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In a structural system, any sustained cyclic load will produce a sustained cyclic or
harmonic response. Harmonic analysis results are used to determine the steady-state
response of a linear structure to loads that vary sinusoidally (harmonically) with time,
thus enabling you to verify whether or not your designs will successfully overcome
resonance, fatigue, and other harmful effects of forced vibrations.

This analysis technique calculates only the steady-state, forced vibrations of a


In this analysis, all loads as well as the structures response vary sinusoidally
at the same frequency. A typical harmonic analysis will calculate the response of the
structure to cyclic loads over a frequency range (a sine sweep) and obtain a graph of
some response quantity (usually displacements) versus frequency. Peak responses
are then identified from graphs of response vs. frequency and stresses are then
reviewed at those peak frequencies.

Harmonic response analysis is a linear analysis. Some nonlinearities, such as

plasticity will be ignored, even if they are defined.

02/21/17 C.Gen 1
Mode Superposition Method: In this method a modal analysis is first
performed to compute the natural frequencies and mode shapes.
Then the mode superposition solution is carried out where these mode shapes
are combined to arrive at a solution

This is the default method, and generally provides results faster than the Full

02/21/17 C.Gen 2
02/21/17 C.Gen 3
Harmonik Analiz 2-200 Hz aras yaplacaksa
modal analizler 1 Hz ile 400 Hz aras
modlar kapsayacak ekilde yaplyor

Mode Superposition Method iin geerli

02/21/17 C.Gen 4
Solution Intervals = 15: Here 15 solutions are evenly spaced within the frequency range.
Note how the peak can be missed altogether.

Cluster = 5: Here 5 solutions are performed automatically on either side of each natural frequency
capturing the behavior near the peaks.

02/21/17 C.Gen 5

02/21/17 C.Gen 6
02/21/17 C.Gen 7
Two type of results can be requested for harmonic response analyses:
Contour plots of results at a particular frequency and phase angle or graphs.
Graphs can be either Frequency Response graphs (for these results, you must
specify a frequency and phase angle) that display how the response varies with
frequency or Phase Response plots that show how much a response lags behind
the applied loads.
Results displayed on a graph can be scoped to specific geometric entity (vertex,
face, or edge) and can be viewed as a value graphed along a specified frequency
The plot will include all the frequency points at which a solution was obtained.
The Reported Frequency in the Information category is the frequency at which
contour results were found and plotted. This frequency can be potentially different
from the frequency you requested.

02/21/17 C.Gen 8
Design Life iin
gerekli ANSYS
input dosyas

02/21/17 C.Gen 9
Frekans Cevap

02/21/17 C.Gen 10
Frekans Cevap Analizi

Input : vme

Input : Deplasman

02/21/17 C.Gen 11
vme Deplasman likisi

x = sin (wt)

v = w cos (wt)

a = - w2 sin (wt)

x = - a / w2

02/21/17 C.Gen 12
Frekansa bal ivme deeri girmek yerine
frekansa bal deplasman deeri girilebilir.

MSC.Marc ve MSC.Nastran

02/21/17 C.Gen 13
Sonlu Eleman Modeli
Snr Koullar

Harmonic deplasman girdisi


02/21/17 C.Gen 14
Marc Analiz Ayarlar

Sonu olarak, Harmonic Stress, istenmeli.

Temas ayarlar default dur. Herhangi bir

deiiklik yaplmamtr.
02/21/17 C.Gen 15
Nastran Analiz Ayarlar Frekansa bagl ivme

Common Node Kullanld.

Plate off-set tanmland.

Sabitleme blgesi
02/21/17 C.Gen 16
Marc Analiz Girdisi

Deplasman (m)

x = - a / w2

Bu tablo Excell ile kolaylkla kartlr.

02/21/17 C.Gen 17
Frekans (Hz)
Nastran Analiz Girdileri vme (mm/s2)
vme (m/s2)

Frekans (Hz)

02/21/17 C.Gen 18
10 Hz Deplasman [mm]

10 Hz Gerilme [MPa]

02/21/17 C.Gen 19
109 Hz Deplasman [mm]

109 Hz Gerilme [MPa]

02/21/17 C.Gen 20
347 Hz Deplasman [mm]

347 Hz Gerilme [MPa]

02/21/17 C.Gen 21
Sonularn Karlatrlmas

703 Hz Deplasman [mm]

703 Hz Gerilme [MPa]

02/21/17 C.Gen 22
1000 Hz Deplasman [mm]

1000 Hz Gerilme [MPa]

02/21/17 C.Gen 23
Marc Nastran
Frekansa Baggl Gerilim Grafigi

Gerilim [MPa]
Gerilim [MPa]

02/21/17 Frekans C.Gen 24

Nastranda ivme girilerek alnan sonular,
Marc ile deplasman girilerek elde
T16 sonu dosyas MSC.Patran ile
okunmutur (MSC.Fatigue iin)
Marcn verdigi Equivalent Stress

02/21/17 C.Gen 25

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