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Reasons Relevant
Legality of s for
Case Overview for Stakeholde Conclusion
the issue Improvem
Case overview Rescinding rs

The cases are based on the basics of Employment agreements/contracts and pre-
employment issues
1.In 2002, 2.In 2008, Wipro 3.In 2016, Flipkart 4.In 2016, IITs
companies like switched jobs of deferred joining blacklisted 31
Infosys, SLM engineering dates of recruits by companies
Software and Tata recruits to join its 6 months at IIM-A including a large
Infotech had sent BPO division in the and IITs, citing poor no. of start-ups
regret letters to eastern region. economic after nearly 140
students just a few conditions and high students were
months after burn rate as affected by their
placing them at IIT- reasons. unfair practices.
5.In 2012, PIET 6.Companies 7. In 2013, Many 8. In 2016, Grofers
conducted a pool inserted a penalty vulnerable India rescinded the
placement for HCL clause in its offer candidates were offer it had made to
for nearly 1000 letters, making duped by Anshuman Gupta ,
students , and the them liable to pay fraudsters posing a day before his
management used compensation in as KPMG executives joiningat the firm
unfair means to get case they do not , who even issued after he had
its students placed. join. fake offer letters. already relocated
Reasons Relevant
BE THE REAL Legality
s for THE Conclusion
Case Stakeholde
the issue Improvem
OFFERS? Rescinding rs

Dot-com bubble burst in 2001

Slump in market conditions
Change in overall economic landscape of the industry
Change in overall strategic direction
Change in company requirements
Increase of demand for lateral hiring
Unforeseen automation of processes
Excessive number of offers
Reasons Relevant
Legality of s for
Case Overview for Stakeholde Conclusion
the issue Improvem
Rescinding rs
IIT Mumbai Wipro Job Switch

Students whose jobs have been Students given a Job switch:

withdrawn: Provided with BPO Technical support profile
A few have families dependent on them despite being recruited for Engineering profile
Lack of remaining time to search for another Have to give Rs. 75000 as bond money which
job is supposed to be given for the Engineering
Lost opportunities like GRE and other offers profile
Fear of loosing job
The Institute and its placement The Govt. authorities:
committee: Responsibility to look into the matter and
Stress of placing 120 students in a month choose between the students and company that
Reputation of a premium college on stake provides jobs to students on a regular basis
Dilemma of loosing a top recruiter
Need to revisit their placement policy Wipro:
Loss of companys reputation
Companies that have withdrawn the Manage Supply and demand between
jobs employees in the IT sector and BPO
Loss of reputation of company Pressure of commencement of work without
loosing out on bright potential employees delay
Fighting economic slowdown Handling the agitations by students and
handling the authorities as well
Reasons Relevant
Legality of s for
Case Overview for Stakeholde Conclusion
the issue Improvem
Rescinding rs
Reasons Relevant
Legality of s for
Case Overview for Stakeholde Conclusion
the issue Improvem
Rescinding rs

Consider alternatives that do not require rescinding employment offers. These may include
changes in job responsibilities, salary reduction and/or reduced work weeks, changes in job
locale, delayed starting dates, and other reasonable options
If the offer must be revoked, it is strongly encouraged that assistance to the affected
candidates be made which may include, but is not limited to
1. Reimbursement for expenses incurred in their acceptance of employment, such as
travel and relocation expenses.
2. A provision for short-term financial assistance.
3. Services to aid the candidates in securing other employment.
Alert candidates about their changes in employment status or commitments as soon as
possible to enable them to make informed and timely decisions regarding their employment
opportunities and other options
If employment professionals opt to delay the candidates starting date by more than three
months in lieu of revoking the job offer, they should maintain regular contact with the
candidate before the start date and provide the candidate with appropriate short-term
financial assistance. Doing so will help keep the candidate well-disposed toward the
Reasons Relevant
Legality of s for
Case Overview for Stakeholde Conclusion
the issue Improvem
Rescinding rs

Recruiters should keep their promises. AT ALL COSTS! Estimate first and recruit later.
Reversing these results in calamity in students lives
Standardized recruitment processes should be designed and students may be allowed to
make an educated decision.
If a company is facing many uncertainties then it should make sure the prospective
employees are aware of them and they should be allowed to make their own arrangements

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