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Channel 4 Rebranding Case Study

By William Hall
Brief Findings
On Tuesday 29th of September 2015 Channel 4 unveiled
a new look for its main channel.

It was included a complete rebrand and new idents

which were inspired by the channels iconic Lambie
Nairn 4 font style previously used by channel 4.

According to channel 4 themselves the new identity

reflects the public service remit which is focused on
Innovation, diversity and taking creative risks.
The rebranded logo which Channel 4 now
uses Is a large step from the previous colour
scheme of Black and White. The Old scheme
made the channel seem much more formal
and informative however this wasnt what
the channel was purely airing program wise.

The new logo of the channel uses a bigger

variety of colours and is wanting to become
more diverse in the shows and audience
which they entertain.

The colours could also be representing all of

the channel 4s sister channels showing that
they are all owned as one. For example the
purple could link to E4 as this purple is very
iconic to the sister channel.
The shape of the new rebranded
logo uses the same theme from the
previous logo by continuing the use
of the 4. However this has been
changed and laid out/styled in a
different manor. The logo now lays
on its back and gives a different
angle of the logo almost
suggesting a new approach for
channel 4 or perspective.
The new logo is fairly similar is size
but is now laid horizontally and
instead of the classic vertical form.
Also new to the logo is the layers in
which are used on the logo as before
the logo was 2D and is currently a 3D
model almost suggesting different
platforms possibly with the use of the
different high and low layers. The
logo has been designed to
reproduced at a minimum height of
Why Channel 4 has Rebranded
They wanted the brand to reflect the
channels public service remit focusing on
innovation, diversity and taking creative
risks hence therefore a rebrand occurred.

Channel 4 also wanted to create a design

system that was Playful, surprising, ever
changing and above all colourful.

According to multiple articles they

rebranded due to represent the types of
shows that are aired on the channel and
the ethos of the company.
Sticking to corporate identity?
With the help of the new rebrand it has changed the channels
corporate identity and now aims to be more diverse and
entertaining, rather than informative and formal. This is in
order to maximize their target audience and profits within the

It is important that they stick to the basic channel four

identity when rebranding so that they keep their current
channels viewers. However the changes will need to very
simple things such as the colour and shape of the logo. This
allows them to add to their audience viewers whilst maintain
their older viewers.

It is important to keep the channels logo as a 4 as this has

become the channels identity and is recognizable by the
public. Changing this would make the channel unrecognizable
and this would affect the channels viewer base.

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