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Cast Notes

By: Hassan Taher

Sacid Ahmed Adam Jenkins
Tapiya Sufian- Sara Thompson
Asiya Khanom- The Ghost
Candidate 1
Name: Tapiya Sufian(Protagonist)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Why did she get the part?
The reason why she got the part is that during the audition
she delivered a great performance and she is what we were
looking for. Plus we were looking for a protagonist that comes
across as innocent and sweet and that is what she has
displayed during her audition. Another thing is that she is a a
very close friend of our director, and she was able to come for
Candidate 2

Name: Asiya Khanom (The Antagonist)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Why she was considered for the role?

Because she could be serious when in character

which was vital for the role. During the audition she
gave a breathtaking performance. Also as she has
long hair we figured out that we can use this to our
advantage by using the hair to make her look scary.
Plus our director knew she was reliable and that she
could effectively carry out the role.
Candidate 3
Name: Sacid Ahmed
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Why he was considered for the role?

The reason why we chose Sacid is because he was featured
in other peoples productions and he portrayed an excellent
ability of remaining in character. Additionally we needed a
male character in order for our plot to be fulfilled.

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