Film Pitch

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Why we called our film
We decided to name our film postcodes as many gang disputes
come from what area you come from and who you belong to.
When doing our research in to gang films we found out that the
media call this 'postcode wars' and this had a big influence on
our choice of name for our film.
We originally planned to name our film after a street or area but
once we had done our research we decided postcodes was the
one which made the most sense.
Inspiration and dream cast

Our genre is crime and the main films that inspired us to make
our opening were films such as brotherhood and kidulthood, as
well as others such as attack the block.
Attack the block is written by joe Cornish and is about a teen
gang in south London
Brotherhood is written by Noel Clarke and is about a man named
Sam who's past involvement with gangs has come back to haunt
him. Sams first warning comes when they shoot his brother. This
is similar to our plot as our main character becomes involved
with her brothers past which puts her in danger.
Noel Clarke also acts in the films so we decided that he would be
part of the cast if we could choose and john boyega who is the
main character in attack the block.

The main female character in our opening is called Amelia

She is 17 years old and lives in London with her mum and
As in the opening scene she is going to a party she will be
wearing a dress and a full face of makeup, however if we were to
make the rest of the film she would have a very casual look and
light or no makeup.
She has brown wavy hair, styled natural
The Gang

There will be four boys in the gang all between the ages of 16
and 19.
They will wear casual street wear eg. Tracksuits, hoodies and the
colours for their outfits will be blacks and greys neutral colours.
Minor Characters

Jade will be dressed very casually with minimal makeup. She will
have very natural hair and a minimalistic look
The brother will be tall and will have similar clothes to the boys in
the gang in the opening as he too is part of a gang so they come
from similar backgrounds.

Our film is set in hackney so we will use rap or grime for the
soundtrack. Also as we will be mainly filming outside ambient
sound will be used as well eg. Street noise, to give our film a
realistic feel as we want it to be as life like as possible.
We will use silences throughout the film to build tension,
especially in the opening scene where Amelia first comes face to
face with the gang.
Also to build tension, crescendos will be used to put the audience
on edge and keep them anticipating what will happen next.
Off screen plot

This film is centred around a gang rivalry between the gang that
will be shown in the opening and the gang that the main female
characters brother is in.
The gang is after Amelia after finding out about her brother being
abusive towards one of the gang members sister
One of the gang members is with jade and this is why she sets
Amelia up, making Amelia think they they are friends but really
she is betraying her.
On screen plot The opening

Our opening scene will show Amelia walking to a party when jade
sets her up by telling the rival gang where they can get her. They
will come face to face and confront each other when Amelia will
get stabbed.

We will be mainly filming in alleyways and on the street.

We will be filming at night to again make it feel realistic as crime
and gangs usually operate at night.
We will film near London fields as there as it is a big park and is
known particularly for gang violence. This will also make it
realistic again as this area will probably be known to some of the
We chose to show this trailer as it highlights our point that these
films are mainly set at night and shows why we chose to set it in
the dark

Our film will be rated 15 as we decided this age rating best fit
with the guidelines set by the BBFC.
Our film will contain swearing and feature violence at points,
however this will not be strong enough to make the film an 18.
This is because the BBFC says "violence may be strong but not
dwell on the infliction of pain or injury" which the film will not as
it is not a horror and violence is not the main focus of this film.

Here is the story board we create to show the scene mapped out:
Audience Research

When we researched our potential audience(15-25) the majority

of the people we asked said that their favourite genre was action
or comedy films but they would watch a crime/gang film.
When asked, the participants said they expected to see violence
in these types of films which our film will have.
They also expected the film to have a good soundtrack which we
are aiming to get.
In our survey we asked 'do you enjoy the crime genre' and
60.87% said yes and 30.43% were unsure, which provides us
with the knowledge that we would have a large audience who
may be interested in our film.
Audience Research (2)

Here is the survey we used for our research

Thank you for listening

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