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What is Biodiversity?

Genetic diversity w/in species natural

selection, recovery, adaptation
Ecosystem Diversity edge habitats
(ecotone) maximal species diversity
Species Diversity richness (# types)
Biodiversity is unevenly
Living things are not
distributed evenly on Earth
Latitudinal gradient =
species richness increases
toward the equator

Canada has 30100 species of

breeding birds, while Costa Rica
has more than 600 species
Trends in Biodiversity - MYA
Background vs. Mass Extinction Rates

Dinosaurs End of
Cretaceous Pd
Causes of Endangerment
Overexploitation Dodo, tigers, gorilla

Pollution (DDT, acid rain, climate change)

Habitat Loss urban development,

People have hunted species to

Extinctions followed human arrival on islands and continents

Habitat Loss Biomes Impacted
Habitat fragmentation
Habitat fragmentation
= gradual, piecemeal
degradation of habitat
Farming, roads, logging,
Continuous habitats are
broken into patches
Species needing that
habitat disappear
strategies try to optimize
areas to be preserved
Island Biogeography Concept
Loss of Mature Forest in United States
Causes of Endangerment
Biotic Pollution invasive species:
competitors (zebra mussel, brown anole,
Caulerpa algae, Kudzu)
Reasons for Endangerment
Biotic Pollution: Predators:
Brown tree snake
House cats

Billions of song
birds killed by pets
Characteristics of Vulnerable Species

Specialists vs. Generalists

Narrow Niche Requirements
Broad Range requirements
Island species
Sensitive to Environmental Change
Fecundity Rates
High parental care
Low fecundity
K-selected species
Large territorial ranges

Protection can lead to Recovery
Multiple risks toxin
bioaccumulation (DDT,
lead shot) habitat loss,
Illegal hunting
- Bald Eagle Protection
Act 1940, ESA (1973),
banning of DDT (1972)
- Threatened 1995
Endangered Species Act
1973 US Govt. & Citizens cannot destroy
endangered species or their habitats.
Listed species must have recovery plan with
US Fish & Wildlife
Protection, captive breeding, habitat
Trade in end. Species prohibited similar to
1973 Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora (CITES)
Northern Spotted Owl
Loggers vs.
changes in
Pacific NW
Why Conserve Species?
Ecosystem Services
Pest control

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