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Dr. Neelesh R.S.

MBBS (A.F.M.C), MD ( Path.)
PGP in Human rights
Certificate in web designing

Role of Healthcare technicologist in

Development of health systems
New frontiers in healthcare technology-

1) Telemedicine
2) Continuing medical education
3) Electronic medical records
4) Picture archiving and communication system
5) Retraining of personnel

7) Non-medical and administrative uses……

How to use technology In healthcare ?

Effective use of healthcare technology requires

effective healthcare technology management
system in place for
 Planning
 Implementation
 Maintenance
 Repair
 Improvement of services
Components of a HTMS
Which is Better??
Who are the clients of HTMS??
Clients of HTM services-

The clients of the HTM Service are people such as:

 ◆ equipment users
 ◆ health facility managers (CHC or District Hospital I/C”s)
 ◆ patients
 ◆ senior officers in the HTM Service( Zonal officers)
 ◆ decentralized health authorities ( NACO, mohfw, etc)
 ◆ the health service provider.( treating doctor)
Point to ponder-

it is better to break a tool while actively

undertaking maintenance,
rather than breaking nothing but never
doing any work !!
Our current concern-

Components of telemedicine-
A functional arrangement of a Telemedicine center-

It should be comfortable and useful for patients and doctors.

Roleof HTMS in
Responsibilities in telemedicine-

 Training of Doctors and medical staff in equipment handling.

 Monitor progress of infrastructural readiness at site.
 Carry out software customization as part of the project.
 Prepare customized Training Manuals if required.
 Carry out testing, integration and fitness certification of
hardware and software.
 Integrate and ”Hot”. test the complete application through
connectivity available in the central office.
 Debug the issues that may arise.
 Test security protocols.
 Dismantle equipment when required
 E.t.c..
Major requirements -

 (1) Maintenance (preventive and curative.)

economic benefits of technology maintenance-

-It increases the lifetime of equipment and thus

helps to save scarce investment resources

-It enhances the demand for health services,

since demand for services is crucially dependent
upon the availability of healthcare technology
( important after implementation of swasthya
Levels of maintenance
(2) Skill building of medical personnel-

 - On site training
 - Virtual training
* real time multilocation interactive
* Pre-recorded CD,s / DVD,s
* via broadband
Training requirements of staff-
 Howto evaluate any healthcare technology
management system in our setup?
Checklist for determining functioning of

Facility level
 Does any Facility HTM Team and Working Group take part in all major
decisions relating to their field in their facility?
 What are the major tasks of the existing HTM Service at this level at the
 Which activities are presently not provided by the HTM Service at this
District/diocesan level
 Does any District HTM Team and Working Group take part in all major
decisions relating to their field in their district?
 What are the major tasks of the existing HTM Service at this level at the
 Which services are presently not provided by the HTM Service at this
 Does the district-level HTM Service supervise and advise lower levels of
the HTMS?
Regional/provincial level
 Does the Regional HTM Team and Working Group take part
in all major decisions relating to their field
in their region?

 What are the major tasks of the existing HTM Service at

this level at the moment?

Which services are presently not provided by the HTM

Service at this level?

 Does the regional-level HTM Service supervise and advise

lower levels of the HTMS?
of a Public healthcare Technicologist
 advises the district health management on healthcare technology issues

 Propogate use of Evidence Based Medicine via literature analysis.

 undertakes maintenance and other HTM activities which require

basic- and medium-level skills (skill levels 1 and 2, also most of 3) in the
district hospital, as well as the health centres and health posts in their

 monitors and supervises work conducted by private sector companies and

Responsibilities Of Public
healthcare Technicologist- (cont..)
supervises and supports the work of Facility HTM Teams and
Working Groups in their area

 undertakes quality assurance and cost control at district level.

 provides adequate representation of HTM in the planning and budgeting of

the district health management team

liaises with a higher level of the HTM Service (such as a region or the centre).

 enable the ongoing development of technical and medical skills

 respond to the rapid changes in equipment designs.

Thanks for your patience.

Kindly send your feedback to

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