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Yesterday, Siti heard a cat mewing continuously. He looked
everywhere for it. At first, he could not find the cat. Finally, she
looked up to the roof of his house. She saw it was her
neighbourcat standing at the edge of the roof.
Siti called his father to get the cat down. The roof was too
high and the ladder was not long enough. He could not reach
the cat.
Sitis father decided to call the fire station. Soon, a fire engine
with two firemen arrived. A fireman climbed up a long ladder to
rescue the cat. She brought it down and gave it to Siti. Siti
returned it to her neighbour. His neighbour thanked her.
Aiman and his family went for a picnic at Lata Kinjang, Tapah last
week. Her mother cooked many types of food and his father drove them
here. Once we reached there, Aiman quickly helped his parents to set up
their picnic spot. Aiman and their brother jumped into the water and
swam happily.
Encik Kamil helped her wife to serve the food they brought. Later, he
sat under a shady tree and enjoyed reading his favourite magazine. An
hour later, Aimans family had lunch together and we enjoyed the
delicious food while admiring the beautiful scenery around the waterfall.
At 5 oclock, they packed their things and headed home. Although she
was tired, Aiman was very happy and her father promised them they
would go there again.
Yesterday, Siti heard a cat mewing continuously. She looked
everywhere for it. At first, she could not find the cat. Finally, she
looked up to the roof of her house. She saw it was her
neighbourcat standing at the edge of the roof.
Siti called her father to get the cat down. The roof was too
high and the ladder was not long enough. He could not reach
the cat.
Sitis father decided to call the fire station. Soon, a fire engine
with two firemen arrived. A fireman climbed up a long ladder to
rescue the cat. He brought it down and gave it to Siti. Siti
returned it to her neighbour. Her neighbour thanked her.
Aiman and his family went for a picnic at Lata Kinjang, Tapah last
week. His mother cooked many types of food and his father drove them
here. Once they reached there, Aiman quickly helped his parents to set
up their picnic spot. Aiman and his brother jumped into the water and
swam happily.
Encik Kamil helped his wife to serve the food they brought. Later, he sat
under a shady tree and enjoyed reading his favourite magazine. An hour
later, Aimans family had lunch together and they enjoyed the delicious
food while admiring the beautiful scenery around the waterfall.
At 5 oclock, they packed their things and headed home. Although he
was tired, Aiman was very happy and his father promised them they would
go there again.
1. Paven likes to swim. ___________ likes to swim at Pantai Telok Batik.
2. The boys are dancing. __________ are dancing on the stage.
3. Mother and I love to bake. _________ always bake together.
4. Lina, Mimi and Siti are good friends. _________ are studying in the
same school.
5. The girl is waiting for her mother. ____________ is late for her class.
6. My father and my mother love to picnic. __________ always go picnic
by the seaside.
7. My father, my mother and I want to buy the books. _____________ buy
the books to be given to the orphanage.
8. My friends are Siti and Nani. ___________ love to read story books.
9. My sister and I love to sing._____________ always sing together.
10.My friends and I like to play badminton. _________ play badminton
every evening.

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