Proframe For The Awakenings Network Project

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Proframe for the Awakenings Network Project

GOAL: Awakenings Network contributed to

development of civil society and took the path of
lasting social change through networking
between formal and non-formal education
Strategic Objectives:
1. Capacity building of Awakenings Network and other actors in formal and non-formal
sector to advocate, lead and implement processes of change through education
2. To support Network members and other actors in formal and non-formal sector to
organize, lead and implement activities and actions that lead to changes in society
through education

Intermediate Results:
Partners are responsible for the development of quality education; Local organizations are empowered; Action Teams and
Support group are developed; Stake holders have increased skills for parental and community involvement and advocacy
skills; Local partners initiate campaigns with formal education sectors, raisedissues and start actions for the benefit of the
entire community and society at a whole;

Outputs : Formal and non-formal

stakeholders in education organize number of
joint actions
Partners from formal and non-formal sector in
education share knowledge and experience
between each other;
Formal and non-formal stakeholders in
education organize number of campaigns or
actions that contribute to new laws/policies for
Formal and non-formal stakeholders in
education develop and expand model of active
participation in quality education for social
Activities: Capacity Building : trainings, seminars, workshops, interactive work,
presentations; Act on Social Change: Advocacy campaigns; Round tables; Discussions;
Parents clubs and councils; Newsletters for parents; Public debates, inclusion in state system
activities, participation on conferences, presentations
Proframe objectives hierarchy
1. Goal - the relevance of this project in wider development
2. Strategic Objectives - why the program/project is being
undertaken and who will benefit and how
3. Intermediate Results to confirm that the goods and
services provided by the program/project are accessible,
useful to, and being used by the intended end-users
4. Outputs - what goods and services have to be provided for
which management is contracted to deliver
5. Activities - what needs to be done to deliver the
program/projects goods and services
Proframe Semantics

Objective level Put the verb in the:

Goal Past tense

Strategic Objective Present or past tense

Intermediate Result Present or past tense
Output Present or past tense

Activity Infinitive
Indicators: Nature-Quality-Quantity-Time
Set N(ature) of the indicator: The percentage of detainees
families requested to pay bribes in cash or kind to the
Central Prison Warder is reduced
Set Q(uality): not applicable
Set Q(uantity): The percentage of detainees families
requested to pay bribes in cash or kind to the Central
Prison Warder is reduced by X%
Set T(ime): The percentage of detainees families
requested to pay bribes in cash or kind to the Central
Prison Warder is reduced by X% by the end of year Y

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