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1. In 1989, Jason, a research-type submersible with remote

TV monitoring capabilities and weighing 35 200 N, was
lowered to a depth of 646 m in an effort to send back to the
attending surface vessel photographs of a sunken Roman
ship offshore from Italy. The submersible was lowered at
the end of a hollow steel cable having an area of 452 10 6
m2 and E= 200 GPa. Determine the extension of the steel
cable. Due to the small volume of the entire system,
buoyancy may be neglected. (Note: Jason was the system
that took the first photographs of the sunken Titanic in
1986.) weight of steel per unit volume is 77 kN/m 3.
2. Two prismatic bars are rigidly
fastened together and support a
vertical load of 45 kN, as shown in
Figure. The upper bar is steel having
length 10 m and cross-sectional area
60 cm2. The lower bar is brass
having length 6 m and cross-
sectional area 50 cm2. For steel E =
200 GPa, for brass E = 100 GPa.
Determine the maximum stress in
each material. Specific weights of
brass and steel are 84kN and 77kN.
3. A 70 kN compressive load is applied to a 5 cm
diameter, 3 cm tall, steel cylinder. Calculate
stress, strain, and deflection.
4. What tensile stress is required to produce a
strain of 8105 in aluminum? Report the
answer in MPa. Aluminum has a Youngs
modulus of E = 70 GPa.
5. Stress-strain curves for materials in compression
differ from those in tension. Explain.
Chapter 1 and 2 SOM by R. S. Khurmi

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