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Definition Of Intelligence
Intelligence is defined as a composite of general
and specific abilities, characterizing an
individuals level of neurological functioning in
the context of his effectively applied experience
and manifested to his dynamic coping with the
challenges for adjustment which he makes in
day-to-day living.
Concepts In Defining Intelligence
Popular concepts Donald O. Hebb (1904 -1985)
Father of Cognitive Psychobiology
Scientific concepts
Technical concepts
Technical concepts uses an assessment instrument known as psychological tes
Psychological test involves the process of factor analysis

Factor analysis is a process where it differentiate, sort, or classify different

intellectual abilities. Examples are:

Verbal ability
Abstract ability
Numerical ability
Logical reasoning ability
What Shapes Intelligence?


Interaction between heredity an environment

-Both makes a contribution to intellectual development. Hereditary potentials are acquired
as genetic endowment, but such endowment is transformed into effective ability only
by nurturance of a facilitating social intellectual environment.
Personality and Intelligence
Personality is defined as an organized set of physical-social-emotional and
adaptation process which uniquely characterizes an individual.
Personality of an individual is essential through the use of their own
personality patterns (traits).
Some personality patterns that facilitates intellectual development. These are:
Questioning attitude
Some personality patterns that constrict intellectual development:

Lack of motivation

Emotional instability

Lack of perseverance
Methods of Investigation


-Statistical methods involves large amount of participants to conduct the study.

- Statistical methods utilize the concert of the normal curve of distribution.

Two statistical terms are used here: mean and standard devi
Mean measure of central tendency, or known as average arithmetic.

Standard deviation measure of score dispersion or variations.

Assessment of Intelligent
Test of intelligence or general intellectual
abilities aim to assess an individuals
performance on certain skills considered
necessary for effective intellectual functioning.
Some Well-Known Intelligence Tests

Stanford - Binet Intelligence Scale (SBIS)

-an individual test used primarily on children

-it is consist of series of subtests arranged according to age levels.

Stanford-Binet items which must passed at each level:

Age Type of Item

Three-hole form board blockbuilding
3 Blockbuilding bridge

4 Naming objects from memory

Picture identification
7 Similarities
Copying a diamond
8 vocabulary
9 Verbal absurdities
Average Vocabulary proverbs orientation
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)

-it is also an individual test that consists of wide variety of subtests

which are grouped into two sets of categories: verbal and

There are 6 verbal subtests and 4 performance subtests

Verbal Performance

Information Picture Completion

General Comprehension Block Design
Memory span Object Assembly
Arithmetic Reasoning Digit Symbol
Interpretation of intelligence score:
The early concept of intelligence measurement utilize the formula:

MA X 100
IQ =
Where : IQ - means intelligence quotient
MA - means mental age
CA - means chronological age
The ratio works well with children up to age 13. the study shows
that mental ability progresses slowly after this age and ,at 16,it
reaches a level comparable with those to adults .
Hence, IQ cannot be used with ages after intellectual growth has
been completed. Because of this limitations, anew kind of
formulation was invented and named Deviation IQ. Deviation IQ is
defined in WAIS as a standard mean of 100, and a standard
Deviation of 15.
Distribution of Intelligence quotient in the WAIS.
IQ Verbal Description %of Adults

Above 130 Very superior 2.2

120-129 Superior 6.7
110-119 Bright normal 6.1
90-109 Average 50.0
80-89 Dull normal 16.1
70-79 Borderline 6.7
Below 70 Mentally retarded 2.2
Determinants of Intelligence Test
Hereditary determinants
-Studies shows that identical twins living in a different environment shows
similarities in intellectual abilities.(Francis Galton - 1889)

Social determinants

-Study shows that children belonging from middle class shows higher points
in language tests than those children belonging in working class,while the
result of non-language tests from both classes shows similarities in scores.
(Akhurst -1970)

Educational determinants

Observation in this country about honor students shows that students who
studied in more advance universities has higher intellectual abilities than
those honor students who studied in provincial schools. (Ramirez 1971)
Physical factors
Study shows that individuals with ailments
results to slow progression in intellectual
development.(Jean Piaget)

Personal factors
-Includes sex, motivation, attitude, and response te
Improvement of Intelligence
-potential intelligence is fairly stable but achieved intelligence
is capable of improvement. It is possible for an individual to
improve his IQ but only to pair with his potentials.
-Motivation -health -motivation

Intelligence and Achievement

IQ and School Success
IQ and Occupation
IQ and Status

Prestige and income attached to the intellectual requirements of

an occupation are correlated. in a study of the
US National Opinion Research Center (NORC) in which
numerous occupation were rated for prestige, hundreds of
occupation are rated on the basis of their average income and
educational level.
The Sex Factor
Some subtests are dominated only by
same sexes. Males do better in space
relations, calculating distances whereas
females do better in verbal or language
-boys and girls also differ in Cognitive style.

Cognitive style may be convergent or divergent

Convergent styles refers to grouping together of ideas, objects and things
can be classified under a common category.

An example of convergent thinking is:

Atis fruit

Divergent thinking calls for differentiation and is related to creative thinking.

An example of divergent thinking:

1 2 3 4
Geniuses and Defectives
Common observation seems to hold that man tend to have extreme
levels of IQs either high or low, compared to women.

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