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Psychology 1

Intro to Psychology

Dr. Jay A. Garcia

Psychology Study of human and animal

Derived from the word:

Psyche mind or soul
Logos - study
Schools of Psychology
Structuralism founded
by Wilhelm Wundt
recognized as father of
modern Psychology. He
considered the first formal
psychological laboratory
for the experimental study
of psychophysics.
Schools of Psychology
Functionalism founded
by William James. He is
concerned with the utility
of how conscious
processes function in the
adjustment of man in his
Schools of Psychology

Gestalt Psychology They believe

that the whole is different or more
than the sum of its parts.
Schools of Psychology
Behaviorism founded
by John B. Watson,
psychology should
study observable and
measurable behavior,
not consciousness.
Schools of Psychology
Psychoanalytic school
founded by Sigmund
Freud. His theory was
that much of our
behavior is governed
by hidden motives and
unconscious desires.
Schools of Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
leaded by Jean Piaget is
a combination of S-R
(Stimulus-Response) &
Gestalt approaches. It is a
study of how perception
influences behavior & the
way experience influences
Schools of Psychology
Existential Psychology is concerned with
the individuals discovery of self-identity so
he can commit himself, & care & love.
Humanistic Psychology is a protest
movement against the behavior emphasis
on the study of only overt behavior.
Nature of Modern Psychology

Behavior - may be defined as

any response made by, or any
activity of, the organism
according to Chaplin.
Goals of Psychology
Description Involves classification
of psychological data into meaningful
categories or groupings either
qualitatively on the basis of
similarities or qualities they have in
Goals of Psychology

Understanding To attain this

objective, psychology tries to
explain & interpret facts about
behavior in terms of general
principles which can applied for
some practical purpose.
Goals of Psychology
Prediction is based on an
understanding of relationships
between conditions and situations.
Control we can control behavior
through planning based on accurate
Methods of Psychology
Objectivity the scientific method means its
freedom from bias & prejudice. He reports what
he actually observes.
Explicit procedures investigator describes in
detail, step by step.
Report contains a description of the methods
used by the investigator, the results,
interpretations & the conclusions.
Methods of Psychology
Experimental method the most
scientific method, first selects a
phenomenon that he wishes to
investigate, then creates a situation
wherein he isolates the outcomes of a
certain factor from the outcomes of other
Methods of Psychology
Naturalistic observation is observation of the
subjects in their native environment so that the
behavior is observed as it occurs naturally.
Case histories are scientifically written
biographies done sometimes for the purpose
of testing theories or getting the background of
an individual.
Methods of Psychology
Survey method used when the
investigator wants to investigate a larger
group within a shorter time.
Clinical method this methods studies
human behavior by reconstructing the life
history of the individual on the basis of all
the information that can be gathered.
Fields of Contemporary Psychology
Experimental psychology It refers to
the scientific methodology by which
behavioral processes are studied.
Comparative psychology
investigates the behavioral differences
among different organisms & species
to discover similarities & differences.
Fields of Contemporary Psychology
Physiological psychology it studies man
from a neurobiological viewpoint.
Social psychology is concerned with social
influences on the behavior of the individual.
Developmental psychology focuses on the
various stages of development from prenatal
period to old age.
Fields of Contemporary Psychology
Educational psychology deals with the
psychological problems in the field of
School psychology is concerned with
enhancing the effectiveness of educational
institutions. He may function as a researcher
or consultant to teachers regarding problems
about pupil behavior.
Fields of Contemporary Psychology
Psychology of personality this field
investigates the processes by which a
person becomes a unique individual.
Psychometrics it is concerned with the
procedures for measuring & evaluating
the many psychological variables which
underlie & affect behavior.
Fields of Contemporary Psychology
Clinical psychology involves the application
of clinical methods (diagnosis & treatment) to
persons who are severely disturbed & those
suffering from emotional & adjustment
Counseling psychology is concerned with
normal problems of everyday living & helps
individuals in their normal development.
Fields of Contemporary Psychology
Industrial psychology It applies the methods &
findings of psychology in the solution of problems
related to the selection & training of personnel,
the relations between labor & management.
Consumer psychology the specialty area is
interested in the study of psychological factors
that determine an individuals behavior as a
Fields of Contemporary Psychology
Legal psychology which involves the
detection of guilt, the determination of the
reliability of testimony in the courtroom, & the
psychology of delinquency & crime.
Parapsychology investigates all
psychological phenomenon that apparently
cannot be explained in terms of natural
scientific laws or principles.
Fields of Contemporary Psychology
Engineering psychology this is a
highly specialized area which is
concerned with the development of
man-machine systems, that is, fitting
man & machine together such that
both can function most efficiency.

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