Linear Circuit Analysis: Chapter # 1: Basic Concepts

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Linear Circuit Analysis

Chapter # 1: Basic Concepts

Instructor: M. Rizwan Azam

Electrical circuit and Electromagnetic
theory are two fundamental theories for all
branches of electrical engineering

In electrical engineering, we are often

interested in communicating or transferring
energy from one point to another

To do this we require an interconnection of

electrical devices
Examples of Electric Circuits
An Electric Circuit is a connection of electrical elements

Examples of Electric Circuits

Test text

Basic Concepts - Chapter 1
1.1 Systems of Units.
1.2 Electric Charge.
1.3 Current.
1.4 Voltage.
1.5 Power and Energy.
1.6 Circuit Elements.

1.1 System of Units (1)
As electrical engineers, we deal with measurable quantities
Six basic units
Quantity Basic unit Symbol
Length meter m
Mass kilogram Kg
Time second s
Electric current ampere A
Thermodynamic kelvin K
Luminous intensity candela cd
1.1 System of Units (2)
The derived units commonly used in electric circuit theory

Decimal multiples and

Unit of Conductance: Siemens or mho submultiples of SI units

1.2 Electric Charges
Charge is an electrical property of the atomic particles
of which matter consists, measured in coulombs (C).

The charge e on one electron is negative and equal in

magnitude to 1.602 10-19 C which is called as
electronic charge.

The charges that occur in nature are integral multiples

of the electronic charge.

1.3 Current (1)
Electric current i = dq/dt. The unit of ampere can
be derived as 1 A = 1C/s.

A direct current (dc) is a current that remains

constant with time.

An alternating current (ac) is a current that varies

with time. (alternate or reverse direction).

Electron Charge 1.602 1019 C

1 A Current 1C / s
1/ (1.602 1019 )electrons/s
6.244 1018 electrons/s 10
1.3 Current (2)
The direction of current flow

1.3 Current (3)

Example 1

A conductor has a constant current of 5


How many electrons pass a fixed point

on the conductor in one minute?

1.3 Current (4)

Total no. of charges pass in 1 min is given by

5 A = (5 C/s)(60 s/min) = 300 C/min

Total no. of electronics pass in 1 min is given

300 C/min
1.87 10 21
1.602 x10 C/electron

Class Activity
Example 1.2: The total charge entering a terminal is given by
q=5t sin4t mC. Calculate the current at t=0.5 sec.
1.4 Voltage (1)
Voltage (or electromotive force (emf) potential difference) is the
energy required to move a unit charge through an element,
measured in volts (V).

Mathematically, dw
vab volts
w is energy in Joules (J) and q is charge in coulomb (C).

Electric voltage, vab, is always across the circuit element or

between two points in a circuit .
vab > 0 means the potential of a is higher than potential of b.
vab < 0 means the potential of a is lower than potential of b.

Hydraulic Analogy for
Hydraulic analogy: voltage is
analogous to height. In a
gravitational field, the higher that
water is, the more potential energy it

The voltage between two points

is analogous to
the change in height between two
points, in a pipe.
Hydraulic Analogy:
Voltage and Current

height ~ voltage
flow rate ~ current
Hydraulic Analogy With Two
Two Pipes Analogy
Water is flowing through the

There is a height difference This diagram is intended to

across these pipes. show a water pipe that
breaks into two parts and
then combines again. The
size of the blue arrows are
intended to reflect the
amount of water flow at
that point.

We can extend this analogy to current

through and voltage across an electric
Current Through
Like flow rate,
If we have two current is path
pipes connecting
two points, the
flow rate through
Flow rate in the
one pipe can be smaller pipe

different from the is less than it is

in the
flow rate through larger pipe.

the other. The

flow rate depends
on the path.
Voltage Across

No matter which
path you follow,
the height is the
same across
those two points.
The height does
not depend on
the path
It is extremely important that we know
the polarity, or the sign, of the
voltages and currents we use. Which
way is the current flowing? Where is
the potential higher? To keep track of
these things, two concepts are used:
1. Reference polarities, and
2. Actual polarities.
1.5 Power and Energy (1)
Power is the time rate of expending or absorbing energy,
measured in watts (W).

Mathematical expression: dw dw dq
p vi
dt dq dt

v v

Passive sign convention

p = +vi p = vi
absorbing power supplying power 22
1.5 Power and Energy (2)

Example: Calculate the power supplied or absorbed in

each case:

1.5 Power and Energy (3)
The law of conservation of energy

Energy is the capacity to do work, measured in joules (J).

Mathematical expression
t t
w pdt vidt
t0 t0
The electric power utility companies measure energy in watts-
hour(Wh), where:

1Wh=3,600 joules

Class Activity
Example 1.5 : Find the power delivered to an element at t=3
ms if the current entering its positive terminal is

i 5cos 60 t A & volatge is

(a) v 3i
(b) v 3 di
Class Activity
Example 1.5 : Solution
1.6 Circuit Elements (1)
An Active Element is capable of generating energy while a
Passive Element is not; Generators and batteries are examples
of active elements while resistors, capacitors and inductors are
passive element.

An ideal Independent Voltage Source is an active element that

provides a specified voltage or current that completely
independent of other circuit elements.

An ideal Dependent ( or Controlled) source is an active element

in which the source quantity is controlled by another voltage or

Circuit Elements (1.1)
An electrical source is a device that is capable of converting
nonelectric energy to electric energy and vice versa.
A discharging battery converts chemical energy to electric
energy, whereas a battery being charged converts electric
energy to chemical energy.
A dynamo is a machine that converts mechanical energy to
electric energy and vice versa. If operating in the mechanical-
to-electric mode, it is called a generator. If transforming from
electric to mechanical energy, it is referred to as a motor..
An ideal voltage source is a circuit element that maintains a
pre-scribed voltage across its terminals regardless of the
current flowing in those terminals.
an ideal current source is a circuit element that maintains a
prescribed current through its terminals regardless of the
voltage across those terminals.
1.6 Circuit Elements (2)
Both symbols (a) and (b) can be used to
represent an independent dc voltage source
while (a) is used only for time varying
independent voltage source.
Typical Independent Constant Current Source Symbol for
is shown in the figure below. Independent voltage

1.6 Circuit Elements (3)
Dependent sources are useful in modeling elements such as
transistors, operational amplifiers and integrated circuits
Example of current controlled Voltage source is shown in the
right hand side of the figure.
The Voltage source depends on the current i through the
element C.

1.6 Circuit Elements (4)
Active Elements Passive Elements

A dependent source is an active element in

which the source quantity is controlled by
another voltage or current.

They have four different types: Voltage

Controlled Voltage Source (VCVS), CCVS,
VCCS, CCCS. Keep in minds the signs of
Independent Dependant dependent sources.
sources sources 31
Dependent sources
1. A voltage-controlled voltage source
2. A current-controlled voltage source
3. A voltage-controlled current source
4. A current-controlled current source

1.6 Circuit Elements (5)

Obtain the voltage v in the branch shown in the figure for i2 = 1A.

1.6 Circuit Elements (6)

Voltage v is the sum of the current-independent 10-V

source and the current-dependent voltage source vx.

Note that the factor 15 multiplying the control current

carries the units .

Therefore, v = 10 + vx = 10 + 15(1) = 25 V

Identify valid or invalid interconnection

Testing Interconnection
Identify valid or invalid interconnection

1.5 Power and Energy (3)
The law of conservation of energy

Energy is the capacity to do work, measured in joules (J).

Mathematical expression
t t
w pdt vidt
t0 t0
The electric power utility companies measure energy in watts-
hour(Wh), where:

1Wh=3,600 joules

Class Activity
Example 1.7: Calculate the power supplied or absorbed by
each element

Calculate the power supplied or absorbed by each element
Calculate the power supplied or absorbed by each element
1.7 Applications (1)
1.7.1 Old TVs Picture Tube

The Electron beam in a TV Picture carries 1015 electrons per



1.7 Applications (2)
1.7.2 Electricity Bills

1.7 Applications: Electricity Bill
Example: A homeowner consumes 400 kWh in January. Determine the
electricity bill for the month using the following residential rate schedule:

1.8 Problem Solving
1. Carefully Define the problem.

2. Present everything you know about the problem.

3. Establish a set of Alternative solutions and determine the one

that promises the greatest likelihood of success.

4. Attempt a problem solution.

5. Evaluate the solution and check for accuracy.

6. Has the problem been solved Satisfactorily? If so, present the

solution; if not, then return to step 3 and continue through the
process again.

Assignment # 1 Sub:
From Chapter 1 of the text book ()

1. Review Questions: All (without looking at the


2. Problems: 1.3,1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20,

3. Note: Write down all the questions and submit your

solution in sequence. Use A4 size plain paper is
possible. EE(422)

Find V0 in the circuit (Quiz)


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