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Cabanting Urethritis
Urethritis is inflammation
of the s
urethrathe tube
that carries urine from the
bladder out of the body. It
is usually caused by an
urethritis (NGU)
The term non-gonococcal
urethritis (NGU) is used when
the condition is not caused by
sexually transmitted infection (
. NGU is sometimes referred to
as non-specific urethritis (NSU)
Causes of non-
In men,chlamydia is thought to be
responsible forup to 43 out of 100 cases
of NGU. In women, about 4 in 10 cases of
NGU may be caused by chlamydia.
Chlamydia is caused by Chlamydia
trachomatis bacteria. It is an STI andis
spread during unprotected sex (sex
without a condom), including anal and
oral sex.
Other infections
A number of other infections can cause

These include other bacteria that usually live harmlessly

in the throat, mouth or rectum. They can cause NGU if they get
into the urethra, which is the tube that carries urine from the
bladder to the outside of the body. This canoccur during oral or
anal sex.
Infections that can cause NGU include:

Trichomonas vaginaliswhich isan STI caused

by a tiny parasite
Herpes simplex viruswhich can also cause
cold sores andgenital herpes
Adenoviruswhichusually causes a sore throat or
an eye infection
It is possible for NGU to have a non-infectious cause. This
is when something else leads to the urethra becoming
Non-infectious causes of NGU include:

irritation from a product used in the genital areasuch

as soap, deodorant or spermicide
damage to the urethra caused by vigorous sex or
masturbation, or by frequently squeezing the
urethrasome men may do this if they are worried
they have an infection
damage to the urethra caused by inserting an object
into it, such as a catheterthis can be done during an
Symptoms of
The symptoms of NGU in men can include:

a white or cloudy discharge from

the tip of the penis
a burning or painful sensation
when you urinate (pee)
the tip of your penis feeling
irritated and sore
a frequent need to urinate
Depending on the cause of NGU, symptoms may
begin a few weeks or several months after an
Symptoms of
The symptoms of NGU in women can include:
pain around the pelvis or lower part of your
stomach (abdomen)
discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse that
is felt deep inside the pelvis
bleeding between periods and after sex
pain when you urinate
heavy or painful periods
unusual vaginal dischargeespecially if it is
yellow or green

A few women with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) become

very ill with a severe lower abdominal pain and a fever (high
temperature) of 38C (100.4F) or above; nausea and vomiting.
Prevention of the
Carefully wash genitals after sexual relations.
Have regular check-ups if you are sexually active.
Prompt, qualified and appropriate medical intervention,
treatment and follow-up are important steps in breaking
the disease cycle.
Know your partner(s). Careful consideration and open
communication between partners may protect all
partners involved from infection
Using latex condoms from start to finish every time you
have oral, vaginal or anal sex.
Water-based spermicides can be used along with latex
condoms for additional protection during vaginal
intercourse. Use of spermicide is not recommended nor
found to be effective for oral or anal intercourse.
If you think you are infected, avoid any sexual
contact and visit your local STD clinic, a hospital or
Effectiveness of Drug Therapy
Non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU) is usually treated
with a short course of antibiotics to kill the bacteria
that caused the infection.

Treatment with antibiotics may be started before receiving the test results
if the test results do not identify an infection, or your NGU is related to
inflammation caused by an object, cream or soap, antibiotics are also used

Most people with NGU are prescribed antibiotic tablets or capsules. This
may be:
azithromycinwhich istaken just once as a
single dose
doxycyclinewhich is taken twice a day for
seven days
It may sometimes take two or three weeks for your symptoms to
disappear completely.

A single dose of azithromycin 1 g orally or doxycycline 100 mg

orally twice daily for 7 days has been recommended for treatment
of NGU and both have similar clinical cure rates, 76% and 80%,
Diagnosis of the
Tests Disease
Two tests can diagnose NGUa swab test and a urine test.
Either test can be used, although both may be carried out to
ensure the diagnosis is correct.

Swab test
A swab test involves taking a small sample
offluid from your urethra, which is the tube
that carries urine from the bladder to the
outside of the body. The sample can then be
examined under a microscope to look for
evidence of inflammation or bacteria known
to cause NGU.

Thesampleis taken using a swab, which is

like a small cotton bud with a plastic loop at
the end. The swab is not painful, but can feel
a little uncomfortable for a few seconds.
Diagnosis of the
Urine test
Youwill be asked to provide a urine sample, which will
be tested for bacteria known to cause NGU, such as
You will be asked not to urinate for around two hours
before providing a urine sample, because this can help
make the test results more reliable.
Some effective ways of preventing urethritis,
Not engaging in unprotected and risky
sexual activity (multiple sexual partners)
Avoiding chemicals that can irritate the
urethra - such as detergents or spermicides
Good personal hygiene

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