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First Days of School


Classroom Expectations

seating will be given at the beginning of class on first day, and
students are asked to stay in those seats
Students can use the hall pass to get a drink or use the bathroom but not until

15 minutes after the period started (also not 15 minutes before period ends)
If a student has a question they can put up their hand at their seat (no crowding

around teacher)
If a student needs supplies they will be directed/told where they are located in

the first week

Students are expected to hand in assignments on time, late assignments will be

deducted 2% off per day not handed in

If a due date does not work well for a student (or the class) and they talk to me

Late/Absent Policies

Latestudents are to sign in at office and come in without

disrupting the class
Students leaving class early need a note or parent to call the
3 unexplained absences (note or parent called) get a call home
Missedassignments or tests will be caught up on the next day
the student is in class
Any handouts/assignments missed will be available in a binder
Student Expectations/Behaviour

Overall respect the teacher, classmates, classroom, the supplies and

any guests in the classroom (including student teachers, or substitute
Be respectful of other classmates art
No foul language in the classroom
If there is a problem or issue students should not hesitate to talk to me
about it and I will do my best to help
Technology: is allowed in the classroom at appropriate times. If
students are working then it is not a problem if it is a constant
distraction without work being done then it needs to be put away
Cognitive Practices

Students will be given guidance on each assignment individually to

make sure that they are meeting all expectations (preliminaries)
Each assignment will focus on For, As, and Of learning for each
Skills most often used in class are observation skills during demos,
visual skills and kinesthetic skills
Once students are more comfortable in the class then class
discussions can take place
Critical thinking skills will be used everyday through art analysis and
art techniques

Beginning of period everyone is to sit down in their assigned seats

when the bell rings
All bags should be off the tables
Grab any work/assignments at beginning of period unless otherwise
Work to hand in can be handed in at the beginning of the period or
when students are finished to the hand in bin
Every Friday will be open studio day where students have every Friday
of a month to work on a project that they hand in at the end of every
Learning Goals

Students get to know each other better by the end of the first
Teacher gets to know students names and at least one thing
about each of them
Students will learn the course outline and what the semester
The first week is more about learning about your students and
where they are at

The first week is a perfect time to do ice breakers to get to know your
2 truths and a lie: each student says 2 things about their selves and
one thing that is a lie and other students have to guess which one is
the lie
This activity helps you to get to know some personal things about your
students that you might not otherwise know
Another art activity to help to get to know your students is to have
them design a folder/portfolio with their name and add things about
them to it.
This also helps you to get to know everyone's name the first week

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