2 6 Logo Development and Evaluation

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Logo Development and Evaluation

William Hall & Sam Baxter & Chris Haisell

Logo Design No1.
This was the first logo design which we
developed. It began as an idea of
incorporating the globe in some way to show
the channels global airing. We then decided
that we would be able to use the Globe as the
Letter O within the words BBC ONE.

Keeping to the channels identity we used the

Black square letter spelling BBC. In order to
stick to the channels identity we also kept the
circle theme with the use of the globe. The
black and white colour scheme keeps the
channels formal identity.

This logo has a lack of colour and can be a

little boring to look at however to improve this
and stick to the channels current look, we
could use a little bit of red in order to spice the
design up.
Logo Design No2.
This logo design started as a simple idea of going
back the channels origins of being a UK channel.
Therefore we decided that we would incorporate an
map image of the UK into the logo. We then
continued to adding a very basic lettering of BBC
One written underneath the image.

Weve kept the channels identity throughout our

design by using a black and white scheme to show
the channels formal identity. We have also
maintained the basic font styles keeping the
channels current approach.

In order to improve upon this design I would use

some more colour to make the logo more interesting.
The colour which that I would use would be red as
this is a common feature in all of the current channel
logo/idents and keeping this would allow us to keep
the channels current audience.
Logo Design No3.
The idea for this logo first developed upon an old BBC
logo design and building upon this we began to come
upon with new ideas containing the black squares and
the simple Sans Serif font style. We decided that
switching it up and placing the font saying BBC above
the black square which contained white font with the
lettering of ONE written in them. This was to create a
simple but modern design for the channel. The black
and white scheme allows the logo to stick to the
channels formal identity.

In order to keep the channels identity we have kept

elements of an old logo design to give it a familiar feel.
The use of the Sans serif font and the basic black
squares provide the channel with that feel.

Ways to improve this logos would be to add some colour

to the logo much like our previous design to make the
channel even more familiar and targeted towards the
channel current audience. However this will remove
from the logos formal look.
Logo Design No4.
This Development for this logo was very simple. The
idea started as look at the channels ethos and target
audience. From that we found the channels diverse and
united audience. Building upon the idea of unity and
diversity we came up with the having multi-colour
people holding hands showing both unity and diversity.

To keep the channels identity within the logo design we

kept the basic BBC San Serif style font and black
squares underneath the circle like theme of the
channel which we made up from people holding hands.

Looking at this design concept we have found several

improvements that could be made to better fit the
channels identity. Firstly we could have used the red
theme for the channel more often in order to keep the
channels familiar feel. We could have also made the
circular theme more obvious.
Logo Design No5.
For this logo we initially began with sing the globe to
represent the channel historical and current global
airing. We then developed upon this and made the globe
red fitting the channels current theme with red circles.
After that we added a standard Sans Serif font.

Keeping to the channels identity we have maintained

the red circular theme. We have also continued to use a
simple Sans Serif font in black trying to keep the formal
approach to the design.

To build upon this design we could do a range of

different things. Upon first glace we can identify what
the logo is and is about however the design is a little
plain to the human eye and we could have changed this
with perhaps a different coloured font or a more
interesting design.
Logo Design No6.
This idea was developed by looking over previous
BBC 1 logo designs. Using the ideas of the iconic
Sans Serif font within small squares. Building
upon this we decided that we would put the
number one within a square also. After that we
thought that the number one should stand out
more than the BBC lettering as the BBC owns
multiple channel and it needs to be obvious that
this logo is for BBC one.

Sticking to the channels identity we have used a

lot of red an have kept the simple Sans Serif font
style keeping to the channels formal identity.

Improving to this logo we should have used the

circle theme. We could have also used some
more formal colours.
Logo Design No7.
We developed this logo through research into the BBCs
history and we believe it would be a smart choice to use
the globe as the circular shape of a globe links back with
the old BBC logos as most of them have a circular theme.

We also decided the globe was a good idea as it shows

that even though the BBC is a British broadcasting
corporation they air their programs globally hence our
choice of the globe.

We also chose the new sans serif type font because it is a

serious font which represents BBC 1 correctly as it
portrays the channel as a serious channel with good
entertainment programs being played as well as serious

This logo could have been improved by possibly having a

different colour scheme with the blue because we decided
the colours could have matched up even better which
would have made the overall design much better.
Logo Design No8.
We created this logo also based around the research we
done on the previous BBC logos with the basic circular
design which links with all the old logos but this time we
had more of a free flowing type logo which is very
astonishingly smooth.

We also decided this logos circular shape would work well

with the font type we have put in the middle as the font is
more serious and shows that BBC is an established channel.

We kept the font colour the same because we felt this logo
particularly needed the more serious font as it represents
how formal BBC 1 is whilst the circular shape shows they
are entertainment

For this logo it could have been improved by changing the

shade of red on the circular shape to a darker red or to the
same colour red as their old logos as this would link it back
to the previous logos and this would make the logo look
more elegant and portray this better.
Logo Design No9.
This design started of very simple and has become very
effective in our opinion. The design developed from
being simple Sans Serif font which gave the logo a very
formal and modern feel which fits BBC Ones identity
extremely well. We then went the step further by using
three different coloured people holding hands to show
unity and diversity.

In order to keep the channels identity we kept our basic

Sans Serif font style as well as used the continuous
theme of red which the channel has used for years now
as it is identifiable by the channel target audience.

Once again looking back at this design we have noticed

that there are several improvements that can be made
to make this logo even more efficient and effective.
One improvement could have reused the circular theme
the channel currently uses to further the connection
between this logo design and the target audience.
Logo Design No10.
This design is much like some of the others we have
designed and once again uses a Sans Serif font which is
much like previous designs. This is because BBC 1 is
quite a formal TV channel and we believe this font works
well as representing the channel in good light.

This logo is also good because it shows unity and

diversity with the people shapes all linking round the
circle this is also good as it has the different colours
which makes it more aesthetically pleasing and it also
represents BBC 1 as a diverse tv channel working for a
broad audience of different people.

This logo could have been improved if we had changed

the font as I believe now the shapes that create the logo
dont really match the font if we had a more basic and
less blurred type of logo it would have matched up better
and made the logo look more aesthetically pleasing.
Which Worked Best?
We agreed that this logo worked best as it links
back to most of their previous designs with the
original circular shaped globe which represents
diversity and links to the fact that they air
worldwide. We also felt the black square around
the BBC part of BBC 1 needed to be kept like the
current logo because it makes the logo stand out
more and also incorporates the colour black as a
main part of the logo.

The colour black denotes power and elegance

which is good for the BBC 1 channel as this makes
people associate these things with their channel.

This logo hits the target audience nicely as it is

sticking to the channels corporate identity and
representing the channel in a good light. This is
also the kind of logo that the target audience
would expect to see which we know as we have
researched into this.

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