Drainage System: by Asst. Professor S.Kumar Budha College of Architecture

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By Asst. Professor S.Kumar

Budha College of Architecture
Soil pipe: A soil pipe is a pipe through which human excreta flows.
Waste Pipe: It is a pipe which carries only the waste water, such as that from a sink, bath, or
shower. It does not carry human excreta.
Vent pipe; it is a pipe which is provided for the purpose of the ventilation of the system. A vent
is open at top and bottom, to facilitate exit of foul gases. It is carried at least one meter higher
than the roof level.
Rain water pipe: It is a pipe which carries only the rain water.
Anti-siphonage pipe: It is pipe which is installed in the house drainage to preserve the water
seal of traps.

Soil pipe: 100-150mm
Waste pipe: horizontal: 30-50mm
Waste pipe: vertical : 75mm
Rainwater pipe : 75-100mm
Vent pipe: 50mm
Anti siphoange pipe:
Connecting soil pipe: 50mm
Connecting waste pipe: 40mm
To maintain healthy conditions in the building.
To dispose off waste water as early and quickly as possible.
To avoid the entry of foul gases from the sewer or the septic
To facilitate quick removal of foul matter.
To collect and remove waste matter systematically .
A water seal trap is an integral part of gullies and WCs, being moulded in during manufacture.
Smaller fittings, i.e. sinks, basins, etc., must be fitted with a trap.
Foul air from the drain and sewer is prevented from penetrating buildings by applying a water
trap to all sanitary appliances.
Designed to retain a small quantity of the waste water (from the discharge of fitting to which
they are attached )as a barrier to prevent foul air entering the building.
The depth of a Trap Seal would depend upon the usage of a pipe.
The trap seal varies from 25 to 75 mm deep.
Sinks, baths and showers - 38 mm,
WCs and gullies - 50 mm

Good Traps should have following Qualities:

Traps should be self-cleaning.
Interiors surface should be smooth so that the flow is not obstructed which enables self
Should provide enough water seal with large surface area.
An assess door should be provided for cleaning the trap.
It should be made of non- adsorbent material.
Depending upon the shapes the traps are classified as:

Nahni Trap
Loss of Trap Water Seal
If a trap seal loss, smells from the sanitary appliances would enter the building.
Therefore the water seal in the trap must be maintained under all circumstances.
Cause of water seal loss
Self siphonage
Induced siphonage
back pressure
Capillary action
Wavering out
Evaporation Of Water From Traps
The most obvious cause of water seal loss is leakage due to defective fittings or poor
workmanship. Otherwise, it may be caused by poor system design and/or installation:
Self siphonage - as an appliance discharges,
the water fills the waste pipe and creates a
vacuum to draw out the seal.
Causes are a waste pipe that is too long, too
steep or too small in diameter.
Induced siphonage - the discharge from one
appliance draws out the seal in the trap of an
adjacent appliance by creating a vacuum in that
appliance's branch pipe. Causes are the same as
for self-siphonage, but most commonly a shared
waste pipe that is undersized.
Back pressure - compression occurs due to
resistance to flow at the base of a stack. The
positive pressure displaces water in the
lowest trap.
Causes are a too small radius bottom bend,
an undersized stack or the lowest branch
fitting too close to the base of the stack.
Wavering out - gusts of wind blowing
over the top of the stack can cause a
partial vacuum to disturb water seals.

Capillary action - a piece of rag, string or hair caught on the

trap outlet.
Resealing and Anti-siphon Traps
Where trap water seal loss is apparent, the
problem may be relieved
by fitting either a resealing or an anti-siphon
Types of resealing trap:

McAlpine Resealing trap - this has a reserve

chamber into which water is retained as
siphonage occurs. After siphonage, the retained
water descends to reseal the trap.

Grevak Resealing trap - contains an anti-

siphonage pipe through which air
flows to break any siphonic action.
Resealing and Anti-siphon Traps
Where trap water seal loss is apparent, the
problem may be relieved by fitting either a
resealing or an anti-siphon trap.
Types of resealing trap:

McAlpine Resealing trap - this has a reserve

chamber into which water is retained as
siphonage occurs. After siphonage, the retained
water descends to reseal the trap.

Grevak Resealing trap - contains an anti-

siphonage pipe through which air
flows to break any siphonic action.

Econa Resealing trap - contains a cylinder on

the outlet into which water
flows during siphonic action. After siphonage the
water in the
cylinder replenishes the trap.

Anti-siphon trap - as siphonage commences, a

valve on the outlet
crown opens allowing air to enter. This maintains
normal pressure
during water discharge, preventing loss of water
The waste stack received the discharge ablutionary
fitments and conveyed this to the ground level
where it was delivered above the water seal in a
trapped gully connected to the drainage system.
The soil stack receives the discharge from soil
appliances and delivered it direct to the
underground drainage system.
The waste and soil water did not combine until they
reached the below ground drainage system.
In the system all soil and waste water discharge
into one common pipe and all branch ventilating
pipes into one main ventilating pipe.
This system largely replaces the two pipe
system and lent itself very well to use in multi
storey developments.
It is far more economical than the two pipe
Fully Vented One-pipe System
The fully vented one-pipe system is used in buildings
where there are a large number of sanitary appliances
in ranges, e.g. factories,
schools, offices and hospitals.

The trap on each appliance is fitted with an anti-

siphon or vent pipe.

This must be connected within 300 mm of the crown

of the trap.

Individual vent pipes combine in a common vent for

the range, which is inclined until it meets the vertical
vent stack.

This vent stack may be carried to outside air or it may

connect to the discharge stack at a point above the
spillover level of the highest appliance.

The base of the vent stack should be connected to the

discharge stack close to the bottom rest bend to relieve
any compression at this point.
The single stack system was developed as a means of simplifying the

extensive pipework .

The concept is to group appliances around the stack with a separate branch

pipe serving each.

Branch pipe lengths and falls are constrained.

Lengths and falls of waste pipes are carefully selected to prevent loss of trap

water seals.

Initially the system was limited to five storeys, but applications have proved

successful in high rise buildings of over 20 storeys.

Branch vent pipes are not required unless the system is modified.

To prevent loss of trap water seals:-Water seals on the waste traps must

be 75 mm (50 mm bath and shower).

Branch pipe slope or fall:

Sink and bath -18 to 90 mm/m

Basin -20 to 120 mm/m
WC - 9 mm/m.

The stack should be vertical below the highest sanitary appliance branch.
If an offset is unavoidable, there should be no connection within 750 mm of
the offset.

The branch bath waste connection must be at least 200 mm below the

centre of the WC branch to avoid crossflow. This may require a 50 mm

nom. dia. parallel pipe to offset the bath waste pipe, or an 'S' trap WC to
offset its connection.

The vent part of the stack may reduce to 75 mm nom. dia. when it is above
the highest branch.

Reduces the cost of soil and waste systems.

Modified single stack system

The ventilated stack system is used in buildings where

close grouping of sanitary appliances occurs - typical of
lavatories in commercial premises.
Appliances may be fitted with resealing or anti-siphon
traps .

The appliances need to be sufficiently close together

and limited in number not to be individually vented.

Branch waste pipes can be ventilated.

Larger than standard diameter waste pipes may be


To prevent the loss of trap water seals

WC branch pipe min. 100 mm bore and the
angle = 90.5 to 95.

To prevent the loss of trap water seals

basin main waste pipe min. 50 mm bore and
the angle = 91 to 92.5.

Five basins or more / length of the main waste pipe

exceeds 4.5 m a 25 mm bore vent pipe connected
to main waste pipe at a point between the two basins
farthest from the stack.
Urinals (bowls):5 maximum
50 mm pipe Branch pipe as short as
Gradient between 18 and 90 mm/m.
Brick or Concrete Septic Tank
A septic tank is used where main drainage is not available .

A septic tank is self-cleansing and will only require annual desludging.

It is a private sewage disposal plant, which is quite common for buildings

in rural areas.

The tank is a watertight chamber in which the sewage is liquefied by

anaerobic bacterial
activity. This type of bacteria lives in the absence of oxygen which is ensured
by a sealed cover and the natural occurrence of a surface scum or crust.

Traditionally built tanks are divided into two compartments with an overall
length of three times the breadth.
Final processing of sewage is achieved by conveying it through subsoil
drainage pipes or a biological filter.
Capacity of septic tank is determined from the formula: C = (180 x P) +
where: C = capacity in litres
P = no. of persons served
E.g. 10 persons; C = (180 x 10) + 2000 = 3800 litres (3.8 m3).
Klargester Settlement/Septic Tank
The Klargester settlement tank is a simple, reliable and cost-effective sewage disposal system
manufactured from glass reinforced plastics for location in a site prepared excavation.

The tanks are produced in capacities ranging from 2700 to 100 000 litres, to suit a variety of
applications from individual houses to modest developments including factories and commercial

The sewage flows through three compartments (1,2,3) on illustration where it is liquefied by
anaerobic bacterial activity. In similarity with traditionally built tanks, sludge settlement at the base
of the unit must be removed annually. This is achieved by pushing away the floating ball to give
extraction tube access into the lowest chamber.

Processed sewage may be dispersed by subsoil irrigation or a biological filter.

Where a surface water sewer is not available, it may be possible to dispose of rainwater into a
A soakaway will only be effective in porous soils and above the water table.
Water must not be allowed to flow under a building.
soakaways should be positioned at least 3 m away (most local authorities require 5 m).
A filled soakaway is inexpensive to construct, but it will have limited capacity.
Unfilled or hollow soakaways can be built of precast concrete or masonry.

Soakaway capacity can be determined by applying a rainfall intensity of at least 50 mm per hour
to the following formula:
C =( A x R)/3
where C = capacity in m3
A = area to be drained in m2
R = rainfall in metres per hour.
E.g. a drained area of 150 SQM
C =(150 x 0.050 )/3 = 2.5 CuM
Combined and Separate Systems Drainage Systems :-
The type of drainage system selected for a building will be determined by the local water
authority's established sewer arrangements. These will be installed with regard to foul water
processing and the possibility of disposing surface water via a sewer into a local water course
or directly into a soakaway.
The layout of foul drains depends on whether foul water and rainwater are discharged to a
common drain system or to separate drain systems, which in turn depends on whether there
is one sewer carrying both foul and rainwater or separate sewer for foul and rainwater.
Combined system :
This uses a single drain to convey both foul water from sanitary appliances and rainwater from
roofs and other surfaces to a shared sewer.
The system is economical to install, but the processing costs at the sewage treatment plant are

Separate system :
This has foul water from the sanitary appliances conveyed in a foul water drain to a foul water
The rainwater from roofs and other surfaces is conveyed in a surface water drain into a surface
water sewer or a soakaway.
This system is relatively expensive to install, particularly if the ground has poor drainage
qualities and soakaways cannot be used. However, the benefit is reduced volume and
treatment costs at the processing plant.
Combined and Separate Systems Drainage
A Rain water gully or trapped gully used where there is a combined se
that takes both foul water discharges and rain water from roofs and paved

Rain water shoe is used where there is a separate drain and sewer syste
for foul water discharges and rain water from roofs and paved areas.

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