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(Public Schools)

1. National Schools

2. National-Type Schools (Chinese/Tamil)

Sekolah Sekolah Sekolah
Kebangsaa Jenis Jenis
n (SK) Kebangsaa Kebangsaa
n Cina n Tamil

Medium of Bahasa Chinese Tamil
Instruction Malaysia

Subjects Bahasa Bahasa Bahasa
tested in Malaysia, Malaysia, Malaysia,
UPSR English, Mandarin, Tamil,
Mathematics English, English,
, Science Mathematics Mathematics
, Science , Science

Standard 6 pupils will sit for Primary School Achievement

Test / Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (PSAT / UPSR) before
ending primary education.
In 2003, the medium of instruction for Science and
Mathematics in all primary schools was changed to English.
However, since 2012, the teaching of Mathematics and
Science has been reverted to Bahasa Malaysia in national
schools; and Chinese and Tamil in vernacular schools.


(as of 2016)
Perubahan Format Baru UPSR
2016 ini membabitkan bentuk
dan jenis soalan di mana soalan
objektif aneka pilihan akan
dikurangkan dan sebaliknya
ditambah objektif pelbagai
bentuk berunsurkan Kemahiran
Berfikir Aras Tinggi (KBAT).

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