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Liver Cell



by Bhoom, Win ,Bom and Ning

- In liver organ
Where is liver cell
- Upper right-hand
portion of the
abdominal cavity.

- Above the
stomach but under
the diaphragm.

- It located near
other digestive
organs to help
digestion by
produce bile
Imagine this is part of the liver, can
you find hepatocyte?
Before we get into this cell deeply, we will introduce overall
cell in liver first
Cell in liver
This close arrange flat
They do main function
circle or group of
of liver.
hepatocyte called Liver
cell cord Most of liver made
of them.

They surround portal

vein(cell of bad blood)
or central vein.
Sinusoid is space between liver cell cord.

It allows portal vein to go trough liver.

It separates
from hepatocyte
by space of

It allows lymph
go through which
This is space
bring material
of disse.
when hepatocyte
This is Kupffer

It located on sinusoid
Its function is protect liver
and endothelial cell.
from bacteria or other foreign
protein in blood.
Function of Liver Cell (Hepatocytes)
Production of Bile

Modify the amino acid as the body need

Store and release glucose as needed

Storing iron

Remove toxic materials (Alcohol, Drug) by H2O2

into H2 and O2

Regulating blood clotting.
Overall organelle
in animal cell
Nucleus : Nucleolus :
command center make ribosome
of all cell

Cytoplasm : membrane :
Jelly-like store separate
organelle outside and
inside cell
o Ribosome : store protein and go to
RER or make protein in cytoplasm

Vacuole : Storage bubble

o Lysosome : Garbage collector and
digest food vacuole into smaller pieces.

Centrosome : Helping in cell division

Cytoskeleton : Support the cell and help

organelle to move easily

Mitochondria : Produce energy

Golgi body : receive, modify nutrient

and sent out to other organelle
organelles in
Microvilli help to absorb the nutrient. It located on
the Sinusoidal face.

Hepatocytes might have more than one or two Multi

nucleoli. When cell division occur, the cell copy the
chromosome but didnt exactly divide the cell

Microbody or Peroxisome, eliminate to clean


Bile canaliculus, a bile with a tiny size before forming

together into a large bile.
Special feature
There are many function.
So, it needs lots of mitochondria
which produce energy than other

Turn Inactive medicine form to Active

R Agranular reticulum Or Smooth
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum.
E create enzyme to metabolize

R inactive form medicine to active

form medicine.

create enzyme for deamination

and (change ammonia into urea)

Granular reticulum or Rough
Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER) E
change protein to lipids.
make protein to help in
coagulation process.
Disease in liver
Liver failure
seperate into 2 type

(Happen rapidly and hard to treat in initially )

( Liver will fail in long time about months or
year )
Cause Effect 2) After a progress
- Jaundice
- Bleeding easily
1) Early symptom - Swollen abdomen
- Hepatitis B&C
- Dizziness & Vomit (big tummy)
(also cause for acute)
- Lack of energy and
- Drinking alcohol for long - Confusion
time - Sleepiness
- Dont want to eat anything
- Cirrhosis - Coma
- Diarrhea(Intense of waste
- Hemochromatosis
in stomach)
(It leads body to store too
much salt)
- Malnutrition
The patient should go to hospital since they know that they had liver failure. If not and it beyond to able
to treat, they need to do liver transplant.
Brier, D. (2012, September 20). Liver: Cell Types Found in Liver Simplified. Retrieved from

, %. (n.d.). (Hepatobiliary system). Retrieved from


Taylor, T. (n.d.). Liver. Retrieved from

Wedro, B. (1996). Liver disease. Retrieved January 24, 2017, from

LM, Medium (n.d). liver diagram. Retrieved from

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