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Course: Customizing Your iPad with Accessibility Features Screen Type: Basic

Lesson: Welcome Screen Number: 1

Instructor: Michelle Janney

Customizing Your iPad Arlington Public Schools
with Accessibility Math Coach

This course will walk you through

how to customize your iPad with
accessibility features.

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Graphic Source: Navigation: Back: Screen Disabled Next: Screen 2

Alt Tag: An image of the settings icon the iPad home page. Font/Color: Heading: Calibri 24 Blue Body: Calibri 18 Black
Course: Customizing Your iPad with Accessibility Features Screen Type: Basic

Lesson: Introduction Screen Number: 2

Introduction to
accessibility features on
the iPad
The iPad has free built in accessibility
functions that are designed to be
universal. All iPad owners will use an
accessibility feature at one time or
another. Individuals can customize
their iPad to meet their needs.
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Graphic Source: Navigation: Back: Screen 1 Next: Screen 3

Alt Tag: A picture of the home screen on an iPad. Font/Color: Heading: Calibri 24 Blue Body: Calibri 18 Black
Course: Customizing Your iPad with Accessibility Features Screen Type: Navigation

Lesson: Why customize the IPad with accessibility features? Screen Number: 3

Why would it be valuable to Yes, I understand

the pedagogy

know how to customize your behind needing to

know how to
instruct students
iPad with accessibility on customizing
their iPad.
features? No, I would like
some background
information on
why I would need
to know how to
help students
customize their

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Graphic Source: Navigation: Yes: Link to screen 5. No: Link to screen 4.

Alt Tag: Childs hand touching the screen of an iPad. Font/Color: Heading: Calibri 24 Blue Body: Calibri 18 Black Buttons:Calibri 12
Course: Customizing Your iPad with Accessibility Features Screen Type: Basic

Lesson: Background Information on customizing the iPad with accessibility Screen Number: 4

iPad Pedagogy
Educators need to have a basic understanding of the
free features available on the iPad. There are Graphic of an image portraying
students in your classes that can benefit from many of students on iPads.
the accessibility features on the iPad. By customizing
your ipad you will be able to support students in
customizing theirs. It is vital that teachers have some
understanding of the iPad functions when
implementing technology into lessons.

iPad users can customize their device to meet their

individual needs. Through settings you can enlarge
font, zoom in, have text read to you, speak to write, Back Next
adjust background color and limit a users access to
Graphic Navigation: Back: Screen 3 Next: Screen 5

Alt Tag: Image of students on iPads. Font/Color: Heading: Calibri 24 Blue Body: Calibri 14 Black
Course: Customizing Your iPad with Accessibility Features Screen Type: Assessment

Lesson: Knowledge Check Pedagogy and Background Screen Number: 5

Knowledge Check
Please answer True or False to Notes:

the following statement. Feedback for True: All ages can benefit
from one or more accessibility features
found on an iPad. Link to Screen 4 for
review. Then to Screen
Students in a middle school classroom are too Feedback for False: Thats Right!
young to need any of the accessibility features on Everyone can benefit at one time or
another by utilizing one or more
their iPad. accessibility features found on the iPad.

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Graphic Source: No Graphic Navigation: True: link to screen 4 False: link to screen 6

Alt Tag: Font/Color: Heading: Calibri 24 Blue Body: Calibri 18 Black

Course: Customizing Your iPad with Accessibility Features Screen Type: Assessment

Lesson: Identify accessibility features on the iPad Screen Number: 6

Accessibility features
found on the iPad
Accessibility functions and features
can be turned on to customize your
iPad to fit your individual needs.

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Graphic Source: Navigation: Back: Screen 5 Next: Screen 7

Alt Tag: Various iPad icons floating on the page. Font/Color: Heading: Calibri 24 Blue Body: Calibri 18 Black
Course: Customizing Your iPad with Accessibility Features Screen Type:

Lesson: Locate accessibility features Screen Number: 7

Steps to customize your iPad

with accessibility features
Press the home button
Tap the settings icon
Tap General
Tap Accessibility

After tapping accessibility you can scroll

through the numerous accessibility features
that are available and choose the one you Back Next
want to enable.
Graphic Source: Navigation: Back: Screen 6 Next: Screen 8

Alt Tag: Picture of iPad home screen magnifying the steps to get to accessibility Font/Color: Heading: Calibri 24 Blue Body: Calibri 18 Black
Course: Customizing Your iPad with Accessibility Features Screen Type: Basic

Lesson: Accessibility Features on the iPad Screen Number: 8

Accessibility Features on the iPad

Voice Over Audio Descriptions

Zoom Guided Access
Magnifier Reduce Motion
Display Accommodations Switch Control
Speech Assistive Touch
Larger Text Keyboard
Button Shapes Shake to Undo
Increase Contrast Vibration
Phone Noise Cancellation Call Audio Routing
Hearing Devices Back Next
Subtitles and Captioning
Graphic Source: Navigation: Back: Screen 7 Next: Screen 9

Alt Tag: Universal accessibility symbol Font/Color: Heading: Calibri 24 Blue Body: Calibri 18 Black
Course: Customizing Your iPad with Accessibility Features Screen Type: Assessment

Lesson: Knowledge Check Screen Number: 9

Knowledge Check
Which of the following is not an
accessibility feature on the iPad? Notes:

Feedback for Correct answers A, B, or C:

Excellent, you are aware of the many
accessibility features offered on the iPad. Link to
A. Zoom C. Hearing Screen 8
Devices Feedback for Incorrect answer D:
Not quite, Please review the list of accessibility
features found on the iPad. Link to Screen 6
B. Vibration D. TV Guide
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Graphic Source: No Grapic Navigation: Correct A,B,C link to screen 10 Incorrect D link to screen 8

Alt Tag: Font/Color: Heading: Calibri 24 Blue Body: Calibri 18 Black

Course: Customizing Your iPad with Accessibility Features Screen Type: Basic

Lesson: Voice Over and Touch Tasks Screen Number: 10

Locate the Voice Over

accessibility function

One very popular accessibility feature on

the ipad is Voice Over. This accessibility
function can be instrumental in helping
struggling or slow readers in the

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Graphic Source: Navigation: Back: Screen 9 Next: Screen 11

Alt Tag: Picture of VoiceOver accessibility screen on the ipad. Font/Color: Heading: Calibri 24 Blue Body: Calibri 18 Black
Course: Customizing Your iPad with Accessibility Features Screen Type: Basic

Lesson: Steps to locate VoiceOver Screen Number: 11

Steps to locate VoiceOver

1. Press the Home button to return to the home
2. Tap the Settings icon
3. Tap General
4. Tap Accessibility
5. Tap Voice Over

Voice over speaks items on the screen according to

the touch tasks assigned. You can also set the
speaking rate by moving the button between the Back Next
turtle and the rabbit.
Graphic Source: No Graphic Navigation: Back: Screen 10 Next: Screen 12

Alt Tag: Font/Color: Heading: Calibri 24 Blue Body: Calibri 18 Black

Course: Customizing Your iPad with Accessibility Features Screen Type: Basic

Lesson: Voice Over and Touch Tasks Screen Number: 12

Voice Over and Touch Tasks

Once you are in Voice Over Slide the button
to the right and it will turn green. This
indicates that the Voice Over accessibility
features is now functional.

Touch Tasks for Voice Over

1. Tap once to select an item

2. Double-tap to activate the selected item Back Next
3. Swipe three fingers to scroll
Graphic Source: Navigation: Back: Screen 11 Next: Screen 13

Alt Tag: Two hands, One is holding the iPad the other using a touching the Font/Color: Heading: Calibri 24 Blue Body: Calibri 18 Black
Course: Customizing Your iPad with Accessibility Features Screen Type: Basic

Lesson: Summary Screen Number: 13

The accessibility features found on
the iPad are free and available to
everyone for personal customization.

As the integration of technology into

classrooms grows educators must
learn about device features to assist
all students for successful
implementation into content lessons.
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Graphic Source: Navigation: Back: Screen 12 Next: Screen Exit to Course Home Screen

Alt Tag: Sign with print Accessibility features on the iPad Font/Color: Heading: Calibri 24 Blue Body: Calibri 18 Black
Course: Customizing Your iPad with Accessibility Features Screen Type:

Lesson: Screen Number:

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Graphic Source: Navigation:

Alt Tag: Font/Color:

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