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The agent may not appoint a substitute if the

principal has not prohibited him from doing so

A. True C.Partly True

B. False D.Partly False
The agent may not appoint a substitute if the
principal has not prohibited him from doing so

A. True C.Partly True

B. False D.Partly False
The agent may appoint a SUBTITUTE if the principal
has not prohibited him from doing so; but he shall be
RESPONSIBLE for the acts of the SUBTITUTE:
When he was not given the power to appoint one;
When he was given such power, but WITHOUT
designating the person, and the person appointed
Person that an agent delegates as his agent, which the
agent has been empowered to perform through his

A. Principal C. Agent
B. Subagent D. Substitute
Person that an agent delegates as his agent, which the
agent has been empowered to perform through his

A. Principal C. Agent
B. Subagent D. Substitute
Article 1893
The principal may furthermore bring an action
against the substitute with respect to the
obligations which the latter has contacted under
the substitution.
Power of AGENT to appoint
Unless prohibited by the PRINCIPAL
The selection must be determined largele by TRUST and
CONFIDENCE the principal has in the agent,
principal need NOT FEAR prejudice as he has a right of action
not only against the agent but also against the subtitute
The right of action against the substitute is an exception to
the general rule that contracts are binding only between the
contracting parties, their assigns and heirs.
Has a right later on to recover from the guilty or
negligent agent

A. Subtitute C. Agent
B. Subagent D. Innocent Agent
Has a right later on to recover from the guilty or
negligent agent

A. Subtitute C. Agent
B. Subagent D. Innocent Agent
Article 1894
The responsibility of two or more agents, even
though they have been appointed simultaneously,
is not solidary, if solidarity has not been expressly
Article 1895
Is solidarity has been agreed upon, each of the
agents is resposible for the non-fulfillment of the
agency, and for the fault or negligence of his
fellow agents, except in the latter case when the
fellow agents acted beyond the scope of their
Agent who converted to his personal use, the funds
of the principal is not liable for interest as
compensation or idemnity from the day on which
he did so.

A. True C. Partly True

B. False D. Partly False
Agent who converted to his personal use, the funds
of the principal is not liable for interest as
compensation or idemnity from the day on which
he did so.

A. True C. Partly True

B. False D. Partly False
Article 1896

The agent owes interest on the sums he has

applied to his own use from the day on which he
did so, and on those which he still owes after the
extinguishment of the agency.
If an agent exceeds his authority he really acts
without authority and, the contract is enforceable
against the principal.

A. False C. True
B. Partly False D. Partly True
If an agent exceeds his authority he really acts
without authority and, the contract is enforceable
against the principal.

A. False C. True
B. Partly False D. Partly True
Article 1897

The agent who acts as such is not personally

liable to the party with whom he contracts,
unless he expressly binds himself or exceeds the
limits of his authority without giving such party
sufficient notice of his powers.
When the agent expressly binds himself he
thereby obligates himself personally and his own

When the agent exceeds his authority he really

acts without authority and, therefore the contract
is unenforceable against the principal.
In ratification of a contact was not been secure to
the principal, then suddenly an agent and the third
person make a mistake, whom shall be liable?

A. Principal C. Agent
B. Subagent D. Substitute
In ratification of a contact was not been secure to
the principal, then suddenly an agent and the third
person make a mistake, whom shall be liable?

A. Principal C. Agent
B. Subagent D. Substitute
Article 1898

If the agent contracts in the name of the

princpal, exceeding the scope of his authority,
and principal does not ratify the contract, it
shall be void if the party with whom the agent
contrated is aware of the limits of the powers
granted by principal. In this case, however,
the agent is laible if he undertook to secure
the principal's ratification.
The agent is ignorant, but the principal has the one
who appoint to that agent, who will be liable for that?

A. Principal C. Agent
B. Subagent D. Substitute
The agent is ignorant, but the principal has the one
who appoint to that agent, who will be liable for that?

A. Principal C. Agent
B. Subagent D. Substitute
Article 1899

If a duly authorized agent acts in

accordance with the orders of the principal,
the latter cannot set up the ignorance of the
agent as to circumstances whereof he
himself was, or ought to have been aware.
To protect the interest of third person, an act of the
agent within the terms of the power of attorney as
written is within scope of the agent's authority.

A. Partly True C. Partly False

B. True D. False
To protect the interest of third person, an act of the
agent within the terms of the power of attorney as
written is within scope of the agent's authority.

A. Partly True C. Partly False

B. True D. False
Article 1900
So far as third persons are concerned, an act
is deemed to have been performed within
scope of the agent's authority, if such act is
within the terms of the power of attorney, as
written, even if the agent has in fact exceeded
the limits of his authority according to an
understanding between the principal and the

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