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Drying of Papaya Seed

as an Alternative to
Produce Pepper

The objective of this experiment is to produce
Using Traditional Method
pepper by using papaya seeds. One of the
methods to produce the pepper is by using Fill the tray
with the
drying method. Drying method is one of the Measure the accurately the
papaya seed
mass transfers 2 concept to be apply to weight of total weight
and measure
empty tray. of wet papaya
measure the minimum moisture content and the weight
to the develop the drying curve. For this accurately.
experiment, the drying tray machine was The tray is dried
used to dry the papaya seed. At first the under direct
sunlight using The seed is
papaya seed is dry 3 days under sunlight to focused mirror dried until the
calculate the mass of dry seed. For this toward the weight is Figure A : Total moisture content, XT vs
seeds to constant. time , min
method, the traditional method were using concentrate the
with a bit modification by adding mirror at sunlight.
the wall of box so that the drying can become Using Tray Dryer
faster and the mass of dry seed can be
obtain. After that the same mass of papaya Fill the tray with the
Measure the
seed was being used to put inside the tray weight of
papaya seed and
measure the weight
dryer. The time interval for each reading empty tray.
being taken is 20 min. the mass of wet seed
is recorded including the temperature of wet
bulb and dry bulb. By using the result
obtained, the total moisture and moisture At some arbitrary time (t
content can be calculated. accurately the
Objectives Finally the dry = 0), switch on the fan
and set the speed
total weight of Figure B : Drying rate, R vs Free moisture
seed is being tested to see whether the seed wet papaya content, X
control to mid position.
1. Toproduce
can change the food
the wastetaste
same into another food that can
as pepper. seed.
At the end of the constant rate period at 100 min, a break in
be consume by using drying method.
the drying curve occurs, this is called the critical moisture
2. To apply the drying method into real situation. content ,and a linear fall in the drying rate occurs with
Record the total weight of
Switch on the heater further drying.
3. To dry the papaya seed to produce pepper. papaya seed in the tray at
and set the power
control to maximum,
regular time intervals which From 100 min to 150 min is called the first falling-rate
4. To produce drying and drying rate curves for a wet is for every 20 minutes in the
letting them remain
provided table of results until period. As drying proceeds, moisture reaches the surface at
constant throughout
seed being dried with air of fixed temperature and the experiment.
the reading is constant or the a decreasing rate.
drying is complete. Since the surface is no longer saturated, it will tend to rise
humidity. above the wet bulb temperature. This section, shown in
between 150 min to 200 min in Figure A.
It is called the second falling-rate period, and is controlled
Theory by vapour diffusion.
Introduction From figure B , The capacity of the air (gas) stream to
-Transfer of liquid from a wet solid into gas phase (Foust , et al., absorb and carry away moisture determines the drying rate.
Drying is a mass transfer process consisting of the The higher the temperature of the drying air, the greater its
removal of water or another solvent by evaporation from vapour holding capacity
- removal of minute amounts of water or other liquids to decrease the
a solid, semi-solid or liquid. This process is often used as Hence, when temperature increases, the higher the drying
residual liquid content into a lower but acceptable value (McCabe,
a final production step before selling or packaging rate, so, the free moisture content also increases. The plots
products. (1) To be considered dried, the final product of moisture against time were similar to the ideal plot, with
Total moisture content (XT)
must be solid, in the form of a dried product in this case moisture content decreasing as time progresses, until it
-moisture which is removable by air at a given temperature and
which is dry papaya seeds or seeds powder. In the form reached the equilibrium moisture content, where moisture
of perfect dry solid or powder that has only a very small content was constant.
Free moisture content ,X
percentage of water. They can stand about few months
-moisture content at which drying rate first begins to drop
before being used and the taste quality will not even
Results from graph
reduce. A source of heat and an agent to remove the
Total moisture content, (XT) vs Time (min)
vapour produced by the process are often involved. In
- Total moisture content decreases over time
this case a usual drying technic in the industrial which is
Drying rate , R vs Free moisture content ,X
by using tray dryer. The heat source is from the heating -Drying rate increases over free moisture content
elements that uses energy from electricity and fan for a
good flow of heat and wet air. The environmental of
drying can be control such the temperature to avoid in
losing the quality of herbs and taste of the product.
Through this tray drying method, we can optimizing the Factors Affecting Drying Process
time of drying which are faster and better than the
traditional method that involving the exposure to sunlight Weather/Air conditions
and fire to get heat source. Thus, the main objective of A.)Humidity
this study which to produce a useful product from waste High relative humidity which contains high air moisture content,
are achieve by processing the waste, papaya seeds into a especially if the humidity reached 90% can cause slow drying process.
useful product that classified as herbs that can be used as
an addictive at home and food industries. B.) Temperature
- Low Temperature can slow the drying process. A subject which is dried
directly under sunlight is more likely to dry faster due to high temperature
which promotes high evaporation rate compared to low temperature.
Group Member: Figure C: Sample of Dry Papaya Seed
C.) Wind
-Drying rate can be affected by air movement due to fresh air passing
1. Mohamad Hanif Bin Yusof (55213114289) through liquids in a substance and speed up the evaporation rate.
2. Muhammad Hilmi Hazim Bin Kamaludin References:
Surfaces characteristic
(55213114332) A.) Surface area 1. McCabe, Warren L. et al. 2001. Unit Operations of
- A surface with wide surface area tends to dry because the heat is spread Chemical Engineering, 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill,
3. Shahrol Hamdan Bin Halim (55213114244) evenly throughout the surface hence making it easier for the liquid to 773-790.
evaporate compared to small surface area. 2. "Solids Drying: Basics and Applications - Chemical
4. Muhammad Anas Bin Mohamad Azmi
Engineering." Chemical Engineering Solids Drying Basics
(55213114385) - A warm or hot surface will contribute to faster drying and Applications Comments. Web. 01 May 2016.

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