphlets, Streamers

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