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TSL 591 : MTR

Hudson, Chapter 3
When talking about second language
reading the main question that needs to be
addressed is:
Is it a reading problem or a
language problem?
The question is central to sorting the causes

and origins of 2nd language reading

Hulstijn (1991)
Questions on whether good or poor readers read
in the same way in their 1st language need to be
1.Increase in our understanding of 2 nd language
reading proficiency when link to theories of 1 st
language research
2.Important in our understanding of 2nd language
reading if the reading processes are similar
Differences between 1st and 2nd language
1. Since L2 readers are proficient in the 1st
language, they may transfer L1 skills to L2
May assist or interfere
2. Reading in L1 normally begins after speaking in
L1 is advanced, but L2 learners do not normally
master spoken skills when reading instruction
3. Great cognitive difference between child 1st
language readers and adult 2nd language
Two contrasting views on second language
learners success in foreign language
1. Success in reading a foreign language
depends upon 1st language reading ability
rather than level of English
2. Reading problems of second or foreign
language learners are the result of
imperfect knowledge of the language
Aldersons hypotheses on 2nd language reading
1. Poor reading in FL is due to poor reading in L1
2. Poor reading in FL is due to inadequate
knowledge of TL
Modifications to the above hypotheses:
1. Poor FL reading is due incorrect strategies used,
strategies not similar to L1
2. Poor FL reading is due to strategies in L1 not
being employed in FL due to inadequate
knowledge in FL. Good L1 readers will read well
in FL once passed a threshold of FL ability.
Studies tend to find:
Strong relationship between 2nd language
linguistic ability and 2nd language reading ability
Moderate relationship between 1st language
reading ability and 2nd language reading ability,
depending upon level of language ability
Studies by Perkins et al. (1989) & Carson et
al . (1990):
Indicate a moderate relationship between 1 st
language and 2nd language reading
Suggest that some transfer of reading ability is
Studies by Carrell (1991) and Yamashita
(2002) looked at L2 Reading = L1 Reading
+ L2 Language Proficiency
Findings of both studies suggest:
Strong relationship between 1st language and 2nd
language reading for higher-level students
Once readers become more advanced 1st
language reading ability becomes increasingly
Bossers (1991) study:
Examined the relation between 1st language
reading, 2nd language reading and 2nd language
2nd language ability and 1st language reading play a
substantial role in 2nd language reading
Possible existence of a threshold level before
learners are limited in their ability to transfer 1 st
language reading abilities to 2nd language reading
Lee & Schallert (1997):
Examined whether no or little effective transfer of
L1 reading strategies until the learner reached a
threshold level of L2 ability
L1 reading ability contributed less to L2 reading
ability than L2 proficiency
There is a language threshold where L1 reading skills
begin to contribute to L2 reading ability.
Fecteau (1999):
Examined relationship between L1 and L2 reading
of literature for more advanced-level FL learners
Subjects were able to transfer L1 language literature
reading skills to reading L2 literature
Donin & Silva (1993):
Attempted to differentiate aspects of L2 reading
comprehension specific to reading in L2 from
factors relevant to understanding text in any
Reading time slower when reading in L2
Taillefer (1996):
Examined the relationship between L1 reading
and L2 reading across 2 different tasks
L1 reading ability and L2 proficiency to be significant
predictors of FL reading depending upon the
particular reading task.
More demanding reading tasks may call on greater
need for L2 proficiency
The use L1 reading ability aids the L2 reader only
after the reader has a threshold of L2 ability.
There are interrelationships between L1
reading ability, L2 proficiency and L2
reading performance
Results of research tend to show that L2
proficiency plays a greater role that L1
reading ability
Also it is dependent on the type of reading task
Most important at the lower level of L2 proficiency
Interactions between the 3 elements above
is dependent on whether the learners are in
foreign or 2nd language context

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