Cap Digital (In English)

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Cap Digital

Paris Region Business Cluster

Digital Content Industry
Patrick Cocquet

Henri Verdier
Cap Digital: The French Business Cluster for Digital Content

• Cap Digital is a regional business cluster

that promotes French competitiveness in
the Digital Content Creation and
Knowledge Management Industries for the
Ile-de-France region

• The region already ranks as one of

Europe’s top two business metropolitan
hubs and charts the strongest growth
compared to 14 other European
metropolitan areas.

• The Content industry represents more

than 150,000 jobs

•70-80% of the French digital market

assessed at €12 Billion

Who are We?

• Cap Digital is the French business cluster for Digital Content and Services in
Paris and the Ile-de-France region.

• 500 Members: 430 innovative SMEs, 50 major universities,170 research labs,

and 20 corporations

- They have joined Cap Digital to benefit from professional expertise for R&D
projects, for funding information and support, and for their structure’s

• Since 2006, Cap Digital has received 850 projects, accredited 414 and
received funding for 274 projects.

- These represent a total investment of 527M€ and 228M€ of public funds.

• In 2009, within the regional program “Plan Filière Régionale” over 60

companies benefited from development workshops

- Over 40 companies have participated in international prospective missions.

Domain Communities

• 9 Domain Communities that define the cluster’s scope and strategy

- Recommend measures to implement
- Contribute new ideas, projects, and platforms
- Identify technological development needs
- and their sector’s promotional and organizational tools

Video Games, Digital Design, Digital Heritage, Image, Sound and

Interactivity, Robotics and Communicating Objects, Digital Education and
Training, Services and Usages, Knowledge Engineering, Open Source
Software, Cooperation and New Business Models. 

• 3Commissions (Knowledge, Content, and Services) to lead our expertise

- Project reviews and selection of cluster experts

• Cap Digital provides members with essential information, networks, and

- Ongoing competitive intelligence, training, partnerships, funding
solutions, and project reviews
- Contribute to creating a new governance for the innovation sector.

Video Game: Play All
• Play All is the first SME-led successful collaborative initiative in the games
industry to establish its own company
• It regrouped 14 partners – 9 SMEs - 5 research labs
• A 24 month-project
• The 9 SMEs shared a game creation middleware platform for 3rd generation
platforms (Wii – PS3 – Xbox 360 – DS – PSP).
• The consortium is preparing to implement 4G platforms

THD Platform : “incubating” digital services

 The THD platform is a new program to facilitate the

implementation of industrial projects for digital services and

 B2C
o MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Games)
o Mapping Services (ie: virtual 3D globe)
o E-learning, after-school tutorials
o E-health, home-care, remote diagnosis and assistance

 B2B
o Teleconferencing, tele-presence, collaborative environments
o Secure storage of online multimedia data, data-management
o Online information sharing, ASP software
o Remote training and healthcare

 A better understanding of new usages

 Benchmarking

 Comparative Analysis

 Cultural Observation
Terra Numerica and the Digitalisation of
Territories: a Collaborative Cap Digital Project

• An important project led by Thalès: 17 partners, SMEs ,

public institutions (INRIA, IGN) and public research labs (CITU,

• One global information system using a 3D geographic

database: a new way of reading the urban environment

• The structuring project enables dynamic access to all

accessible content and takes into account the diversity of
various users and new consultation systems

International Cooperation

• Member services: international prospective missions, augmented visibility for companies,

facilitated new business opportunities

• Cap Digital provides SMEs the means to build and participate in European consortiums.  It
promotes national innovative projects so that they can become the foundation for new European
collaborations in the sector of digital content and services

• Partnerships with other leading European clusters, at a structural and project level, are an
essential element of Cap Digital's strategic activities

• Working closely with various projects, networks, and associations with partner clusters and the
European Commission, developing both French and European leadership in the Creative
Industries are strategic tools to ensure our ICT industry’s international outreach efforts

• We would like to reinforce existing partnerships and multiply cooperative endeavors

Cap Digital is supported by:

For More Information:

Tel: +33 (0)

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