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Computer History
1613 -
- The word "computer" was first recorded as being used
to describe a person who performed calculations or
- The definition of a computer remained the same until
the end of the 19th century when it began referring to a
machine that performed calculations.
1800 -
1804 - Frances Joseph-Marie Jacquard completes his fully
automated loom that is programmed by punched cards.

1823 - Baron Jons Jackob Berzelius silicon (Si), which today is

the basic component of IC's.

1832 - Semen Korsakov uses punch cards for the first time to
store and search for information. (

1876 - Scottish-Canadian-American Alexander Graham Bell is

often credited as inventing the telephone makes the first call March
10, 1876.

1890 - Herman Hollerith developed a method for machines to

record and store information onto punch cards to be used for the
US census. He later formed the company we know as IBM today.
1900 - 1927
1907 - IBM files for its first U.S. patent, #998,631 October 11, 1907.
- Lee De Frost files patent #879,532 on January 29, 1907
for the vacuum tube triode. This is later used as an electronic switch in
the first electronic computer.

1911 - The company now known as IBM is founded June 16, 1911 in the state of New York as the Computing -
Tabulating - Recording Company (C-T-R), a consolidation of the Computing Scale Company, and The International
Time Recording Company.

1915 - The first telephone call is made across the continent.

1918 - ANSI, otherwise known as the American National Standards Institute, is formed.
1920 - First radio broadcasting begins in United States, Pittsburgh, PA.
1926 - The first patent for the semiconductor transistor is created.
1927 - Philo Taylor Farnsworth becomes the first person to successfully transmit a TV signal on September 7,
1936 1945 : First Generation Start
1936 - Alan Turing develops the Turing Machine.
Aturing machineis a machine proposed by theAlan Turingin1936that became the foundation for
theories about computing and computers. The machine was a device that printed symbols on paper
tape in a manner that emulated a person following a series of logical instructions.)

1942 - Frances Blaise Pascal invents a machine, called the Pascaline,

that can add, subtract, and carry between digits.

1943 - ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), the first

general-purpose electronic digital calculator begins to be constructed. This
computer by most is considered to be the first electronic computer.

1944 - The Harvard Mark I computer is officially presented at Harvard

University on August 7, 1944. The relay-based Harvard-IBM MARK I a large
programmable-controlled calculating machine provides vital calculations
for the U.S. Navy. Grace Hopper becomes its programmer.

1945 - The term bug as computer bug was termed by Grace Hopper
when programming the MARK II.
1947 - 1954
1947 - John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley invent the
first transistor at the Bell Laboratories on December 23, 1947.
1950 - The United States Government receives the UNIVAC 1101 or ERA 1101. This computer is
considered to be the first computer that was capable of storing and running a program from memory.
1952 - Alexander Sandy Douglas created the first graphical computer game of Tic-Tac-Toe on an
EDSAC known as "OXO.
1953 - IBM introduces the 701 to the public April 7, 1953. The 701 is IBM's first electric computer
and first mass produced computer. A total of 19 are produced and sold.
- A magnetic memory smaller and faster than existing vacuum tube memories is built at MIT.

1954 - IBM produces and markets the IBM 650. More than 1,800 of these computers are sold in an
eight-year span, with 120 installations in the first year.
- IBM introduces its first calculating machine that uses solid-state transistors instead of vacuum tubes October 7,
- The first version of FORTRAN (formula translator) is published by IBM.
1955 -

1955 - MIT introduces the Whirlwind machine on

March 8, 1955, a revolutionary computer that was the
first digital computer with magnetic core RAM and real-
time graphics.
- Bell Labs introduces its first transistor computer.
Transistors are faster, smaller, and create less heat than
traditional vacuum tubs, making these computers more
reliable and efficient.
- IBM introduces the first IBM 702
1956 First Generation Computer
1956 - ENIAC computer completed.
1957 1959 : Second Generation
1957 - IBM announces it will no longer be using vacuum tubes and releases its first computer
that had 2000 transistors.
- Russia launches the first artificial satellite, named Sputnik on October 4, 1957.
- In response to Sputnik the United States creates the new agency ARPA.
1958 - The first integrated circuit is first developed by Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor
and Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments. The first IC is demonstrated on September 12, 1958.

1959 - The Common Business-Oriented Language (COBOL) programming language first

- The Harvard-MARK I is turned off for the last time.
1960 1968 : Third Generation
1960 - AT&T introduces the dataphone
and the first known MODEM.
1964 - Dartmouth College John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz
develop Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction
Language (BASIC) and run it for the first time May 1, 1964.
1967 - IBM creates the first floppy disk.
1968 - Douglas Engelbart publicly demonstrates Hypertext
on the NLS on December 9, 1968 in the mother of all
demo's. UCLA is selected to be the first node on the
Internet as we know it today.
- Hewlett Packard began marketing the first mass-marketed
PC and the worlds first desktop computer, the HP 9100A.
1968 - 1969
1968 - Larry Roberts publishes ARPANET program plan on June 3, 1968.
- On June 4, 1968 Dr. Robert Dennard at the IBM T.J. Watson Research center is granted U.S. patent
#3,387,286 describing a one-transistor DRAM cell. DRAM will later replace magnetic core memory in
- Intel Corporation is founded by Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore on July 18, 1968.

1969 - UCLA puts out a press release introducing the public to the Internet on July 3, 1969. On
August 29, 1969 the first network switch and the first piece of network equipment (called "IMP", which is
short for Interface Message Processor) is sent to UCLA. On September 2, 1969 the first data moves from
UCLA host to the IMP switch.
Charley Kline a UCLA student tries to send "login", the first message over ARPANET at 10:30 PM on
October 29, 1969. The system transmitted "l" and then "o" but then crashed making today the first day a
message was sent over the Internet and the first network crash.
- At 20:18 UTC on July 21, 1969 the Apollo 11 space craft lands on the moon and Neil Armstrong becomes
the first human to walk on the moon.
1969 -1970
1969 - Intel releases its first product, the 3101 Schottky TTL
bipolar 64-bit static random-access memory (SRAM). In the same
year Intel released the 3301 Schottky bipolar 1024-bit read-only
memory (ROM)
- Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) is founded on May 1, 1969.

1970 - IBM introduces the System/370, which included the use

of Virtual Memory and utilized memory chips instead of magnetic
core technology.
- Intel releases its first commercially available DRAM, the Intel 1103
in October 1970. Capable of storing 1024 bytes or 1KB of memory.
- Intel announces the 1103, a new DRAM memory chip containing
more than 1,000 bits of information. This chip is classified as
random-access memory (RAM).
1971 Fourth Generation Start

1971 - Intel with the help of Ted Hoff introduces the

first microprocessor, the Intel 4004 on November 15,
1971. The 4004 had 2,300 transistors, performed 60,000
operations per second (OPS), addressed 640 bytes of
memory, and cost $200.00. In addition to the
introduction of the 4004, Intel also introduced the 4-bit
- Ray Tomlinson sends the first e-mail, the
first messaging system to send messages across
a network to other users.
1971 - 1976
1971 - The first 8" floppy diskette drive was introduced.
- High-level programming language developed by Niklaus Wirth
in 1971 that is named after the Mathematician Blaise Pascal.
Below is an example of a Pascal program that prints Hello

1975 - Bill Gates and Paul Allen Establish Microsoft April 4,

1975 after creating Altair BASIC that later developed into
Microsoft BASIC.

1976 - Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak demonstrate the first

Apple computer at the Home Brew Computer Club in April of
1976. The Apple I had 6502 MOS 1MHz processor, 8kB of
onboard memory, and 1kB of VRAM for $666.66. Below is a
picture of an Apple I from an advertisement by Apple.
1976 -

1976 - The term meme is first defined in the book The Selfish
Gene by Richard Dawkins.
- On February 3, 1976 David Bunnell publishes an article by Bill
Gates complaining about software piracy in his Computer Notes
Altair newsletter.
- In December of 1976 Bill Gates drops out of Harvard to devote all
his time to Microsoft.
- The first 5.25-inch floppy disk is invented.
- Steve Wozniak designs the first Apple, the Apple I computer in
1976, later Wozniak and Steve Jobs co-found Apple Computers.
1977 - 1978

1977 - Apple Computers introduces the Apple II, the first personal
computer with color graphics is demonstrated at the West Coast Computer
Faire on April 16, 1977; it went on sale June 10th of that same year.
- Oracle is founded in June 16, 1977 by Larry Ellison, Robert Miner, and Ed

1978 - TCP splits into TCP/IP driven by Danny Cohen, David Reed, and
John Shoch to support real-time traffic. This allows the creation of UDP.
- WordStar is first released.
- In June of 1978 Apple introduces Apple DOS 3.1, the first operating
system for the Apple computers.
1979 - 1980
1979 - Gottfried Leibniz demonstrates binary arithmetic, a discovery that
shows every number can be represented by 0 and 1 only.
- Bjarne Stoustrup, a Danish computer scientist, begins work on the programming
language "C with classes", which will later be renamed C++.

1980 - IBM hires Paul Allen and Bill Gates to create an operating system for a
new PC. The pair buy the rights to a simple operating system manufactured by
Seattle Computer Products and use it as a template. IBM allows the two to keep
the marketing rights to the operating system, called DOS.
- ARPANET experiences first major network crash causing it to go down for four
hours October 27, 1980.
- Microsoft licenses Unix and starts to develop a PC version, XENIX.
1980 1981

1980 - On January 3, Hewlett Packard introduces its HP-85

(codename Project Capricorn). A microcomputer with 16kB of RAM,
a 32kB ROM, a 5-inch CRT display, a built-in printer, tape drive, and
keyboard for $3,250.00.

1981 - On August 12, 1981 IBM joins the computer race by

introducing IBM 5150 PC that used the 4.77-MHz Intel 8088
processor, 16 kB base memory, and the PC-DOS operating system
with a starting price of $1,565.
- MS-DOS 1.0 was released August, 1981.
1982 - 1984
1982 - Professor Scott Fahlman creates a post on
bulletin board mention the idea of using a series of characters
to represent a smiley face and frown face that later became
known as emoticons. : )
- Rich Skrenta a 15-year old high school student creates the
first known computer virus known as The Elk Cloner.

1984 - The now famous Apple "1984" commercial is

aired during Super Bowl XVIII January 22, 1984 and introduces
the Apple Macintosh computer that utilized a graphical user
interface instead of needing to type in commands. In six
months sales of the computer reach 100,000.
- The beginning of the greatest adventure computer gaming
series is released by Sierra. Kings Quest 1: Quest for the crown
is released to the public.
1986 - 1989
1986 - IBM PC Division (PCD) announces it's first laptop
computer, the PC Convertible, weighing 12 pounds, which
is 18 pounds lighter than the earlier portable computer.

1989 - The first ISP known as "The World" begins

servicing customers.
- Intel releases the 486DX processor, with more than 1
million transistors and multitasking capabilities.
- The first release of Microsoft Office for the Apple Mac is
released on August 1, 1989.
1992 -1994
1992 - IBM introduces ThinkPad, the industry's first
notebook with a 10.4 inch color TFT display and TrackPoint.

1994 - Intel releases the second generation

of Intel Pentium processors on
March 7, 1994.
- The first microbrowser, PocketWeb,
was created.
- domain is registered November 1, 1994.
- The company now known as Yahoo! is founded by Jerry
Yang and David Filo in January 1994.
1995 -

1995 - The dot-com boom starts.

- On December 4, 1995 Sun Microsystems announced JavaScript and first
releases it in Netscape 2.0B3. In the same year they also introduced Java.
- PHP is publicly released June 8, 1995.
- USB standard is released.
- Computer hacker Kevin Mitnick is arrested by the FBI on February 15,
- Internet search engine AltaVista launches December 15, 1995.
- Microsoft releases Internet Explorer 2.0 on November 22, 1995 and
officially starts the browser war between Netscape.
1995 -

1995 - Hewlett Packard releases the HP 4020i in

September 1995, which was the first sub $1,000.00
recordable disc drive (CD-R).
- Intel introduces the Intel Pentium Pro in November.
- Microsoft Releases Windows 95, within four days the
software sells more than 1 million copies.
1996 - 1997

1996 - For the first time more e-mail is sent than postal mail in USA.
- The first CSS specification, CSS 1, is published by the W3C in December 1996.
- Google is first developed by Sergey Brin and Larry Page.
- Acer America Corporation introduces its designer home PCs.
- Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 was released July 29, 1996.

1997 - Microsoft releases DirectX 5.0 ( on July 16, 1997.

- The CD burning software Nero is first released.
- Digital Video Discs aka Digital Versatile Discs (DVDs) first go on sale.
- Bill Gates is now the worlds richest businessman.
- Yahoo! introduces Yahoo Mail.
- Winamp is released April 21, 1997.
1997 -
1997 - Intel Pentium II is introduced on May 7,
- CD-RW drives and media are introduced.
- Microsoft releases Microsoft Office 97.
- Microsoft announces Windows 98.
- Apple releases MAC OS 8.
- The Intel Pentium II 233 MHz processor is
- The domain comes online March
28, 1997.
1998 - 1999

1998 - Microsoft Windows 98 is officially released on June 25, 1998.

- Intel releases the Celeron processor.
- MPEG-4 is first introduced.
- Sony releases the High capacity Floppy Disk.
- Mozilla is initially formed March 13, 1998.

1999 - The first Wiki is introduces with WikiWikiWeb on March 25, 1999.
- The Victoria's Secret fashion show becomes the first major webcast on the
Internet attracting over 1.5 million visitors on February 5, 1999. Unfortunately,
not everyone was able to view the webcast because of the popularity.
- RIM releases the Blackberry January 19, 1999.
- The Intel Pentium III 500 MHz is released on February 26, 1999.
- Microsoft releases Windows CE 3.0.
- NVIDIA introduces the GPU.
2000 -
2000 - Kevin Mitnick is released from prison January 21, 2000.
- Both Intel and AMD pass the 1GHz CPU barrier. Something many
people in the computer industry thought would never happen.
- Google announces it has indexed over one billion pages making it
the Internet's largest search engine.
- Google launches Google AdWords with 350 customers in October
of 2000.
- XHTML is released January 26, 2000.
- EA releases The Sims, the best-selling PC game in history February
04, 2000.
- Microsoft Windows 2000 was released February 17, 2000.
- is introduced as an open office productivity suite.
- Microsoft releases Windows ME June 19, 2000.
2001 - 2002
2001 - Microsoft Windows XP home and professional
editions are released October 25, 2001.
- On January 02, 2001 Intel announced that it will recall its
1.13 GHz Pentium III processors due to a glitch.
- Apple first releases iTunes on the Mac January 9, 2001.
- IBM starts the Eclipse project.
- Linus Torvalds releases version 2.4 of the Linux Kernel
source code on January 4th.

2002 - The first of code that would later become

Mozilla Firefox is made available September 23, 2002.
- Hitachi closes deal to purchase IBM's hard drive operation
for $2.05 billion.
2003 - 2004
2003 - Apple opens the iTunes store April 28, 2003.
- DDR2 SDRAM begins being sold.
- Microsoft Windows XP 64-Bit Edition (Version 2003) for Itanium 2
systems is released on March 28, 2003.
- Microsoft Windows Server 2003 is released March 28, 2003.
2004 - Mark Zuckerberg launches Thefacebook February 4, 2004,
which later becomes Facebook.
- Google announces Gmail on April 1, 2004.
- MySpace official site is launched January 2004.
- Firefox 1.0 is first introduced on November 9, 2004.
2005 - 2006
2005 - YouTube is founded and comes online February 15, 2005.
- The first YouTube video entitled "Me at the zoo" is uploaded
April 23, 2005 by Jawed Karim.
- Microsoft announces it's next operating system, codenamed
"Longhorn" will be named Windows Vista on July 23, 2005.
- Microsoft releases the Xbox 360, the second generation of their
popular game console November 22, 2005.
2006 - jQuery is first introduced in January 26, 2006.
- Twttr, now known as Twitter is officially launched July 15, 2006
- Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter posts the first Twitter post
"Just setting up my twttr" on his account March 21, 2006.
- On January 5, 2006 Intel introduces the Intel Core and Viiv.
- Intel introduces the Intel Core 2 Duo processors with the Core 2
Duo Processor E6300 (2M Cache, 1.86 GHz, 1066 MHz FSB) July
27, 2006.
- Sony releases the PlayStation 3 November 11, 2006.
2007 - 2008
2007 - Apple introduces the iPhone to the public at the January
9, 2007 Macworld Conference & Expo.
- DDR3 SDRAM begins being sold June 2007.
- The Apple iPhone Jailbreaking method is introduced to the
public on July 10, 2007.
- Google releases Android November 5, 2007.
2008 - T-Mobile's G1 phone (HTC Dream) is the first phone to be
released with Google Android 1.0 on September 23, 2008.
- Google releases the first public version of Chrome December
11, 2008.
- The HD player war comes to an end when HD DVD calls it quit,
making Blu-ray the victor on February 19, 2008.
- Intel announces the Intel Atom family of processors March 2,
2009 - 2010
2009 - Facebook overtakes MySpace in Internet traffic.
- USB 3.0 begins being released in November of 2009.
- Android version 1.5 (Cupcake) released April 27, 2009.
- Apple releases the iPhone 3Gs (s for successor) June 19, 2009.
- Microsoft releases Windows 7 October 22, 2009.
2010 - Apple introduces the iPad on January 27, 2010.
- Instagram is launched in October 2010.
- Android version 2.2 (Froyo) released May 20, 2010
- Path social network site is released.
- Microsoft first releases the Kinect for the Xbox 360 in November 4, 2010.
- Apple introduces the iPhone 4 on June 7, 2010.
- Android version 2.3 (Gingerbread) released December 6, 2010
2011 - 2012
2011 - The first Chromebooks with Chrome OS begin shipping on June 15,
- Android version 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) released October 8, 2011.
- Samsung first releases the Galaxy Note smartphone in October of 2011 and
the term phablet becomes a new way of describing larger phones.
- Hitachi sells its hard drive division to Western Digital in March of 2011.
- Steve Jobs passes away on October 5, 2011 (Age: 56)
2012 - Facebook officially crosses the one billion active users mark on
October 4, 2012.
- It wasn't the end of the world on December 21, 2012 as the Mayans
predicted but the video Gangnam Style hit over 1 billion views on YouTube.
- The Raspberry Pi single-board computer is released in the United Kingdom.
- Android version 4.1 (Jelly Bean) released July 9, 2012.
- Apple iPhone 5 goes on sale September 21, 2012.
- Microsoft Windows 8 and Microsoft Surface tablet is released October 26,
2013 - 2015
2013 - Sony officially announces the PlayStation 4, a
replacement for the PS3 gaming console on February 20, 2013.
- On March 15, 2013 Microsoft discontinued Messenger in favor
of Skype.
- Microsoft unveils the Xbox One on May 21, 2013, a new
gaming console to replace the Xbox 360.
- In 2013 Acer, Asus, and others announce they have no
intentions of making any new versions of netbooks, officially
killing the netbook computer.
2014 - Microsoft announces on September 30, 2014 the next
version of Windows, which will be called Windows 10.
- Android version 5.0 (Lollipop) released November 3, 2014.
- The Nokia deal with Microsoft is completed April 25, 2014
making Nokia now Microsoft Mobile in a deal totaling $7.17
Fifth Generation??
Lets back to 1968 and wacth this movie 2001: A Space Odyssey
HAL 9000 is a fictional character in Arthur C. Clarke's Space Odyssey
HAL (Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer) is a sentient
computer (or artificial intelligence) that controls the systems of the
Discovery One spacecraft and interacts with the ship's astronaut crew.
HAL's exterior physical form is not depicted, though it is visually
represented as a red television camera eye located on equipment
panels throughout the ship, and its interior in the scene where his
advanced memory modules are disconnected.
Edwin Jarvis is a supporting character in the Marvel
Comics titles, The Avengers, Iron Man, and Spider-Man.
He is the loyal household butler of Tony Stark, the
billionaire playboy inventor who dons a suit of high-tech
armor as the superhero Iron Man.
Since the 1990s, the character has appeared heavily in
media adaptations of Iron Man and Avengers stories,
and is commonly reimagined as J.A.R.V.I.S., not a butler
but an artificial intelligence which assists the superhero
Iron Man
J.A.R.V.I.S. (Stands for Just A Rather Very Intelligent
J.A.R.V.I.S as Artificial Intelligence
Iron Man Scene, Jarvis help Tony Stark to create a new
Hologram & Leap Motion Technology
(iWatch Hologram) (Leap
Motion) (Leap
(Hologram Powerpoint Presentation)
(Holographic meet Augmented Reality)
Augmented Reality
(taman anggrek) (toy
story) (XL
Sejuta Mawar)
(Fitting Room)
Kinect Technology (XBOX
360) (Kinect
UI Robot)
(Kinect UI Robot on Iron Man 3)
(Kinect Fashion)
(Fitting Room)
Microsoft HoloLens & Google Glass

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