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Abolitionists Movement
8.66 Analyze the impact of the various leaders of the abolitionist movement, including
John Brown and armed resistance; Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad;
William Lloyd Garrison and The Liberator; Frederick Douglass and the Slave Narratives;
and Harriet Beecher Stowes Uncle Toms Cabin, Virginia Hill and Free Hill, Tennessee;
Francis Wright and Nashoba Commune; and Elihu Embree s The Emancipator.
Checkpoint on last weeks paper
CFA Remediation
Timeline/Begin Abolitionists Notes
Checkpoint 2.21
Use last weeks paper!!!!!
1. What does abolition mean?

2. Who was the first President of the

Anti-Slavery society in America?
Mic Drop
Checkpoint 2.21
1. What does abolition mean?
The complete end to slavery
2. Who was the first President of the
Anti-Slavery society in America?

Ben Franklin
1830: Underground Railroad used by runaway slaves
1831: William Lloyd Garrison publishes The Liberator. Nat Turner Slave Rebellion.
1833: American Anti-slavery Society formed.
1838: Frederick Douglass escapes slavery and becomes active in the abolitionist cause.
1847: Frederick Douglass begins publication of the North Star.
1848: Mexican Cession of western territory to the United States; North and South resume struggle over
the status of slavery
1849: Harriet Tubman begins her 19 separate journeys along the Underground Railroad
1850: Compromise of 1850 Passage of Fugitive Slave Act.
1852: Abolitionist Harriet Beecher Stowe publishes Uncle Toms Cabin.
1854: Passage of Kansas-Nebraska Act which determines the status of slavery in these two territories
according to the principle of popular sovereignty. Bleeding Kansas.
1856: John Browns Pottawatomie Massacre
1857: Dred Scott Court Decision which stated that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional, and
that slaves were not citizens but the property of their owners
1859: Abolitionist John Browns raid at the federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia.
1860: Presidential election of Republican Party candidate, Abraham Lincoln, and the start of southern
Abolitionists Movement
8.66 Analyze the impact of the various leaders of the abolitionist movement, including
John Brown and armed resistance; Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad;
William Lloyd Garrison and The Liberator; Frederick Douglass and the Slave Narratives;
and Harriet Beecher Stowes Uncle Toms Cabin, Virginia Hill and Free Hill, Tennessee;
Francis Wright and Nashoba Commune; and Elihu Embree s The Emancipator.
Immediate start on Foldable: make sure its out and
Homework Assignment
a: very different from the usual or traditional:
b: favoring extreme changes in existing views,
habits, conditions, or institutions
c: associated with political views, practices, and
policies of extreme change
d: advocating extreme measures to retain or
restore a political state of affairs
I S n T h
IS ed a om
ri as
y F Pa
tt Genghis Khan i n
Be e
Martin Luther King H
Cesar Chavez r
Think about the causes you are
willing to fight forwould you be
considered a radical?
Do you think radical thinking
would be beneficial or harmful in
changing the world?
William Lloyd Garris
Radical writer earnest--Iwillnotequivocate--I
Harsh language/outspoken willnotexcuse--Iwillnotretreata
The Liberator singleinch--ANDIWILLBE
1 Anti-Slavery newspaper

emancipation of ALL slaves!
For the succession of the South
Frederick Dougla
Could Read and Write
Narrative of the Life of Frederick
Written By Himself
speaking tour of England, Ireland, and
North Star, a four-page weekly
Against South succession
Isolate slaves
Constitution=weapon against slavery
Harriet Tubman
19 trips in 10 years as conductor
Freed >300 slaves
Never lost a single passenger
Drugged babies
Threatened slaves with guns
youll be free or die
Clever: tricked people by pretending to
be literate
Nicknamed Moses
Civil War: worked as nurse, cook, spy
Died 1913
Harriet Beecher Stow

Lived close to the border

Listened to first hand
accounts from slaves
Helped slaves escape to
Uncle Toms Cabin
published after Fugitive
Slave Act 1850
Slave stories,
Underground Railroad
John Brown
Poor bankruptcy right.Now,ifitbedeemednecessary
Still held to his abolitionists beliefs thatIshouldforfeitmylifeforthe
Gave land to fugitive slaves furtheranceoftheendsofjustice,and
Worked on the Underground Railroad minglemybloodfurtherwiththe
Raised a slave youth as one of his 20 kids
Bleeding Kansas
Pottawatomie Massacre
Raid at Harpers Ferry whoserightsaredisregardedby
Violent Abolitionist wicked,cruel,andunjustenactments,I
Hung for treason Dec 2, 1859 submit:soletitbedone."
Compare yourself to an abolitionist: If you could write something
so that a lot of people would see itWhat would you write?
Think about: changing something in the world or making someone feel
1. Like Harriet Tubman, I would lead people to freedom from
hateBe kind to ALL people!
2. Like William Lloyd Garrison, I would write to the world to
immediately drop all prejudices! I WILL BE HEARD!
If you come to school tomorrow without this assignment, you will not be allowed
to participate in the FUN activity and you will be writing an essay instead.
Steven Douglass wanted a Kansas
railroad passage
Needed Nebraska
South rejected because it was
North of the 36th parallel
To make them happy he
suggested a second territory
Kansas and repealing the
Missouri Compromise
Popular Sovereignty
People RUSHED into Kansas
trying to sway the decision, civil
war broke out

John Brown angry over all the
pro-slavery attacks throughout
"Something must be done to
show these barbarians that we,
too, have rights
Led small group into a secret
His sons tried to get him to stay
at camp
He marched to Pottawatomie
Creek with one revolver and
illiam Lloyd Garriso

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