Design of The Concrete Mixture..Final

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Concrete Mixture DESIGN

ITEM 405
Structural Concrete
Concrete Bridge
Concrete Storm Drain
Concrete Seawall
The main objective of the design is to
determine the proportion of the ingredients that
will produce concrete of the proper workability
when fresh and the desired durability and
strength after it has hardened.
The principal factors that must be considered
in proportioning concrete are:
1. Requirement as to placing.
2. Interrelationships of cement content,

water-cement ratio and gradation of

3. Required strength.
4. Quality of concrete necessary to satisfy
the conditions of exposure.
5. Considerations of economy.
The starting mix is proportioned in a
testing laboratory after preliminary quality
tests on the ingredients have been done. The
final proportions are established from
laboratory trial mixes, subject to adjustments
due to field conditions. This is done ahead of
concreting work to avoid unnecessary delays.
The characteristics of the available materials should be
considered in estimating the required batch weights for the
concrete suitable for the work. The sequence of steps to follow

1. Choice of slump.
2. Choice of maximum size of aggregate.
3. Estimate amount of mixing water and water content.
4. Select water cement ratio. Maximum permissible values
for non-air entrained concrete are indicated in Table III-l.
5. Calculate cement content.
6. Estimate quantity of fine and coarse aggregates.
7. Adjust for moisture content of aggregates.
8. Check calculated mixture proportions by preparing and
testing trial batches. Adjustments are made, if found
If any of the above criteria is prescribed by the job
specifications, then there is no choice . The
requirements in the specifications shall govern.

Specified Water-Cement Ratio

Strength By Weight
fc, Mpa (psi)

27.6 (4,ooo) 0.44

25.8 (3,750) 0.48
24.1 (3,500) 0.51
20.7 (3,ooo) 0.58
17.2 (2,500) 0.65
Table III-l. Maximum Permissible Water-Cement
Item 405 Structural

p. 193 Std. Specs B.B.

e. g. From Specs: Parameters to be
Conc. Class A
CF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9.00
Slump - - - - - - - - - - - - - 76.2 mm.
Max. Size of C.A. - - - - - - - 38.1 mm.

Min. Comp. Strength - - - - 21 Mpa @

From Prelim. Tests:
Bulk Sp. Gr. of F.A. - - - - - 2.65 (SSD)
Fineness Modulus - - - - - 2.50
Bulk Sp. Gr. of C.A. - - - - - 2.65 (SSD)
Max. Size of Agg. - - - - - - - 38.1 mm.
Rounded Agg. - - - - - - - - - Visual Insp.
C.A. - - - - - - - - - Freewater of 3%
F.A. - - - - - - - - - - Freewater of -1%
F.A. - - - - - - - - - - Natural Sand
C.A. Unit Wt. - - - - 1552.76 kgs./m3 (loose)
1723.62 kgs./m3 (rodded)
F.A. Unit Wt. - - - - 1500 kgs./m3 (loose)
1633.17 kgs./m3 ( rodded)
Sp. Gr. Type 1 Cement - - - - - 3.15
Design Mix ( Per Bag of Cement)
Basis : 1 bag of 40 kgs. Cement

Abs. Vol. of Conc. = 1 bag/ CF

= 1 bag / 9.00 bags/m3
= 0.1111 m3
Abs. Vol. of Cement= 40 kgs./ 3.15 x 1000 kgs./m3
= 0.0127 m3
Abs. Vol. of Water = 166/ CF x 1000
= 166 @ 1bag-kgs./m3/9.0 bags/m3 x
1000 kgs./m3
= 0.0184 m3
Abs. Vol. of Cement and Water = 0.0127 m3 + 0.0184
= 0.0311 m3
Abs. Vol. of F.A. and C.A. = 0.1111 m3 0.0311
= 0. 0800 m3

If Air Voids should be considered :

a. v. = 2%

Abs. Vol. of a.v. = 0.02 ( 0.1111)

= 0.0022 m3
Abs. Vol. of water + cement + a.v. = 0.0184 +
0.0127 + 0.0022
= 0.0333 m3
Abs. Vol. of F.A. + C.A. or Agg. = 0.1111
= 0.0778
Correction of F.A., % of Total Agg. By Abs. Vol.

% F.A. (Sand) = 37 % - - - - - - - - From Table V

Corrections/ Adj.:

Act. W/C = 166/ CF x 40 kgs.

= 166/ 9.0 x 40
= 0.46

1. W/C = [ Act. Std./ F ] R

= [ 0.46 0.57 / 0.05 ] +_ 1
= - 2.2 %
2. F.M. = [ Act. Std. / F ] R
= [ 2.50 2.75 / 0.1 ] +_
= - 1.25 %

3. Slump = 76.2 mm. 76.2 mm. / 25.4 mm.

= 0 / 25.4 mm.
= 0

4. Manufactured Sand - - - - - Natural Sand = 0

5. For Less Workable Conc. as Pavement - - - Item 405 = 0

Corrections = - 3.45 %

% F.A. (Sand) = 37 3.45

= 33.55 %
Abs. Vol. of F.A. = 0.3355 ( 0.0800)
= 0.0268 m3

Abs. Vol. of C.A. = 0.0800 0.0268

= 0.0532 m3

Abs. Vol. Sp. Gr. Unit Wt. of H2O, kgs./m3

Uncorr. Wts., kgs.

C-0.0127 m3 3.15 1000

40 kgs.
F.A.-0.0268 m3 2.65 1000
71 kgs.
C.A.-0.0532 m3 2.65 1000
141 kgs.
H2O-0.0184 m3 1.0 1000
18.4 kgs.
Corrected Weights Batch

C- 40 40

F.A. Uncorr. Wts.(1 + -1/100)

= 71 (1+ -1/100)

C.A. Uncorr. Wts.(1 + 3/100)

= 141 (1+ 3/100)

H2O- 270.4 255.3

Check your Design:
Density of Concrete = 150 PCF
= 150 lbs./ft3 x 0.454 kgs./lbs. x
35.31 ft3/ m3
= 2,404.61 kgs./m3
From the Design Mix:
Concrete = Wt./ Vol.
= 270.4 kgs. / 0.1111 m3
= 2,433.84 kgs./m3
2,433.84 kgs./ m3 2,404.61 kgs./ m3
Therefore Adopt the Design
For Water:
24.7 liters 15.1 kgs. x 1 liter/kg.
Design is
For your CCS Samples:

D=6 A = (6)2/4

= 28.27 sq. In.

Nos. of Layers =3

Nos. of Blows/ Layers =

Calibrated Boxes
1 ft

1 ft

Volume of Ponki = 1 ft3 x 1m3/35.31

= 0.0283 m3
By Volumetric Batch:

Cement 1 bag of 40 kgs./bag 1.0

F.A. = 70.1 kgs./1500 kgs./m3

= 0.0467 m3; o.0467 m3/0.0283 m3=1.65

C.A. =145.2kgs./152.72kgs./m3
=0.0935 m3; 0.0935 m3/0.0283 m3 =3.30

Water =15.1 kgs. x 1 liter/ kgs. x 1 gal./ 3.785 liters

= 3.98 gals. Say: 4 gals.

The Ratio is 1 : 2 : 3 @ 4 gals. of

The starting trial mix is 70.1 kgs fine
aggregate , 145.2 kgs. Coarse aggregate, and
15.1 kgs. of water per bag of cement using
the field condition of the aggregates.

Using the above weights, a trial batch is run,

and it is found that 16.57 kgs. of water must
be added to produce the required 76.2 mm.
By Weight :

Free Water in F.A. = -0.01 kg.

Water Added = +18.4 kgs.

18.39 kgs.

Water required for

Absorption in C.A. = +0.03 kg.

18.39 kgs.

24.7 Liters 18.38 liters

The mix, therefore, conforms to the requirement
of the Standard Specifications, the maximum
net water content allowed being 24.7 liters per
bag of cement.
The next operation will be to check the yield.
The procedure is described in AASTHO.
Designation T-121, see Exhibit VI-24; calculation
is as follows:
By Weight :

Check the yield:

The measured unit weight of the Concrete is found to be

2,433.84 kgs. / cu.m. then,

Vconcrete produced / bags of cement = w /

= 270.4 / 2433.84
= 0.1111 cu.m.

Cement = 1 / 0.1111
= 9.0 bags / cu.m.

Actual CF is 9.0 bags/cu.m.

Therefore the Design Mix is satisfactory.
The starting trial mix has been checked three
ways: the workability is good, indicating that
the sand-gravel ratio is about right ; the net
water content, as determined by test, is within
the allowable variation of 2%. The mix can,
therefore, be used as the official mix for the
project, subject only to necessary adjustment
during construction.

If the yield test indicates that there is a

variation in the cement content by more than
2% , adjustment in the batch weights may be
made by decreasing or increasing the
absolute volume of total aggregate by an
amount equal to the difference between
volume produced and calculated volume.
Thus, in the previous example, suppose the
measured unit weight is 65.91 kgs. Instead of
68.18 kgs.

Under the present Specifications, the

maximum net water content of 24.7 liters per
bag of cement will rarely. If at all, be exceeded
due to specified aggregate gradation. Excess
water for proper workability will be required if
the aggregates are poorly graded, have poor
particle shape or have an excess of flat or
elongated particles. The Specifications do not
allow the use of such aggregates.

Making good concrete requires the application

of improved practices and techniques. It is
recognized that in addition to proper
ingredients, a modern formula for successful
concrete production would include common
sense, good judgement and vigilance. By
sticking to the above rule , it is positive that
the resulting concrete shall not fail to give the
service that can be expected.
It is the responsibility of those in charge of
construction work to make sure that concrete
is of uniform good quality. The extra effort and
care required to achieve this objective are
small in relation to the benefits. All that is
required to achieve the best is an
understanding of the basic principles of
making good concrete and close attention to
the already proved practices during

In order that uniform batches of concrete of

proper proportion and consistency are to be
produced, it is essential that the weighing of all
ingredients be carefully controlled.
Cement is placed in bags of the usual 40 kgs. Net
weight for convenience. If fractional bags of
cement are used they should be weighed for
each batch. In using full bags, it will always be
good to run a weight check test every now and
then to be sure that tampered bags are not used.
Dependable and accurate means for
measuring the mixing water are essential. The
equipment should be tested and calibrated for
accuracy every now and then for best result.
The inspector should develop a keen eye to
readily distinguish the required consistency
from the unsatisfactory, which should be
immediately remedied one it occurs.
Volumetric measurement of aggregates. Especially
sand, is not dependable. A small amount of moisture
which is nearly always present, causes the aggregate
to bulk. The amount of bulking depends upon the
moisture content and the grading. The general
practise is to weigh the aggregates. The varying
amounts of free moisture present in the aggregates
particularly in natural sand, must be determined and
corresponding corrections should be made on the
batch weights. Dependable and accurate weighing
machines of capacities commensurate to the size of
the job are necessary for best results. The inspector
should every now and then test the accuracy of the
machine in order to place the same amount of
aggregates in every batch of concrete.

A competent concrete inspector is one who is

thoroughly conscious of the importance and
scope of his work and is fully informed with
regards to the design and specifications.
Armed with judgement gained through
experience, he will not only detect faulty
construction but will also be in a position to
forestall it by preventing improper procedures.
Mixing is done by batch mixers or standard paving mixer
for concrete pavements which were previously approved
for use as to suitability and reliability. But whichever is
used, it is a general rule that all concrete ingredients
should be mixed thoroughly and uniformly distributed,
until the appearance of the mix is uniform. Mixing time
rather than the speed of rotation, has greater influence
on the strength and quality of the concrete. One and
one-half minutes of mixing all the ingredients is
necessary for mixers of 1.53 cu.m. Capacity or less, and
one-half minute is added for every cu.m. excess.
Excessive mixing may result in grinding action on the
aggregates causing degradation to finer particles, a
condition not suitable to quality concrete because more
water will be required to maintain proper consistency.
One (1) Bagger Mixer
Transit Mixer
Design of Concrete Mix
p. 100 B.B.

Item 311 - PCCP - Portland Cement Concrete


Laboratory Data :

Fine Agg. - - - - - - -Natural

Fineness Modulus- 3.73
Sp. Gr. - - - - - - - - - 2.55
M.C., % - - - - - - - - 6.14
Abs., % - - - - - - - - - 3.56
Unit Wt., kg./m3 (loose) - - - - - - - -
Coarse Agg. - - - - - - - --Rounded
Maximum Size, mm. - -- 76.2 mm. (3)
Abs. Loss, % - - - - - - - --24.14
Sp. Gr. (SSD) - - - - - - - 2.55
M.C., % - - - - - - - - - - - 1.99
Abs., % - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.99
Unit Wt., kg./m3 (loose) - - - - 1524.12


Class of Concrete - - - - - - -- A
Comp./Flexural Strength---3,500 psi/650 psi Tested
Method @ 14
C.F. ------- 9.0 bags/m3
Slump -----76.2 mm.
Type & Brand of Cement - - - Portland
Cement (Holcim)
Sp. Gr. Type 1 Cement - - - - - 3.15

Basis : 1 bag of 40 kgs. Weight of


Absolute Volume Concrete = 1/ C. F.

= 1/ 9.0

= 0.1111
Absolute Volume of Cement = 40/ 3.15 x 1000

= 0.0127 m3

Absolute Volume of Water = 148 4.7/ 9 x 1000

= 1 bag x kgs./m3 / bag/m3

x kgs./m3

= 0.0159 m3

Absolute Volume of Water and Cement = 0.0159 + 0.0127

= 0.o286 m3

Absolute Volume of Agg. = 0.1111 - 0.o286

= 0.0825 m3
Corrections/ Adjustments:

% Sand = 31

W/C = 143.3/ 9.0 x 40

= 0.40

1. W/C = [( 0.40 - 0.57)/ o.05] +_ 1
= - 3.4
2. FM = [ (3.73 2.75) / 0.1 ] +_1/2
= 4.9
3. Slump = 76.2 76.2 / 25.4
= 0/ 25.4
= 0
4. Manufactured Sand - - - - - - --- Natural Sand = 0

5. Less Workable Concrete - - - - - For Pavement= 0

Corrections = - 1.5

% Sand = 31 1.5 = 29.50

Absolute Volume of Fine Agg. = 0.2950 (0.0825)

= 0.0243

Absolute Volume of Coarse Agg. = 0.0825 -


= 0.0582
Abs. Volume Sp. Gr. U.W. of H2O
Uncorr. Wts.

C -0.o127 3.15 1000


F.A.-0.0243 2.55 1000


C.A.-0.0582 2.55 1000


H2O-0.0159 1.00 1000


Total - - - -
Corrected Wts. Batch Wts.

C - 40 40

F.A. - 62[ 1 + ( 6.14 3.56 / 100)] 63.6

C.A. 148.4 [ 1 + ( 1.99 1.99 / 100)] 148.4

H2O- 266.4 - 252 14.4

Total - - - - - - - 266.4
For Concrete Beam Sample :

H = 6

W = 6
L= 3H+3
For CBS:

Reqd. = 1 Stroke / 2 area

A = 21 x 6

= 126 in. Sq.

Numbers of Layers = 2

No. of blows/Layer = 126/2

= 63
One (1) Bagger Mixer

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