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C/W 30/9/13

Title: New Cells From Old


Make notes on the following video

what do you think is happening here?
New Cells From Old
Learning outcomes:

Explain why cell division is important and list

the 4 main stages of cell division.

Describe what the Hayflick limit is.

Create a line graph to show the doubling of

Think, pair, share

If a cell divides in two,

100 times, how many
cells will there be at
the end?
If a cell was to divide in two 100 times, it
would produce 2 to the power 100 cells, or 2 100!
Thats 2x2x2x2x2x2......
1,267,650,600,228,229,401,496,703,205,376 cells!!!
1 2

3 4
Leonard Hayflick Cancer Scientist
The Hayflick Limit
The Hayflick limit the number of times
a cell will divide before dying.

If a cell had a Hayflick limit of 5,

how many new cells would be
produced before the original cell

Plot a line graph of your results

Not all cells divide
Cells do not.........forever. They
make.............. of themselves then

All cells have a ........... Except for

red........... cells.

The ............. controls the cell

and .............. when it
should............ and when it
should .............

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