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By: Andrea DeCaires, Nicole Pomerico, Jesenia Cantres

Station 1 - Number Line
The number line will be presented on the Smartboard or Interactive
TV. As a group, the students will work together in order to place the
fraction cards correctly on the number line.

Differentiation - The number line will be differentiated by having

dashes from 0 to 1. The high students will be challenged by not
having dashes on the number line. The low students will have
dashed on the number line to assist them in placing the fraction on
the line.
Station 1 - Number Line
Differentiation -

Low Group High Group

Station 2 - Ordering
Using ipads students will go on an app called Compare and Order Fractions Game.The game monitors errors
and correct answers along with the time required for arriving at the result. Parents and teachers may then
receive the assessment via email. The progress reports enable teachers to evaluate particular problem
areas for individual students.
Station 3 - Comparing
Using Ipads or Chromebooks students will take an online assessment
using Google Forms to compare fractions.

Students will have access to use manipulatives in order to assist them

in comparing fractions.

Google Forms
Station 4
Students will use the QR
code scanner to get
access to various
games that will help
students practice
equivalent fractions.
Station 5
- Adding
Students will use the QR code
videos that students can use to

help them understand how to
add and subtract fractions.


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