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Strategic Marketing

WIPRO: Building a Global B-2-B Brand

Group 4:

Anagha Jadhav M005-15

Sai Siddhartha M027-15
Saswata Banerjee M048-15
Apoorv Ashutosh M079-15
Manvi Beriwal M102-15
Shiladitya Sarkar M124-15

About WIPRO:

Azim Premji took over Western India vegetable Products Ltd. (WIPRO) in 1966
He turned the loss making business into profitable by establishing a corporate culture build on
By 1970 the organization renamed WIPRO Ltd. had become diversified and generated $30 million
in revenue
Following the close down of operations by IBM in India in 1979 due to regulations, WIPRO
ventured in to the information technology sector
Presently WIPRO Technologies has over 140,000 employees across 54 countries with $7.7 billion in

The Problem at Hand:

Though WIPRO commanded a top-of-mind recall among leading Indian IT service providers, their
global awareness and image were not up to the liking of CMO Jessie Paul (35% as against 50% of
With a budget of $1.3 million for marketing communications, Jessie has to figure out how to
improve the global awareness of WIPRO through brand building
Jessie contemplates to play around their Operational Excellence, Customer Centricity, Intensity to
Q1. Identify different methods or ways of
increasing the global awareness of the WIPRO
Global Brand Building

Target Customers:

Members of the C-suite of Fortune 1000 companies existing clients and potential customers

What do the expect?

Ability to deliver results, collaborate with clients and meet quality expectations

Finding growth opportunities and boosting competitive advantage

Agility in adapting business processes to changing market scenarios

Integrating business and IT strategy, and adapting IT infrastructure to changing market


Risk and cost mitigation by following quality processes

Willing to pay premiums for exceeding service level agreements

Offshore non-mission critical activities in pursuit of cost savings

Global Brand Building

How to go about?

Advertisements emphasizing on their ability to innovate, highlighting their achievements

Promotions at airports, star hotels through magazines and gifts for selected people

Participation in trade shows and public forums

Tie-ups with Airway carriers to distribute magazines, small puzzles to selected passengers

Academia sponsor conferences, partner with universities like Harvard, Wharton, INSEAD to run
research studies and present the findings to CXO communities

Credibility leverage existing certifications and propagating their operational excellence and
technical know how
Q2. Identify the key theme of WIPRO in its
evolution and in comparison to the other leading
players in the global arena.

what makes you


Reposition itself as an
innovation organization
Unique solutions to
unleash the innovative
ITSMA Brand Survey

Highest un-aided
awareness with 27.5%
Only company with
100% aided awareness

e Delivered

We know what
it takes to be a
Focus: Tiger.
Integrator of clients business and technology priorities
Success achieved for its clients

ITSMA Brand Survey 2006:

Second highest un-aided awareness with 8.5%

Mid-1970s Late 90s: Applying Late 2005-06: Spirit of

Thought Wipro
6 Wipro Beliefs 4 Wipro Values Spirit of Wipro

1. Respect the individual 1. Human Values: We respect 1. Intensity to win

the unique needs of customers Make customers successful
2. Be a business leader and employees. We are
sensitive to their differing Excel through innovation
3. Accomplish all tasks in a needs in our interactions with and teamwork
superior manner them.
2. Integrity: We deliver what we 2. Act with Sensitivity
4. Maintain the highest ethical commit. With honesty, fairness, Respect the individual
standards reliability and uprightness in Be thoughtful and
whatever we do. responsible
5. Serve customers well 3. Innovative Solutions: We
constantly offer novel and 3. Unyielding Integrity
6. Measure performance based on superior solutions to satisfy the Deliver on commitments
long term profitability needs of the customer. Be honest and fair in action
4. Value for money: Delivering Conduct and unwavering
higher value to the customer search for truth
through continuous
improvement in quality, cost
and speed.
Q3. Discuss the various issues in mapping out WIPROs
global position. In the process identify the value
proposition in the global market and select the value
discipline/ competitive advantage. Also identify the
resulting category POP, competitive POP and competitive
Major Issues Faced & Steps to
Overcome it Branding and Marketing Activities (1998-2006):
To overcome the perception of cheap WIPRO started
Major Issues Faced By Wipro Over The Years: The Applying Thought campaign and they also developed
their value proposition
In the late 1990s WIPRO had to deal with the general perception that Indian The WIPRO promise helped them to convey their value
services are cheap proposition to customers
WIPRO had several quality certifications such as Lean
The key business challenge that WIPRO faced between 1998-2005 was Manufacturing and Six Sigma
building trust amongst its customers and increase the brand awareness They hiked their prices by 15% across the board and it could
vary with complexity
WIPROs goal is to be amongst top 5 global IT firms & with a limited budget The sales force had to change its mind-set from low quality
they need to convey the message of cheap price image
Build brand awareness Wipro participated in major trade shows and spoke at public
Build a differentiated image forums
Core Competencies of WIPRO:
Category POP: WIPRO introduced its Strategem event and invited present
Technological Excellence
Reference Programs such as
Largest 3rd party R&D provider and prospective clients to interface with company and WIPRO
word of mouth marketing and was able to showcase its technology
Innovative Solutions
industry analyst relations Wipro enhanced its local presence abroad by making
Innovation Initiative
Understanding goals of clients
Operational Excellence significant acquisitions
and creating communications Value Proposition:
Highly process oriented
resonating with clients With utmost respect for human values, we promise to serve our
focussed on operational
Delivering on promises and a
excellence customers with Integrity, through innovative, value for money
need for collaboration with solutions, by Applying Thought, day after day to the customers
A global Footprint with emerging
clients as well as firms working Result:
market Knowledge
with clients The company grew from 6000 employee to 60,000 strong
WIPRO was able to provide
Outperforming on SLA to
services to clients all over the workforce and from $444 million revenue to $2.4 billion in
execute a win-win strategy revenues
Provide value for money
Linking company culture to business Spirit of WIPRO campaign (2005-2006):
solutions to clients WIPROs goal is to be amongst the top 5 global IT firms and
Offering more choices to
Less flashy and less aggressive hence the firm adopted a new values statement Spirit of
customer WIPRO
culture of WIPRO resonated with
clients in manufacturing and The new statement retained the original values but there was
retail an increased focus on Intensity to Win
Q4. Identify the key attributes that global
customers looked for when evaluating companies.
Key Focus Areas for Global

Result delivery, reliability


Risk mitigation
Q5. Discuss the marketing communication plan
for the global position outlined above.
Marketing Communication

Target segment: CXOs

Major messages:
Operational excellence
Customer centricity

Major constraint: Budget

How to overcome : Targeting the communications
Marketing Communication

Highly targeted
Sample locations : airports, airport lounges, larger hotels
Use of magazine/newspaper inserts

Associate with quality awards and certifications
Sponsor conferences
Any Questions?
Group 4

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