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There are seven essential steps on the Hunkins Model of curriculum

design; curriculum conceptualization and legitimization, diagnosis,
content selection, experience selection, implementation, evaluation and
It has been valuable in engaging students in their learning.
Hunkins also considers that a good curriculum must consider
The educational philosophy and the curriculums models of the programme
The students needs
Cross checking aims/ outcomes/ learning experiences/ evaluation
Ornstein and Hunkins (2009, p15) contend that curriculum development
encompasses how a curriculum is planned, implemented and evaluated,
as well as what people, processes and procedures are involved...
Ornstein and Hunkins (2009) suggest that although curriculum
development models are technically useful, they often overlook the
human aspect such as the personal attitudes, feelings, values involved
in curriculum making.
All people must realize that dealing with these trends and the issues
therein requires time for analysis, time for experimentation, time for
acceptance (Ornstein & Hunkins, p. 400).
Ornstein A.C. & Hunkins, F.P. (2004).Curriculum foundations, principles and issues.
(3rd ed)). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Ornstein A.C. & Hunkins, F.P. (2009). Curriculum foundations, principles and
issues. (5th ed). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Geraldine ONeill, (2010). Programme Design, Overview of curriculum models.
UCD Dublin: UCD Teaching and Learning Resources
ssues(5th ed.).SanFrancisco:PearsonEducation,Inc.
Rufoldo Barcena Rulloda, (2010). Curriculum: Which Approach?
Ornstein, A., & Hunkins, F. (2004). Curriculum: Foundation, principles, and issues
(pp. 2, 11, 25, 30, 150, 151, 172, 273, 274, 275, 291, 389, 400). Boston, MA:
Debbie Watkins & William Kritsonis, (2008). Developing and Designing an
Effective School Curriculum: Enhancing Student Achievement Based on an
Integrated Curriculum Model and the Ways of Knowing Through the Realms of
Meaning. National FORUM Journal, Houston, Texas. Available on

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