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Por qu se extingue?(because it is
Porque:El calamar colosal se extingue porque
el artico se derrite por el calentamiento global
que cada ao hace mas calor en la tierra y
entonces se tienen que ir mueren por el
Camino quedan 1500 ejemplares.
Because:the colossal squid is extinguished
because the Artic are melted by the global
warming that evei year is hotter on the heart
and then they have to go, die by the way
there are only 1500 copies.
Caracteristicas:El calamar colosal dicen que
puede llegar a 12 metros pero el ejemplar mas
grande capturado mide 4,2 metros, pesa 500 kg
de maximo muchos de esos metros se deben a
sus tentaculos y se alimenta de
tiburones,bacalados y algun cachalote pequeo.
The colossal squid say it can reach 12 meters
but the largest specimen caught measuring 4,2
meters are due to many of those meters are
due to their tentacles and feeds on sharks
bacalados an some small sperm whale.

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