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Harmonic Response Analysis (Full Method)

Step 1:
First carryout modal analysis
Now change the Type of Analysis to Harmonic
Click Analysis Options and select
Choose Full for solution method and click OK
Choose Program chosen for equation solver
Click OK
Step 2: Apply Loads
Apply the g load or Displacement excitation using Gravity or Displacement
a. For g load: Solution -> Define loads -> Apply -> Structural -> Inertia -> Gravity ->
b. For Displacement excitation: Structural -> Displacement -> On Nodes
Step 3: Analysis Setup
In the Solution menu click Load Step Opts -> Time/Frequency -> Freq and Substeps
Enter the Frequency range and Number of substeps
Select Ramped condition and click OK
Save the job using SAVE_DB option in the tool bar
Solve the analysis using Current LS
Step 4: Post processing
In the Time history variables window click Add Data
Take displacement and stress values for 3 nodes
Plot the graphs for displacement and stress w.r.t frequency
Note down the frequency value for the maximum displacement and stress response
Step 5:
In the main menu click General Postproc -> Read Results -> By Time/Freq
Enter the corresponding Frequency value and plot the displacement and stress contours

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