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Location Notes

Priyais Ariyaratnam
Our Group Ideas

As a group we had decided that we were going to use an apartment and subway underground walkway
as our final location.
The different parts of the apartment we are going to be using is the corridor and stairs. As for the subway
we are going to be using the underground walkway. We chose these area as we have a lot of space to
work with and it will be an effective location for our scenes.
The Building
This was the location which we chose to shoot most of our opening sequence in. As our film genre is
horror we were required to look for a building we are able to access at night and also a place where we
would have sufficient amount of space to film in. The lighting in this location is very dull at night and the
only source of lighting coming into the building is from natural light. This was good for our opening
sequence because we need the set to be dark and spooky. The dark lighting connotes death and horror
and this is good as horror films generally connote this.

The corridor is the area that we are going to be filming the scene of where the protagonist enters from
and we decided to use this corridor because it was fairly narrow as well as having a low key lighting,
which represents the mood and sets the scene to be dull. The corridor being narrow and dull helps
present the ideas of isolation, fear and this fits in well with our film as the genre is horror.

We decided to uses the stairs as part of a couple of shots we would be seeing of the protagonist and
antagonist face off as well as their first appearance. We chose this part because it has a lot of space to
work with above and beneath as well as there being a good source of natural light coming through the
window. As our opening sequence was going to include a chase the stairs would be a good factor as it is
seen in many horror films and can be a hint to the audience that something may occur.
Underground Walkway

The walkway was a key location for our opening sequence. We chose to use this specific walkway as
we knew we had a lot of room and space to work with with our filming as it would help us capture many
different shots to make our opening sequence look professional. This location was used because we
wanted a derelict location that would be creepy at night and a place that someone would end up getting
killed and left off and in our production it would be the place where we will see the protagonist left
bloody, which will be our establishing shot.
Our Final Thoughts

In conclusion, as a group we are very satisfied with the location we have chosen to use for our opening
sequence. We felt as if the location was of good size to film in and also ideal for the genre we had
chosen, which is horror and this helps set the scene and make the production more believable. The
location of both areas are very close to each other and for everyone in my group, which is convenient for
us as we are able to access the area fairly easily.

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