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Socio-culture environment refers to the influence
exercised by certain social factors which are beyond
the companys gate. Such factors includes
Attitude of people to work
Attitude to wealth,
Ethics and social responsibility
Nature of Socio-Culture

In its true sense, culture is understood as that complex whole

which includes knowledge belief, belief, art, morals, art, morals,
law, customs and other capabilities and habits acquired by an
individual as member of a society.
Acc to Elbert and james Glynn: the thought and behavioural
patterns that members of a society learn through language and
other forms of symbiolic interaction-their customs, habits, belief,
and values, the common viewpoints which bind them togetheras a
social entity. Cultures change gradually, picking up new ideas and
dropping old ones, but many of the cultures of the cultures of the
past have been so persistent and self-contained that the impact of
any sudden change tears them apart, uprooting their people
Impact of Culture of Business
Impact of Socio-Culture on Business

Culture creates people

The concept of culture is of great significance to
business because it is the culture which generally
determines the ethos of the people. It trains people
along particular lines. (Indians, Japnese, Americans
when people with diffenrent cultural backgrounds
promote, own and manage organisations,
organisations tend to have their own distinct cultures.
Functions of Culture

Culture creates distinctions between one organisation

with another.
It conveys the sense of identity for organisational
It facilitates the generation of commitment to
something nobler than ones own self interest.
It enhances the social system stability.

Sometimes Culture becomes liability

2. Culture and Globalisation
Culture Determines Goods and Services

Culture broadly determines the type of goods and

services a business should procedure.
The type of food people eat, the clothes they wear,
the beverages they drink. Business should realise
these culture differences and bring out products

4. Peoples attitude to business.

5. Attitude to work.
6. Ambitious.
7. Education
8. Family.
9. Authority.
10.The view of scientific method.
11. Ethics in Business.
12. Religion.

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